Shingeki no Kyojin

Spoilers soon. Is there more suffering for Reiner?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sweet release of death soon.


Best Annie

What if he man up and come back? I think AT will appear

This was created earlier

This has more answers and a better OP

Boo fucking hoo

>1 reply
Yeah nah.

/got/ used to refer to those as bastard threads. Made before the fucking bump limit you massive faggot.

Spoilers any moment now

I'll take this one here.

Annie will be back I can feel it!

>waaaaah no one is coming to my thread


More like Armin. We'll be seeing Annie next chapter for the start of the new volume.

What a fucking pathetic loser

Eren and Connie look like they could be total bros

Probably not until the koreans start moving. At this point it's just staying up out of habit.

Whew, just got home. I'm sad spoilers have yet to come out but am very pleased by how nice the last thread was--I just read threw it and now have a bunch of new images to use! the best thing I have heard all day.

Don't sorry user if spoilers are out today threads will get full faster

No thank you.

Annie will be back too
Last page is her dramatic re-entry
Mark my fucking words

>am very pleased by how nice the last thread was
It was full of faggotory

Connie will bridge the EAr gap. Reunite the star crossed lovers...Yes, he will~!

Armin a cute.

We got them this time last month though, didn't we? I'm up for a few more hours anyway.

Those fingers are huge, notice how the hands glow

Last thread was absolute trash

Where spoiler?

Their voice actors are gays.

Yes, we heard you the first few times. Please go back to your bastard thread and sit in anger over there while everyone else has fun.

I think he was primarily happy with the images going around.

>Isayama is a garbage-tier artist
In other news water is wet

Am I gays?

>My boyfriend keeps holding hands with his best friend but he won't even touch me. What does he mean by this? Are my hands too sweaty or something?

Okay. That's fine, but I'm not sure why you think your opinion is relevant when I didn't ask for it? And I'm pretty sure you just replied twice to me, was it a mistake?


I hope he's voiced by Ono Kenshou.

Why is he sweating in the bed?

No user, there's more than one person who dislikes faggotory threads, shocking huh?

Ono Kensho did Phichit from YOI! I'm not sure how I'd feel about that but it's not a bad match. Can he do a less excitable voice and something more wispy and mutable?

Because sweating outside the bed wouldn't make the sheets wet

He's usually quiet and stoic characters. Kuroko Tetsuya and Nanase Riku are a couple of other roles he's done. He's also the Japanese dub VA for Harry Potter, so make of that what you will. Phichit's the odd one out.

On the note of VAs I only watched the second season in the last few days. Yuki Kaji did a really good job with Eren's hysteric laughter in 50

Well that's fine. But it was said enough so you really shouldn't be repeating it again. If you really are that bothered that you feel compelled to reiterate your distaste for other people having some fun (a rarity in these threads), then may I suggest closing the tab?

>Armongfag likes trash threads
Why am I not surprised?

He's a perfect Eren.

Oh!! I didn't know that. I don't know either of those characters but now I'm interested to see what he sounds like playing as them, so I'll look it up. Uri, user.

Sweet Jesus that thing is horrifying

>But it was said enough so you really shouldn't be repeating it again
This is actually the first time I'm saying it, why are you so paranoid?
There are good threads and there are trash threads, and all of the previous ones were trash, you don't have to be upset when people call trash "trash"

You should probably drop the argument from the last thread like everyone else did. It never leads to anything fruitful.

Kuroko's his first major role, I believe, and IIRC it's pretty close to how he sounds IRL. He's soft-spoken in a way that I can see Uri being, and he also has a warmer side to his voice.

The closest role of his to a voice for Uri that I know of is Nayuki Tooru, but nobody watched Starmyu.

>then may I suggest closing the tab?
Literally a ledditor respond

I didn't mean by you, I meant by others. No paranoia here! But your opinion is subjective, and you seem to be in the minority. I think it was nice though I didn't post in it. I read it on the way home.

Starmyu...that's the name of a Pokemon, right?


>that's the name of a Pokemon, right?
Staryu, but close enough. It's a shitty musical anime about high school musicals. It's pretty bad but I enjoyed it.

Urifag, who do you want to voice Uri?

>getting this triggered that no-one migrated to your shitty thread made well before bump limit


Aha, sorry, it's been a while since I played Pokemon. That sounds kind of interesting to me. I looked up other roles he's played and it seems he also played Tanaka-kun, which is a good voice for Uri! Nice choice user!

I was praying for Miyu Irino to voice Uri, but that user has turned me on to the idea of Kensho-san quite a bit.

>Irino Miyu
Actually, he'd work too. I think I'd be okay with either him or Kenshou. Still have no clue for Kenny, I've been trying to think of someone but nobody comes to mind. Maybe Suwabe.


Unlike the shampoo by the same name, Suave-san is actually very good. I'm not sure how well he'd be able to pull off Kenny, but I believe in his skills.

>I think it was nice though I didn't post in it
Neither did I, I just a knowledge trash threads as being trash

Spoilers when?

The Aries' piece of the calendar is my favorite.

i will never not be terrified by this image

Where are the spoilers you cucks?

He isn't as bad as the manlet

That made me curious and look up if I shared my birthday with anyone, and I share it with Porko. Interesting.

He's going to suffer a lot more.

I'm not entirely sold on it either, but I saw someone mention it in a thread a little bit ago and it could work.

>tfw share mine with Dimo

spoilers aren't soon it's just a bait to enter the thread

Korean spoilers were this time last month

I watched this video and now I agree completely, he could be an excellent Kenny!

What's wrong with Dimo?

I like this outfit more than the regular and new outfits 2bh

They'll drop all at once now without prior warning because that's how Yonkou has chosen to do things.

Dimo is our guy and Levi's father

Same, which is ironic, because he killed my husbando.

...Wait, who did Porko kill? And yay, we're birthday twins!

Nice, now I'm all for it. Suwabe and Ono Kenshou have acted together in things before so they'd make a good Kenny and Uri.

Give me spoilers or you die

I remember of the outfits from the mobile game the blue uniforms were weirdly popular.

Some literal who, I think her name was Ymir

Don't spoilers usually get released in the 7th of the month? If my memory serves me well, the spoilers were leaked a little later in March last year, but i'm not sure if i'm correct.

Joke's on you, I'm already dead (inside)

oh god, those eyes

Usually the 6th at night is when we get spoilers unless it's on the 4th, but the 4th was a Sunday this year. BSM cover is out so that means we should be getting spoilers tonight.

Last month koreans released the chapter and Yonkou conveniently had a full translated and typeset chapter handy.

You are right, but these cancerous fags just want to have a garbage-tier general to play in

>this year
This month. There have also been very vague Japanese text spoilers already and those usually come out a few hours before images.

The cover is out. It isn't "spoilers soon" for no reason. Stop whinging.

Indeed! I wouldn't be angry if it was Miyu Irino though, but Kensho Ono is a good choice too! His voice matches what I imagined Uri's to sound like quite well.

Oh. Right. Sorry for your loss.


>Yonkou releases the chapter translated when koreans leak the chapter
That guy must be too lonely

Cover where?

Wow, that's gorgeous.

Shame there aren't high res pics

>Sorry for your loss.
That was obviously not me and someone who doesn't like her. Thanks though.

We're getting more info about S3 too.