ITT: 10/10 confession scenes

ITT: 10/10 confession scenes.

Other urls found in this thread:

They are both straight girls.

Straight girls only love straight girls indeed.

Girls can't love girls.


Except they end up with dudes.

Greatest love story ever told.


Yuri is the purest form of romance.

>posting /u/ shit
This is surely going to be a quality thread


Girls can't love boys.


were straight girls.

queerbaiting should be illegal

Wrong one.

I personally like marriage proposals




That's not selfcest

>tfw we will never get another Kyonko doujin from him


>tfw we're never getting an official Kyonko spin-off


Wow, I forgot the irrelevant boy's name.


Yeah. Sure.





This wasn't a confession, KyoAni copped out later.

t. Hitomi


They're both siblings btw




Did the artist die or something?

Not “really” a confesion but it absolutley fucking was, only boys in anime are always too fucking retarded to realise. Sappy, but best girl broke my heart in my lie in April. Pic related.

This. Love has more dimensions than one. I must say that I'm offended seeing all these people saying that my wife is some sort of a fag

It was very bittersweet.

Remember how this went fucking nowhere and one of these characters was literally forgotten halfway. sasuga kyoani

no contest




Go back to your containment board

I'm ending the thread right here.

Datte kore wa ai no kokuhaku dakara...

>No G Gundam
Shit taste

Who here /canon/?



Welp it's been posted. Time to see the /u/fag butthurt

>Childhood friend got together

came to post this



>You changed my world
>Every second of every day was different because of you
>Thank you for your smiles
>Thank you for talking to me
>Thank you for your kindness
>Thank you for telling me your hidden feelings
>I like you


That's the good stuff. Read the LN.

Best one I've seen in a while.

Me x Eternal loneliness
when I realized no girl will ever like me.

this was fucking awful



I should resume reading this.

>diabetes winning
>coffee loosing

Men of taste.

Yeah, best girl won.

I can't eat sweet things without coffee so this made me especially salty.


These two were cute and im glad they got together in the end.