Darling in the franxx ep 8

Death flag for 02

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Is it so hard to understand the Jian bird symbolism? If she dies, then Hiro dies too

She's not going to die.

With this, I'm fucking off. See you next week, folks. Try not to kill each other.

I hope!

Official Darling in the Franxx theme song.
Because its NTR.

If not directly in the same scenario where she dies, then he'll just come back to his room, crawl into bed and die from loneliness like some animals are known to when they lose their mate.

I still hope that both of them survive and live happily together. i just want an happy ending, am i asking too much?

...until the very end. The deep sadness surrounding Jian bird narration in Ep1 means this will all end in tears.

I am hoping for that, too. But I don't want to get my hopes up for something as ideal because I would just be setting myself up to be heavily disappointed. I don't want to be caught off-guard.

But when it comes to ranking possible options, it's:

1. They live happily together, no tragedy
2. They both die together as per the Jian bird symbolism
400000. One of them dies, the other enters a depression arc but eventually step over it and finds a new partner.

I hope I made it clear enough how much I would despise the last option.

Too smug to die.

Or maybe too smug to live?

You like setting yourself up for disappointment, huh?

>I hope I made it clear enough how much I would despise the last option.
Unless they introduce a new female character (they won't kill Hiro, will they?) i can't see how he can end up with Ichigo

It will be Nia all over again. I won't be able to take it. You know they will be building it up for a bittersweet ending.

I just said the opposite. That's why I'm not gonna hope for a happy ending. Best I can ask for is that they follow the Jian bird symbolism until the end and kill the both of them off.

>It will be Nia all over again.
They better fucking not.

Me too. I'm feeling the same kind of excitement last felt with Gurren Lagann.

Though I can't quite pinpoint why. I don't even like a big part of the cast. Or rather, I feel apathetic. I just like Hiro and 02 a lot, think Goro is cool, think Ichigo is okay if she just gets over Hiro, am apathetic about Futoshi, tentatively think Zorome is okay, dislike the Milkman and dislike the dyke. Think Kokoro is okay, but lean mostly towards apathetic, and think Miku is okay.

>Director created Nia

Both this scene and the OP hint at Hiro saving her from certain death, actually.

If they actually fucking let Ichigo rebound with Hiro after 02 dies I swear to God I will carpet bomb A-1.

Nah, that won't happen. If Hiro doesn't die or save 02, he'll live his life as a one winged Jian.

This so much.

Fuck that entire notion.

She will die, yep

if only

At last, at long last.

It's my first time being called an Ichigofag, but I see where you're coming from.

The deep sadness is because at that point she was a Jian without her mate.

Onis cannot be trusted

I would rather trust an Oni than a Strawberry.

Strawberries do taste better.

Just wait until Hiro is the one who licks 02 for once.

I'm just glad Dr. Franxx seems to be back permanently. Even if he's just a side character, he was completely absent in episodes 2-5.

Nia was handled like shit but that ending was at the very least thematically fitting to Simon's desire to not overuse the spiral power.
In case of Franxx either both of them will die or both of them will survive. Maybe with some bittersweet Eureka Seven like ending where they are together but other characters don't know their whereabouts or whether or not they will return.

Yeah...she's dead, Hiroyuki Imaishi tem um fetiche em matar MC girl

I'd be okay with them both surviving and running off, like 02 has implied several times she wanted to do with Hiro.