Titties every 1.4 minutes

So, started watching highschool DxD.
Whew boi, Titties aside, I'm fuck9ng loving this shit so far. I love how it doesn't take itself seriously at all.
>Do you anons like DxD too?

Other urls found in this thread:


The problem with DxD is it tries so hard to be funny but isn’t.

Ravel best dxd.

Fucking Asia, ruining the other loops.

fuck off


Not really, it tries as hard as any other battle harem in the comedy department. I'd say what separates it from most of the generic stuff is how entertaining the plot is and how good the large cast is.

>Whew boi, Titties aside
Wasted quads, fuck off Sup Forumsedditor.

it's shit like evey other harem anime

You have to go back


No. It fucked up when it went full shonenshit with 2/3 relevant characters being dudes.

It literally gets more sales from fujos now because of all the homoerotic bishies and tensions with Issei.


The character designs look so fucking generic and stiff (and in an ecchi series, stiff animation is the LEAST thing you want, this is why 97% of all hentai is shit, it's so fuckign stiff). I burnt myself on watching Sekirei, the animation and character designs were so fucking stiff that it was not even remotely interesting to watch.

It's always been shounenshit mixed with ecchi, since volume 1. And you are delusional if you think the cast is overly male, more than 75% of the cast is female. Some gods are male, who cares.The reason why it's popular with women is because most ecchi anime are popular with women. Women love ecchi anime because they usually have predominantly female casts that are more fleshed out and relatable as opposed to the standard shounen trash which has 1 female character in the background doing nothing for every 20 dudes.

>it's a DxDfags pretend their series is anything more than derivative shit that appeals to literal manchildren
wew, haven't seen this one before

>I'm fuck9ng loving this shit
Stop typing like subnormal dumbfuck.

>No. It fucked up when it went full shonenshit
So volume 7

>of all the homoerotic bishies and tensions with Issei.
Which is all played as a goof and part of gags/funny bits

or are you so afraid of turning gay that you think a joke will turn you gay?

Or are you one of the super autists who cant actually tell when something is a gag and just played for shit and giggles ?

I haven't read the LN, but I'm hoping we get more Koneko this season

On of is not the best ecchi shows out there.


I'm very upset about the change in Asia's cup size. They're all titty monsters it's nice to also have a girl with normal sized breasts. Actually by real life standards Asia is still fairly large.

This, Asia was the perfect medium between Koneko and Rias / Akeno. It's a shame really.

Blame the LN

I enjoy it. Ready for Hero to start although I'm not completely comfortable with the art change yet.

She was 78cm
Ravel is average, not Asia

Weak bait user


I came here to post this
fuck off


I love my wife.

Momo is love.



Every ara ara makes me diamonds:


This thread is literal /r/eddit tier


That's the stuff.

Nah, my porblem is that the designs are too generic. An ecchi has to have designs that are attractive but also stand out a bit.

How does Issei's hair work?
Apart from the Goku hair that sticks up in the back, how does his twin mullet work?

A man's true home.

mfw dxd threads

That scene was different in the LN
Rias gave Issei a lap pillow in the book

Sucks Rias turns to shit later in LN.

Well that hurts.

I think I am falling in love with Xenovia, is that normal?

Goes down-hill after the first season imo



>3/4 of the plot is about it

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It became a shitty shonen battlan series.

Still the best ecchi show out there. And for a long time too. There used to be at least one good ecchi show per season but that was like five years ago, what the fuck happened?

She did not

The starting cast is a little plain looking, but the character designs on the dozens of other girls that join later on are a lot better.

And it's selling point isn't really ecchi to begin with, what seperates it from other ecchi anime is how over the top the plot and action are. It's more like "To Aru" with tits then a standard ecchi anime.

>big tit lover
>scared of tits when they come onto him
Such is a dilemma.

Alright, who's ready to do some stretches and work up a sweat with Asia-chan?

Its the dog chasing cars dilema, once it catches it it has no idea what the fuck to do with it.

He seems more comfortably when it's Rias' tiddies.

I want more of this demon semen.

It's more like he's overwhelmed
Besides the context of Issei hesitating in the PV is that Rias was bathing during that scene, Issei knew it and didn't want Rias to come back and find them in that situation
Obviously this happened

Sorry user but the girls and tits show up less and less and replaced by guys and fujobait.
It's basically a serious story now with more guys than girls.

This, she is the lewdest semen demon and is so underrated.

>It's basically a serious story now with more guys than girls.
>a serious story
user stop, the previous big bad wanted to kill the god of titties from another dimension

You have some serious issues if you think DxD has any more fujobait than a normal shonen series.