Stein's Gate is the best anime ever
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I've never seen the anime, but man the visual novel made me cry multiple times. That story completely penetrated my heart. It is one of my favorite animes, and I can't wait to read 0 soon.
Nothing to discuss, you're absolutely right.
>I can't wait to read 0
a-user I... Im sorry
still waiting to get my hands on the first manga i tried to buy all the series at once but the first one got out of stock on amazon between my command T-T
i watched the anime without even looking into what it was about
life has never been the same since
Lol I didn't notice that I did that. Sorry about that. what I meant to say is that it is one of my favorite stories.
Steins;Gate is my absolute favourite work of fiction.
It came out the same year I entered uni, it makes me depressed to rewatch it and remember better times.
I want to fuck male Rukako and make her a mother
not even the best in its own genre
That's right
So I bought Chaos:Child. Do I need to have played Chaos;Head?
It's not. Discussion over.
How can that be true when Madoka already is?
It's fuckin wonderful
Not the best anime ever and the VN is much better.
It would be preferable if you did, but it's not explicitly necessary. It adds a ton of context.
Noah when?
Its so fucking boring and bad
That was a really good year for anime
All the Chaos girls are so great. Except Yua, fuck Yua.
Takuru should've at least fucked serika
>Extremely funny and likable protagonist, DESPITE being anime-dumb for the first half
>Three god-tier girls, some would argue more
>A story that crescendos in its grip
>Finally made me understand trap fetish
I still like Fate:Zero more, but fuck, it's a great show.
>three god-tier girls
You are of course referring to Kurisu, Mayuri and Suzuha, right?
The White Fox anime designs are so garbage, wish a competent anime studio actually did it.
Very original tsundere romance. Very important episode stretching to get this over 2 seasons... let me date this trap for a whole episode, this really increases the value of the viewing experience! Completely not full of time travel paradoxes which makes the show very clever. Extremely original plot element (time travel) that hasn't been milked into oblivion before. Very shocking and unpredictable twists - a true masterpiece of a thriller! A completely unique plot and the end is totally not copied from an Ashton Kutcher movie. Absolutely no product placement. Absolutely no pandering to otakus by avoiding (anime) buzzwords and catch phrases.
Steins;Gate is the best anime ever!
Eh nah, it was very good, just not my favourite, for some reason baka to test and it's seasons are my favourite anime of all time.
>A completely unique plot and the end is totally not copied from an Ashton Kutcher movie.
This is dumb because the whole thing is filled with time travel movie references. The plot itself is the time machine.
excuse me this is not cute.
and they're doing it again for 0, i hope maho is at least cute
Is this cute?
It would have been nice if someone like JC Staff or studio feel did it.
No but it is a great anime
I'll never watch the other steins:gate series because I had my fill of the emotional roller coaster
In my mind they lived happily ever after and I want nothing to spoil that
Thought it was copied from the John Titor pre Sup Forums larp fest
>imagine if Sup Forums existed then and john titor shit posted on Sup Forums
0 leads into that happy ending.
>but man the visual novel made me cry multiple times
>I can't wait to read 0 soon
pic unrelated
No, is not. It's a GREAT anime, but not the best. The best anime is Cowboy Bebop.
0 is good and Maho is best girl.
The music for 0 is great though, shame it didn't focus more on post WW3 aspect instead of Mayuri's cosplay friends and Daru's dating life.
They're all god tier. Yes, including her.
Akiha Rumiho is great too.
Kurisu, Suzuha, Maho and Mayuri are all S tier. The rest are A or below.
You are wrong.
I think you'll find that I'm not.
The only one that could conceivably be put at less than top shelf is Lukako, and that's only because Lukako adds the least to the story and has the least redeeming features.
The rest are magnificent and I'll hear nothing against.
That's not Madoka Magica.
>this starts playing
Hearing that kick in during the anime is going to be sick.
One thing that kinda ticked me off about the anime.
Why the fuck would they have revived Hououin Kyouma on the fucking poster? I loved how Okabe was just dead inside on the game's cover.
But yes, Maho is Sup Forums tier waifu material
Post lewd Moeka
If a 7/10 is the best anime ever, then I really need to leave this hobby.
i think we'll be fine
I hate to be the one to bring it up but isn’t this just a downgraded Madoka Magica?
The eyebrows could be a bit longer and thicker and maximum kawaiiness.
You can't just steal Mayuri's traits and pass them around!
Mayuri isn't a loli with a hime cut, and I don't remember Mayuri's eyebrows being Satsuki-sama thick.
Fuck me, why the hell I remembered this meme in yesterdays steins gate thread.
Because it’s in every thread, where it rightfully belongs
Because you'd like to just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.
Don't recognize that UI, is that from one of the VNs that was never officially brought to the west?
True. I love this legal loli.
>when she takes off her hairband
You must be looking forward to all the doujins.
>wish a competent anime studio actually did it
Like what, Ufotable?
They should publish a book of Kurisus shitposts on @channel
What was the name again? Something something phenogram, right? Also, is there an easy-to-find English download somewhere?
Anyone else only looking forward to S;G0 because we'll finally get a significant amount of Maho art?
God damn it...
That, and Kaede art.
I think everyone is.
I just hope that S;G0s anime is at least decent, because if it's a total trainwreck clusterfuck then people will associate Maho with S;G0 being shitty, and everyone will remember her in an unflattering light.
Post lewd Nae
Lets hope there will be some decent ones.
>didn't focus more on post WW3
They never intended to do that in the first place, it's all about the conspiracy on Kurisu's thesis.
Still, I'm surprised that they actually bothered to show the event of the war.
Let's. As much as I enjoy fapping to the existing art, I'd like a lot more of it.
That is the absolute worst case scenario.
> Einstein is shit!
> NO U
That would be fun.
>Wow I an't believe you're this fucking retarded. Did you graduate university? Don't be so mad i'm sure your mommy will pay for tuition again! Maybe this time you wont be a total chuuni sperglord wwww
- Kurisu disagreeing with someone on what's the best ramen flavor.
>Nae route
>got paired with Daru of all people
What an odd pair. Can't wait to see their interaction in DaSH
Doujins when?
You forgot the next page
I want to see her troll conspiracy theorists.
What is this?
>SG is an unexpected success
>They try and repeat that success by giving Robotic Notes 2 cours
>Chaos;Child got 1 cour when its longer than both
Chaos;Child is just as good as, if not better than SG in a lot of places, yet will be doomed to irreverence because it got a shit rushed anime. Thanks Chiyo.
It's actually a miracle that the Steins;Gate anime turned out as good as it did. Chaos;Head flopped hard and when Steins;Gate was announced people where hesitant to check it since people just assumed it'd be shit like C;H. In hindsight it's amazing that it even got two cours.
That was just one of the few times that they learned the right thing from a SciAdv failure.
>by giving Robotic Notes 2 cours
And it flopped.
Robotic;Notes still felt rushed even with two cours, the first half of the show had perfect pacing and then it just kinda shit the bed. At least the childhood friend actually won.
If you liked steins;gate i would recommend reading Version Control by Dexter Palmer. They call it causality violation. goodreads.com
A special about year 2011-2027, SERN continues with human experimentation and forces Makise Kurisu to watch and join them
Was anyone else bothered by how S;G0 would just randomly switch back to the old sprite artstyle at times? They looked really out of place with the new art direction.
Amadeus Kurisu >>> Kurisu
S;G sprites >>> S;G 0 sprites
prove me wrong
you can't
I hated it. It just screams laziness and a lack of care.