Is there a bigger pleb filter in all of anime?
Is there a bigger pleb filter in all of anime?
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Yeah. Practically every single 70s anime outside of Lupin the Third.
The only way I can watch some of those shows is with the volume off. Sound mastering back in the day was BAD.
>pleb filter
>in an entertainment medium
Just how disillusioned can one be?
takarajima, remi, ace wo narae, conan look better than 95% of all 80s and 90s shows. i might hate rov but its the same with that show. and they arent hard to grasp, or narratively complex either. how are any of them pleb filters?
intellectual anime thread? Monster comes to mind
texhnolyze is the crow of anime
its a shitty series and only goths and closet goths like it, ergo only fags like it
texhnolyze is the Dark Souls of anime
since dark souls is the pleb and mainstream version of demons souls (which was a vastly superior game), whats the demons souls equivalent here?
I watched this when it came out and it went downhill by the end of episode fucking 1. It's the case of "I wanna get an audience" and "I wanna be thoughtful" but accomplishing neither. It honestly felt like it wanted to be The Matrix on the positioning of humanity and how technology shaped people but can't even get THAT reference right. Newsflash: you want a compelling argument? You need actual people with fucking backgrounds in techno-philosophy to put their two fucking cents in instead of having some weird pseudobabble and trying to get people to follow it. It's a show that decided "enough" was when the glass was only 1 quarter full.
Screw you for saying that this is a "pleb filter" at all. That it tried to be intellectual and crash-and-burned by episode bloody 2 puts it squarely in the "You Tried" category. "Pleb filter" my ass. OSAMU TEZUKA had better "pleb filters" in subjectivity and you bring this shit up as one? What are you trying to do? Trying to be special? Put a fucking name instead of going by "Anonymous" it's fucking cheaper on the fingers.
Saying ergo instead of therefore makes you a b8gger faggot than any Texhnolyze fan.
>Demon's souls
A good joke, if anything.
what is the pleb filter of manga?
funnily enough you're the one who's coming off as pseudointellectual by going into a show immediately trying to prove how dumb this apparently "intellectual anime" is instead of just enjoying it for what it is. You're the kind of person who thinks criticizing things makes you smart. embarassing post
Fuck you.
The OP literally points out with an arrogance that this is somehow a "bar of entry". I was 15 when this came out and arrived in my DVD, 19 when I re-watched it and as an adult? It's nothing special. I'm God-damn tired of you fucking children just bringing out obscure early-00s anime just because of the fucking off-chance that some kid who was barely into his kindergarten shorts or enduring his step-daddy's beatings wouldn't know a thing and suddenly worship it. Its characters are forgettable; the technobabble is half-assed and lacks any real in-depth research; the plot doesn't know whether it wants to take sides when it SHOULD be (and this is going back to its background of Sci-Fi arguments) trying to dissect its own hypothesis. Exploratory science-fiction in story, regardless of fucking anime, book, TV show or film should either deal with the whole concept or have it merely by implication. THIS show tries to "deep" and "dark" and stops halfway through dissertations or nullifies context altogether.
So fuck you for trying to validate this as "pleb filter". I actually watched this, and frankly, you know what it is? It's for people like you who want to watch some "dark", "obscure" or "deep" anime to just come out and brag that you're some sort of elite instead of the guy who actually watched it and decided "Eh, it's okay, but it falls short at what it tries to argue by going all over the place" like a God-damned human being.
Here's your "self-clap hands" and "automated pat on the back". Only $13.99.
What the fuck is your problem lmao
There is no pleb/patrician hierarchy that is accepted here, this shit is always tongue-in-cheek and you fell right for it. Literally anything you put into a hierarchy here will get shat on mercilessly simply because people hate hierarchy here, nobody is really unironically calling anime "intellectual" and "superior" except for actual retards, because they know what kind of criticism they open themselves up to. And judging by how OP opened and ended the discussion with one arrogant sentence while you go for some cringe reddit-gold tyrade shows that you don't get this place at all.
>What are you trying to do? Trying to be special? Put a fucking name instead of going by "Anonymous" it's fucking cheaper on the fingers.
>Here's your "self-clap hands" and "automated pat on the back". Only $13.99.
literally what the fuck is this
I see this be compared to Texhnolyze a lot but I'm sceptical, is this actually decently written/worth watching?
Pleb status: filtered
EP is more entertaining as a trainwreck than a show proper.
See, I caught my own bad grammar so you don't have to.
so you watch it because it misses its potential in a hilarous way, but its still unironically decent?
But your grammar was correct in the first place dumdum
yes, because most plebs have realized that they have to pretend to like it to keep their plebness hidden, just like with Lain
But I liek Layn n not brepending.
Yeah i see pretending edgy faggots getting attracted to this piece of trash.
it's not even edgy
fuck you and your proxy
I'm glad to see a fellow lain hater. I can't believe how popular and highly rated it is considering how it has the slowest pacing out of any show I have ever seen.
Sounds like you need to go back to K-on
>It's another "you're just pretending to like shows I don't like" non argument
Lain's pacing isn't that slow. Every episode a new event is introduced and explored except for the last ones when the main plot is being explored. The only thing it takes time to tell you is the truth about what's going on, and that's how any series with a mystery works.
>decently written
not really
>worth watching
Poputepipic, Kuucho buranko.
I miss mature pseudo-intellectual anime.
Probably because they were actually the only good english dubs of anime in existence. Ergo Proxy dub is decent. Ghost in The Shell is too.
I mean all the early 2000s anime like that suck and won't sell in a modern market, when will we ever see something like that again?
>mature pseudo-intellectual anime.
Texhn was pretty mature and intellectual, only insecure faggots need to used "pseudo" to feel they fit here.
>People overanalyzing animey
C'mon, no one cares.
>You're pretending
Serial Experiments Lain sent me into an emotional, existential inferno for about a week. I believed japan was INCAPABLE of producing anything truly meaningful until I saw SEL. Everyone has different tastes and different reactions to shit, but for me it set the bar and I'll be damned if I could find an anime that relates to me more.
You seem like someone who can't stand David Lynch either.
Long scenes of characters doing something or just starring are important for build up and tone. They couldn't have set Lain up as a miserable introvert without those numerous uncomfortable shots of her walking back and forth from school.
of course. eva and lain
From what I've heard, something bad happened to the animation studio and so it went from great animation to absolutely terrible and people constantly feel the need to question how it would have been if this didn't happen.
If I recall, it's pretty much like a bladerunner or some other Phillip K. Dick influence.
It's way less ambitious, but it's definitely fun.
Both of these are correct. Lain is great.
It's total shit. It's interesting for like the first 5-6 episode, almost everything towards the middle is boring or unnecessary just being they wanted to show the relationships building but spent too much time doing it, and then the ending flies out and is like 3 straight episodes of explaining because the show did such a bad job of showing/hinting along the way
This is how OP should have delivered it. He wanted substance loaded intellectual anime but instead chose the word pleb filter.
It's understandable, most anime viewers just want their feel good opiates or can't think beyond super powered protagonists punching shit. But in an attempt to criticize them, he just made them angry and spew the word pseudo-intellectual.
We shouldn't be mad that people want their opiates, not everyone wants to watch something that might give them a new point of view or something that will make them contemplate; most watch anime to turn off their brain, jack off, pretend their lives are good through projection, tap into their violent impulses, ect.
The biggest pleb filter is Lucky Star.
That's not a pleb filter, you either like moe or you don't.
And if you don't you're a pleb.
Moe is a question of need. I do not need moe, its purpose does not apply to me. I do not require the emotional stimulus "cute" to retain sanity.
yes, people who liked this crap are plebs
thexnoshit was utter trash, don't even attempt to drag lain into the level of this shitty show
hell, even ergo proxy is better
And why then was it so shit?
shitty writting, streched ( no plot) , all hidden under the disguise of dark and edgy atmosphere with utter trash pacing
>b-but it's an anime not aimed to the masses
>b-but lain sucks tooo !
it's a shitty anime for people who forced themselves to watch the whole thing so they could discuss how good its but you dont get it
>but you dont get it xD
it get, it's SHIT
How do you feel about boogiepop phantom?
you are an intellectual
How exactly was the writing bad? There is a plot, and the atmosphere is appropriate. Just because a show is dark or violent doesn't make it edgy. The pacing is fine. The first episode, which every attention deficit shitposter likes to say is the best example of it being "slow and boring" has both action and introduces intriguing aspects of the world. It only gets slow in the mid-to-end for a bit while side stuff goes on.
>it's a shitty anime for people who forced themselves to watch the whole thing so they could discuss how good its but you dont get it
This will never be an argument, so stop bothering with it. You're not funny, and you're not special for shitting on shows a lot of people enjoy.
If you have compelling arguments, make them instead of ironic shitposting like the teenagers you claim to be criticizing.
Lain isn't even that slowly paced user, not to mention that slow pacing isn't the same thing as bad pacing.
I thought Texhnolyze was great but I'm not ashamed to say that Lain felt genuinely overcomplicated to me, like it could have told the same story the same way without being so obscure and confusing about it
At risk of sounding pretentious, I think people tend to think this because they underestimate what's actually going on in Lain. It's not so much the content or complexity of Lain that is the issue as much as it is its presentation in some aspects.
Yeah but how did we feel about Casshern Sins?
Imo it had a very similiar vibe and story, though it was much more palatable overall.
I give this post a raison/detre
I see you too are an user of fine taste.
My bad, I meant to reply to you. It makes me happy there are Anons out there like us that can enjoy this medium for the storytelling, settings, and themes that don't conform to the typical trash of today.
the singing was unnecessary
otherwise a solid 8
Cute girls shows and KyoAni shows, particularly Haruhi, Lucky Star and K-ON!.
>NEEE iiima doushiteee bokuraa umareta noo
Loved the OP
>Mfw I watched Speed Racer as a kid
To this day. it still feels like a fever dream.
Who remembers that anime hentai about a group of girls trapped inside a public bathroom?
For me, both mysterious and thought-provoking plot often comes with really abstract/unique artstyle. ,,Tenshi no tamago" is great example of this combination. I wouldn't call ,,Texnolyze" or ,,Serial Experiments Lain" a pleb filter. It's just a piece of art that doesn't fit for everyone, pleb or not.
>all these plebs getting FILTER'D
Lmao. Good to see Texhnolyze doing as good of a job filtering retards as always.
Anyways, what about pleb filters on the other side of the spectrum, shows that only plebs that want to appear patrician like. Pic related.
>the singing was unnecessary
literally what I'd say aswell, though I though it was a solid 9, would be a 10 if it had scrapped a few of those very unnecessary feeling episodes
One question remains about aTenshi no tamago.
Do birds dream?
You should watch Angel's Egg.
I will, I'm currently not in the mood to have my dreams filled with beauty and dread. Great things can utterly destroy people and it takes time to heal.
haven't watched it yet, looks fun
Of electric... eggs?
You know I'm pretty sure Sup Forums agreed to stop making Texhnolyze threads back in '12 because we thought they would become shit in the future. We really need to follow through on that.
Who could have predicted that there would be so many bitter people?
Texhnolyze is mainstream as fuck though. Why is it a pleb filter? Pic related is
Is Texnolyze even possible to dislike after you've finished watching it?
Ping Pong the Animation tops all.
Osamu Tezuka.
It's a contrarian filter. If you can accept the fact that it's one of the best and most important anime ever then you are not a shitty contrarian
That's fine too.
Engrish is fun in upbeat songs, but if they're trying to be emotional it absolutely ruins it
Casshern did the same thing, it was jarring as fuck
The second half of Fullmetal Alchemist 2003.
The saddest thing about these threads are people that believe this.
It was boring. The best parts were the girl with the mask and hot doctor
> the girl with the mask
You mean Lain?
How is FMA a pleb filter when it was the most popular anime of its time and still very popular nowadays?
You thought this was a legitimate post, but it was me, Dio!
You're talking about Brotherhood. The 2003 version's second half has a lot of people (mainly Brotherhoodshitters and shounenfags) who dislike it because it's not muh manga story, even though it's better and has a much more poetic ending.
2deep2dark2psychological anime tier list:
Best of the Medium Tier:
Great Tier:
Boring Shit that has Artistic Merit Tier:
Bad Tier:
Ergo Proxy