When will Deku get a talent that he can show off to everyone?
Boku No Hero Academia
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What song should Deku perform with his own band to one-up his ex-bandmates?
Class 1a girls pregnant.
>Uraraka: terrified the baby will wind up hurt somehow but feels secure as long as deku is by her side.
>Momo: ashamed of herself, but accepting of the consequences. Her parents are angry with her for keeping the pregnancy, but todoroki insists their anger and dissapointment will subside.
>Tsuyu: actually kind of excited to be a mom, even if she is very young. Since she has practice parenting from her younger siblings, when the baby/ies do come. She would probabky be the disciplinarian, in contrast to bakugou being the fun, but overly competetive dad.
>Jirou: a total hormonal, emotional wreck, pissed at denki for not pulling out in time. But constantly requiring cuddles and validation when she feels fat or ugly
>mina: the hormones make her hornier, kirishima is exhausted. Shes also extremely happy mineta is no longer bothering her.
Tooru: she and mashirao decided to use his tail, and some very thin wires to make her clothes move like a pupet so no one would notice
Why are you reposting this?
Because it was disjointed and worse in grammar and spelling in the last threat
>Momo: can't conceive and is reduced into a state of depression
you shippers should be gassed
why is Baku so great bros
>Everyone assumes Deku becomes the #1 hero
>He only said that he became a top/great hero
>Hero ranking is one broken thing about the current hero system
>Implying midway through the series ranking will still matter as the focus shifts to building trust and dependability
>Bakugou x Tsuyu
This one is new for me.
If you dont ship her with birb, its the next best ship for her.
Popularity on the otherhand...
Maybe this one?
Wouldn't Deku be her plan B? At least they interacted.
Is beating up villains not a talent? He’s been the best at that.
>Pairing Deku with a mutant
Its her most popular ship. But imo its kind of really dull
Plus their character designs make me think theyre related
I would go for this
just for the hype
You're my sunshine
Friendly reminder that Midnight will win the Dekubowl.
So how was everyone's day today?
He can’t have her, she’s mine
Deku and Bakugou will be the best heroes as a team.
I believe in their second years they’ll be split up to lead their respective classes and spice up the academia portion of the story with interclass and interteam rivalry
>Wanting the STD biohazard whore
Keep her
>he thinks UA will be open for another year
That’s the only way I’d be ok with splitting the classes. There’s no point in doing it unless some important kids are split up, otherwise it’s just a change of wallpaper.
It was shit. I got up late, was shitposting all day and now I don't feel like sleeping at all.
I will, thank you
>UA! Gentle here!
How does that faggot controversial jewtuber whose name escapes me usually open his videos?
After getting booted from the group.
Deku will finally snap and on the day of thr festival he will dance to let out all his pent, sorrows, anger and stress in the most angriest footloose dance you have ever seen.
He will get a standing ovation and learn that true dance is about expressing yourself.
What's up logangsters
You'll fall asleep soon user, your body will make sure of that. You should go to bed, and try to drink something soothing, that way you'll have some good dreams and a pleasant rest
So, with 25 episodes confirmed, what arcs will the season cover? Can't draw out how it would end from a satisfying point of view.
Tell me anons, Eri is for ____________
Meat burgers.
End with baku vs Deku
Her hero
Why didn't Deku just go villain?
>obsessive gf
>video games with Shiggy and Spinner
>best uncle Kurogiri
>edgy Todoroki
>no Aizawa to scold him constantly
>and he gets to meet his dad
He would have a lot more fun.
Why is Reddit so autistic?
If I had to guess, we’ll be ending the season here
holy shit senpai, that's my post
Does anyone realize how strong Deku is?
How does sugarman feel about their quirks?
Why don’t you go ask them?
Everybody already knew reddit is autistic. You are just shitposting at this point.
>jump up and down screaming
Explain why you're autistic
Give my boy Mirio his quirk back dammit
He probably feels sleepy
Remember when some people speculated that he was Shinsou?
And they were morons, it least it won’t happen with anime since we’ll see his hair color
How would you make him useful?
Remove his fat lips.
He should have had Amajiki’s quirk
Rename him Candyman and make him a villain.
I like him being a background character. Not everyone needs to be explained. It's dekus story, not everyone's. It's adds an air of mystery and depth having him do his own thing within the class, with a quirk no one really talks about. He's just a guy tryna be a hero. He's got his own reasons and goals. It should stay like that, but it won't.
I’ve realized the world is leaving me behind and now I’m contemplating if I should have died in that car accident then maybe people wouldn’t have to deal with the troubles I bring.
I want to read Baku no 1 Hero Academia
Sounds like a shitty fujo fanfic.
It's not Deku's story. It's superhero story.
His quirk doesn't make him power up when he eats sugar.
It makes it so any sugar he touches becomes a drug that multiplies the physical capabilities, including quirks, of whoever eats 10 grams of it by 5 for 3 minutes. It still looks and tastes like sugar.
That way he goes from being a shitty combat hero to a great support hero.
No, that's Baku no Pico.
As if regular manga any better
I love you user
He is Saitama's great grand father
so like the main story?
I don’t know. I’m assuming Hori will give him something to do eventually and I’m not looking forward to it.
is that ino?
I have feeling something will happen soon.
I feel like Hori made the Yakuza atc so.that the anime can make 1 full season of it.
Considering the next season will start off with autistic 4's remedials, I have a feeling something will happen that kicks shit into gear.
I like the SoL stuff, but I am not sure an entire season of SoL would work.
Am I overthinking things and counting Hori's chickens before they hatch or do you guys think this could be true?
I didn't mean to make him relevant. Just make him useful. As far as powers go, he's just an objectively worse Deku.
At least the other weak characters have a niche that can't be filled by anyone else. Satou just punches good, but not as good as Deku.
>taking ridiculous amounts of abuse
>not a talent
Get a ding dong diddly clue
when the fuck will hori give todoroki's mom a name that's all i fucking ask from this shit series
This is the calm before the storm. There was no way we were going from the Yakuza stuff into another serious villain arc right away.
Move him to the support dept.
>the room tour is getting animated
All Might shouldn't have fight AFO that early.
I can't wait for Hori to sideline all of the important characters and make Sugarman the main character of a 150 chapter long arc that'll be seen as the high point of the series in retrospect.
The SoL arc is going to last for a few chapters, but yes we've reached the end of the first big story arc so shit is bound to hit the fan.
remember when deku was cool?
umm never?
I actually thought that was a good choice. How much longer do you think he should have waited?
>beta faggot
What if in the next chapter Deku just releases a massive SMASHU in Mina's face, killing her forever.
Since he can train his max multiplier and max time, he can probably approach AM levels or maybe even surpass it in a very short burst, but even then he will still be very low profile. Even character like Kirishima has a distinct look when he uses his super move. He will just be able to punch harder.
But I agree with , he can and should stay as a background character
This Sup Forums faggotry needs to go
around 220-230 chapters assumung this will be 500 chapters long manga
We are like exactly 10 chapters into the SoL stuff.
Considering the animes pacing we are like 5 episodes into season 5.
How much longer do you think the SoL stuff will last if we consider the anime.
Will gentle be a bigger threat than we expected or will the cultural festival somehow segway into the next action arc?
If we consider season 5 to be a thing there must be some climax coming in the next 30 chapters to end the season with right?
I like Mina but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to tolerate for the benefit of villain Deku.
No, him crying is not an issue, and it doesn't occur as frequently as this board thinks it does.
The main problem is that he's boring and his supporting cast outshines him every arc.
>muh manlet self insert MC
That’s stupid. His fall was the catalyst to all the villain uprising happening in yakuza and this arc.
t. Bakufujo
I don't see it going on for more than another 8 chapters.
That’s too long, All Might and AfO needs to “die” so we can start a new age of heroes and villains.
Isn't she beautiful?
Maybe Shiggy is going to heel-turn and steal AfO's quirk.