So you're telling me, the equivalent of a human soul is your superpowers? Wow, he sacrificed "so much" for his brother back. Also the whole Roy curing his blindness thing is bullshit too.
So you're telling me, the equivalent of a human soul is your superpowers? Wow...
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It was just a trick answer no one had guessed before. And it amused God enough to work.
Trading the door for his brother back was him admitting that alchemy isn't a superpower and that he was still human. The ending goes out of its way with that "greater than equivalent exchange feelings" shit to demonstrate that. It's like you missed the entire point of the narrative.
The Mustang blindness thing might be a bit of a copout, but you could rationalize it away with the fact that the gate was opened against his will.
I never got over the fact that even with access to transmutation without a circle, Edward's go to move was to make his arm sharp and run at people. For having such a strong power he certainly didn't do anything cool with it.from what I remember
Man, the first anime did this so much better. Ed starts off as an edgy atheist spouting ideological state propaganda about how you can have a perfect life due to equivalent exchange. By the end, he has to accept the world is imperfect and that nothing ends up how we want it. So Ed's arc ends as he starts believing in higher principles no matter the outcome.
It wasn't a trade, it was Ed acknowledging that alchemy was not the end all be all of his existence and his hubris up until that point.
>03 fags still mad 15 years later
Your fanfiction isn't as good as you think it is.
03 will ALWAYS be the superior version, you like it or not user.
>the world is imperfect and you end up getting a Bones original ending full of rape, netorare, dead babies, edge, and Hitler after Bones threw out every single theme and plot point from the first half
Sums up 2003 pretty well.
I know you're trying to exaggerate to be funny, but you went so far that your post is borderline incoherent.
Exaggerate? That's exactly what happens.
>tfw it's hard to shitpost about 03 because you never actually finished it because it was so bad
Imagine being this dense.
Considering 2003 fags are refusing to acknowledge the ending of 2003 you're putting on a perfect display of black hole density.
But the ending was already talked about here And it's telling how good it is because all posts afterwards were Brotherhood shitposts because it towers over anything Brotherhood fans can respond with.
Edward giving up the gate is giving up his special connection to god that only a few have. Its a fair exchange.
Plus roy using the stone to get his eyes back was just closing plot holes. Mustang isnt the elric brothers, he knew the stone would be used any way and there is no way bringing people from the stone back again, so he uses it for the forces of good.
Did they ever say in detail why the homonculus didn’t just force random people to open their gates? I remember that it apparently carries some risk but I don’t think they ever elaborated. It seems a bit of a cheat for them to just force Mustang at the last second with no consequences.
I don't remember any netorare, but the rest of what he said still happened.
>if I don't mention the actual content and just summarize the themes in as vague a manner as possible it's fantastic
To be honest, the 03 did drama very well, but it fell apart in the end, but still left that sad drama.
Brother hood had to skip all the good drama tp bring ypu back to the manga. Sure brotherhood made the philosopher stone less taboo, but it still worked.
They already had the soul, Ed traded his Alchemy for Al's emaciated body
Well that's what this whole thread is about, starting with the OP. And these themes do matter more than singular scenes, though the dancing scene is immensely powerful imo and I loved the whole London and gate thing.
>themes matter more than singular scenes
Because the terminator never happens.
There's no rape of Rose
The entire world wasn't made by two angsting edgelords from a secret cult using the dead of our world because MUH MORTALITY and MUH BABY
The series doesn't end in Nazi Germany
You can make literally anything sound good if you ignore what actually happens.
I don't see how it fell apart. It ended perfectly. In line with character motivations, Edward found all answers he looked for, even more, his arrogant mantra of equivalent exchange got smacked down and both he and his brother learned to live with limitations and moved on from their mother's death.
Something something crumbling bodies. What I want to know more is the reason why they thought Mustang would be likely to do it on his own, since he's obviously against it and even saw what it did to the Elric brothers. Father afterward did mention that having Mustang be forced into it and nerfed was convenient for them since he would have been very dangerous otherwise. Not all of the story is iron tight but it holds up very well compared to other shonen.
Terminator was bad, but it's a minor thing, really. It shows up for less than ten minutes in total and doesn't impact any of the themes.
I fail to see what's wrong with rape. The "edgelord immortals" is a patrician theme. Our world twist was great, suck me faggot.
I also like the idea of it. But come on, the second half of the show was full of fanfic level nonsense, a good concept of an ending isn't goint to erase that.
>second half of the show was full of fanfic level nonsense
Not seeing it.
>edgelord immortals
>patrician theme
What garbage tastes you have. No wonder you liked Nazi Germany showing up.
>not watching 03
it was your own fault
You do realize that Gilgamesh, from the oldest and one of the most esteemed literary works in the world, was an edgelord going mad because he feared mortality? That kind of a story cuts deep, right into what it means to be human. I can't fathom what kind of a being can disregard it.
>Not watching 2003 until it split from the manga then switching to brotherhood
Made a thread back then explaining how 03 was the superior version
Literally NO Bh fag answered cause they couldn't argue against the arguments
Now they troll again
>Envy was Ed's brother all along
>The whole Sloth thing
>Lust is actually Scar's girlfriend, what a coincidence!
>A fucking cyborg
>Hitler when we've already had a character inspired by Hitler
Yeah, not seeing at all.
I didn't feel for him because I don't like his character. He was an aloof asshole in both versions. In the first one he basically decided to give up and in Brotherhood he... made friends with everyone he killed? Not feeling it.
If Bradley an heroed in the FMA world and woke up in our world, would he wake up as Hitler? Would the entire 03 anime have been better if it dropped everything and turned into a ww2 story halfway through?
That's not a fanfiction thing. It's a difference in narrative approach. Brotherhood had a big cast of characters from all over the world doing their things, the stories intersecting at points. 2003 had family struggles occasionally touching the outside world. Both are valid concepts for the story. Your complaint is basically "I expected X but got Y instead".
Lust's case is explained and is the source of scar's power
Literally no coincidence
Everything in the first FMA can be boiled down to two sources.
>Hoenheim leaving behind kids with too much talent and knowledge
>Dante training Izumi to be too powerful and sending homonucli to commit genocide
It's actually very tight writing and a compliment.
How come broho fans don't form any actual arguments and resort to shitposting instead?
Are you false flagging? No need to do so, user. Thread speaks for itself, this will only make the shitposting worse.
Same reason asukafags just shitpost about reifags. The arguments have all been made countless times for years and it's clear who the winner is.
Both Rei and Asuka are shit and ruined anime for over a decade?
But the 00s were great ignoring the shaky digital transition with 480p native releases. The 2010s have been far worse. How much more off topic do you want to go?
Yeah, loads of great anime in the 00s, but there'd be much more if half the mediocre and bad anime weren't so precisely because they tried to have not-Rei and not-Asuka in the main cast.
The only argument brohofag have is "it follows the manga" shut it
Manga > 03 > BH
Seen and read all of them, only people saying BH is better just never watched 03
It's better in real / writing / backgrounds / OST / artistic direction / CD / Homonculi
Even the end of BH isn't ANY better
>Muh generic shonen ending everybody lives happily
Your skill at alchemy seems to determine how much of your body you lose. Ed as a kid was skilled enough to just lose a leg, Al lost his entire body. I figure the cost is relative to skill because of what you gain from opening the gate, everyone comes out more skilled with alchemy, but up to a similar level. Anyone who's been through the gate can figure out what Ed did to bind Al's soul to the armor, because that's part of the package, but the further you are away from that level of understanding, the more of your body you have to give up to gain that knowledge/skill. So if you forced random people through the gate, all you're going to do is destroy their bodies and gain nothing, even relatively skilled alchemists will be broken down to nothing.
FMAB clearly and concisely states repeatedly that the body parts you lose are ironic punishments for why a lowly human would think he could cheat god with mere alchemy, and the amount of body you lose is proportional to how long you spend in the gate and how deep you go. Their skill as an alchemist has nothing to do with it. Izumi is arguably the best alchemist in the entire show that doesn't rely on some kind of gimmick and you can't even see what she lost.
The reason Pride was damaged from forcing Mustang to use the gate has nothing to do with any of that either. It was just some unexplained homunculus mumbo jumbo that could be a billion different reasons that the writer never cared to elaborate on.
Unironically, Hitler > Brotherhood,
every time.
Asuka won though.
Well alchemy is the science of god, using his own game against god is what makes those penalties, but at the same time they gain that extra gate knowledge at the same time since what they wanted didnt happened as a result. Ignorantly Sacrificing what they think is the appropriate amount they find that the failure of it is exchanged for knowledge of the truth. They dont go away completely empty handed.
Magical nazis
>Manga > 03 > BH
>Muh generic shonen ending everybody lives happily
These are contradictory statements user. If you have a problem with Brotherhood's ending, you would have the same problem with the Manga's.
Especially since your reductive statement is hurrdurr shonen bullshit, I assume your problem is with what actually transpires, not the actual execution. And in that case, the two are pretty much identical.
I was just saying that the end of Bh and manga weren't any better than 03's ending.
And i'm not like you shitting on 03 as a whole just because of its ending.
>ended perfectly
>main villain is some jilted ex lover of their dad
>end up getting stuck in real Nazi Germany for some reason
That's not me user. Don't project.
I enjoyed 03, and actually liked it better as a kid, but now, I disliked where it story went as a whole. The direction it took. I especially disliked how it's riddled with empty philosophical sophistry that riddles anime, manga, games, Japanese pop media in general. You deride the Manga for being "shonen"(as if it was a negative in the first place), yet 03 drowns itself in the same empty musings that a lot of media for the same demographics loves to revel itself in, in an attempt to delve deep, but in the end, only presents the questions, and revels in how smart it is that it's able to ask in the first place, without any real desire to actually explore what it's raving about.
Hell, even if I don't like where it took the stories, settings, mechanics, themes, and characters, I can admit that it was a better directed show.
Roy used a philosophers stone to heal himself. We knew from when Ed and Al discovered the ingredients to a stone that it was a way to replace what they had lost. Roy just didn't have the same scruples about using such a stone.
Why doesn't everyone get Roy's Gloves?
It's alchemie and not magic right? So there should be no power only he has. The only time they used actual alchemie stuff was in EP 1, then they swapped it out for random magic
>ended perfectly
>main villain is a woman who fell for a demon promising her everlasting happiness before abandoning her, which turned her into a borderline-yandere who psychotically made the world pay for her bitterness after she withdrew from it
>end up getting stuck on the other side of the gate without some things that are dear to you because life ain't perfect
Yeah, ended perfectly. Dante is a deep character and the bittersweet ending fits great.
Just to add to this, I was goign to argue but realized that, yeah, Al actually is better at Alchemy then Ed.
Ed makes small fast things to attack with but Al's the one who does some crazy shit like the dragon.
It sorta even works out that he's the one who keeps his powers as well.
I'm pretty sure that part of alchemy is knowing how it works. Not just drawing a circle. It's about the state of mind and your understand how matter breaks apart and reforms. Which is why there are not alchemists in the world. If alchemy was as simple as drawing the right circle they could just mass produce them.
That said, only Roy knew about flame alchemy, or at least his specific kind of it, so only he could use those gloves.
The only things Brotherhood does better is Hughes's death and Scar
Teleporting to Nazi Germany in the final episode was laughably dumb
Scar's brother creating the circle needed to fight EL GRANDE PADRE is bullshit and you know it.
I mean, that was foreshadowed 100s of chapters in advance. And even Hughes figured out that country was being used as a transmutation circle while he wasn't even an alchemist.
Why is it so far fetched that Scar's brother could also figure it out?
I know it was foreshadowed, but that doesn't make it less >what a coincidence!
Also, Hughes figured out about the gigant transmutation circle because he was a military guy with info about old and recent conflicts while Scar's brother was just a sandnigger
Scar's brother learned all about the circle he needed to build by studying Alkahestry which was developed by Hoenmeim centuries ago. He was also studying alchemy which as well.
Also because it just takes some basic knowledge to at least realize that someone is building a giant circle around the country when you put it on a map. and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what it could be used for.
what a coincidence!
How can a few million souls be enough to contain God, who is the equivalent of all existence? That's not equivalent exchange at all. You would need to obtain all that exists in the universe, both material and immaterial (since souls also have power), and convert it into energy. Then you MIGHT have enough.
Assuming we're talking about something like the Abrahamic God.
Isn't like Father's plan was flawed since conception tho. Pride after fall metaphor.
Literally Ed talking about being a punny human.
>be scholar
>Study alchemy
>also starts studying a well known chinese form of alchemy because you don't live in !germany where that stuff is basically unknown
>realizes his country is being used as a point on a nation wide circle when you study the history of !germany
>realize that some guy 400 years ago had a contingency for this kind of thing already and basically crib his notes
All stories are driven by coincidence but it's when you set it up right that it works. Scar's brother didn't solve the problem, Hoenheim started solving it centuries ago
Because god isn't God in this series.
God is just a being with knowledge of literally everything about alchemy.
It's not like the Ishvalan's didn't have access tot he news or maps. There's no reason he couldn't have figured that out.
And this "coincidence" is on the same tier as "someone threw a punch and someone else dodged it, what a tweest!". It's just a pretty obvious logical conclusion.
No, the coincidence part is he being Scar's brother, just like 2003 Lust being Scar's lover
That's the entire point, of my early post.
If someone says 2003 Lust is bullshit, Scar's brother is bullshit too.
Is it a coincidence that Hoenheim is Ed and Al's father?
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.
Main character being a son of a Chad Thundercock king prince emperor demon top star idol cientific Pokémon master is a japanese staple.
>If someone says 2003 Lust is bullshit, Scar's brother is bullshit too.
Lust being Scar's brother's lover is bullshit because at that point the anime was making itself clear that outside of the Dante angle, the writers were cannibalizing every single previous aspect of the show and tying them together because that was the extent of their imagination.
I'll say it again, stories are built on things being connected in ways that appear to be coincidence. Like the main duo's father is a centuries old scholar who is directly tied to the thing that started this whole mess. How about Winry's parents being killed by scar? Or Ed meeting a woman who is both an alchemist but also a badass martial artist. Or being sent to Briggs which is conveniently where a higher ranking military official with their eyes set on the presidency resides?
If you write a "coincidence" bad people complain. If you do it well you call it good writing.
What a coincidence!
It's called writing a tight and personal story. Better than introducing useless side characters like the Chinese bunch that add nothing except hog screentime. For what purpose? The vast cast of Brotherhood is unnecessary padding.
>The vast cast of Brotherhood is unnecessary padding.
You can like 03 just fine, but I'm not going to pretend that I think it had a well written second half. Manga/Brotherhood had a cast and did good things with them and everyone mattered even that mustached guy from the first chapter. Not many manga can make that claim.
>a developmental disorder characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior
2003's second half > first half
>Please don't talk bad about muh favorite animu, haha you must be autistic hahaha
One coincidence brings drama.
Two coincidences is just bad luck.
A story build on coincidences is bullshit.
>Also the whole Roy curing his blindness thing is bullshit too.
There was never anything stopping people from getting their lost organs back with human alchemy. Hell, the whole premise was Ed and Al trying to get their bodies back / build new bodies. It's just nobody wanted to sacrifice humans for that. Turns out, if you use a Philosopher's Stone that burns human sacrifices for replacement eyeballs, you can get replacement eyeballs.
It is unnerving not because it's bullshit but because it feels like emotional whiplash because everybody in the story up to now has said that using stones for personal gain was wrong. But Fuhrer Mustang is the type of person who wouldn't say no to it, especially when he didn't want to open the gate in the first place.
No, you're called autistic because you're being very repetitive and only make short posts failing to explain your stance which is you failing to communicate, thus are autistic.
I mean, you're even failing to take in simple information here, such as how your behavior matches the symptoms of autism.
>One coincidence brings drama.
Hoenheim is Ed and Al's father
>Two coincidences is just bad luck.
Winry's parents were killed by Scar
>A story build on coincidences is bullshit.
do it right and you get a great story.
Ok bro, enjoy your soy.
2bad this isn't a great story
>2bad this isn't a great story
please then, tell me what this is?
We are talking about 2003 right? I'm kinda autistic :^)
I mean look, you literally can't make a post longer than a few words.
Why should anyone think you're not autistic?
Because I literally made longer posts but you didn't read them because they were to long your you autistic mind
He's calling it a fanfic because it is a story which diverges from the original story, and is full of bad writing. Like a fanfic.
No, you actually didn't. What's more, the longer the keep talking the more obvious it is you actually are genuinely autistic.
Now you're failing to read social cues so badly you think you've been talking to only one person this whole time.
t. too dumb to grasp Brotherhood on a thematic level
How can anyone think that the chinese bunch added nothing?
I think this proves once and for all that 2003niggers are legitimately fucking retarded.
>Anything I don't like is autistic
>Anyone with a diferent viewpoint than mine is autistic
Not knowing when you're being baited makes you the real autist tho
>It is unnerving not because it's bullshit but because it feels like emotional whiplash because everybody in the story up to now has said that using stones for personal gain was wrong.
I mean Hoenheim didn't. And part of roy's character is internalizing the responsibility of an alchemist and their duty. Roy using the Philosophers stone is fine because he's a guy who has already dirtied his hands with alchemy and is willing to take responsibility for his actions. To him, the stone is already made and instead of destroying it or shoving it into some archive, he could instead use it to further the country.
>gets told repeatedly why his behavior is autistic
>has the literal symptoms of the disorder explained to him
>still thinks it's about "like" and "dislike"
See, this is why it's obvious you're autistic.
Anyway, seeing as how you're such a newshit you can't figure out how to format green text correctly, I'll just let you have the last word. Because not only are you not worth the time, your pathetically fragile ego clearly needs the "win".
>repeat the literal symptoms of the disorder
>repetitive behavior is a symptom of the disorder
I have bad news for you.
>muh Sup Forums etiquette of greentexting
You're both autistic so either stop bumping the thread or get a room.
The arguments that some guys told actually made me change my mind about Scar's brother but shitposting is too much fun when someone can't stop being baited, sorry sister, never again