What a lewd chapter.
Other urls found in this thread:
so they finally made it a hentai huh
>the time of Rukia's execution
>got changed
>crawling all the way to a girl's tent while half dead just to say sorry
I fucking knew these two would be endgame.
Kinda cute.
Oh shit!
holy shit a Kingdom thread
>I'm gonna get all the bitches, booze, and money I want when I'm a great general ahahaha
>oh fuck this qt3.14 assassin Chinese Valkyrie is holding my hands better sperg out
Ten definitely lost the Shinbowl
i guess she'll have to go gay for Kaine or something
>sperg out
Well he's a 25? y.o. virgin.
In an ancient china, an adult commanding officer of a 8000 men and a nobleman.
A virgin.
So what kind of horseshit will Ousen pull out
Nahh she will want the mouten 'older' brother.
It's Ousen, so of course he will make magic happen.
>The Qin state bribed Guo Kai (郭開), a Zhao minister, to sow discord between King Qian of Zhao (趙王遷) and Li Mu (Ri Boku). The king doubted Li Mu's loyalty and ordered Li Mu to hand over his authority to his deputies, Zhao Cong (趙蔥) and Yan Ju (顏聚). When Li Mu refused to obey, the king became more suspicious of him and ordered his men to take Li Mu by surprise and capture him. Li Mu was executed in prison later on King Qian's order. In 228 BC, after learning that Li Mu had been replaced, the Qin forces attacked, defeated the Zhao army and conquered Dongyang (東陽; east of Mount Taihang). Zhao Cong was killed in action while Yan Ju escaped after his defeat.[3] Seven months later, Qin forces occupied Handan and captured King Qian, bringing an end to Zhao's existence.
user, this current battle isn't the one you posted about. That's years later.
She's too ugly for him. She will end up with that nerdy kid from the academy, Meng Yi.
Well they are fucked then
>In 232 BC, the Qin forces split into two groups to attack Fanwu (番吾; present-day Lingshou County, Hebei) and Langmeng (狼孟; present-day Yangqu County, Shanxi), but were defeated by the Zhao army led by Li Mu
I think he's 23, but he also is basically like Duke Hyou, spending all of his time out on the fronts.
No I don't think it's that one either, it's earlier than that. Cause the one you just posted is probably the Kanki getting raped one. Then again Gyou is so damn close to the capital I don't understand how they can even hold it.
Considering what happens to him and his family, I hope not.
I'm guessing the 20 day estimate is a lie.
As for Ousen's horseshit, probably something like resupplying the army via the yellow river after defeating the two major Zhao armies. he talked to Shouheikun about something before the campaign began, and to my memory we haven't discovered what that was about yet.
And not raping civilians of foreign states since he's a good guy by "modern" standarts.
Who sent the message again? if the King influenced the message I could see it being a lie.
Zhao king is gonna be the fucking downfall of Zhao.
Delete this post.
you guys are fucking casuals, ten will end up with sensei, he's the only one besides mouten that';; be able to match her tatics down the line
It didn't say. Of course the question is how they got a message through Kanki's encirclement. I could see either Kanki fabricating a message after capturing a courier, or even Ousen foreseeing something like that and having a plan in place, given how much of a deus ex machina he is (both in the story and in history itself, really).
Oh that's a really good point, a fabricated message. 20 days seems so high considering the amount of refugees and how kantan was freaking the fuck out a few chapters ago.
So who dies this arc guys?
>is how they got a message through Kanki's encirclement.
Bird carriers.
>Marriage to Shouheikun
That will be even shorter than if she got with Mouki
That could make sense, though they'd probably have to send the bird to Kantan or some other city, then have the message relayed on foot.
Kek, no.
I don't know the actual history, like which characters die pretty quick or live throughout the campaign, but is the author following that? I know some of the battles are similar but I heard way back Xin is supposed to die before they finish, and no way does the manga end without them conquering China.
Well Shin is going to knock up somebody eventually. He has a few famous descendants after all.
>Xin is supposed to die
No, he just has a massive failure and gets utterly BTFO'd during the Chu invasion. After China is unified he was give land and the title of Count.
if it goes in that direction the manga is gonna have a sour as fuck ending
It's already destined to have a sour as fuck ending, given that it's following the rise and reign of Qin Shi "drinks mercury like it's water" Huangdi.
I could be getting my vague facts wrong, but doesn't Li Xin show up after that as well? I thought he was one of the generals who went to Qi.
Yeah he still fights even after his failure in Chu. Here's a place where you can read about him if you're interested.
implying a general will have monogamy in ancient fucking china
Xin doesn't die before conquering China, he chokes massively against Chu then conquers Qi (the last remaining state at the time).
>Shin is a fucking relative of Riboku.
It will only come up if we find out Shins family name. Seeing as this is a manga and not a history book it may not even be touched on. Might just be given a name eventually.
Kingdom isn't really trying to be 100% accurate to real history, in real life battle against the coalition army happened before Sei was even born
You're right, but most generals don't marry a woman who is stronger than them.
How common was it for a general to suffer that bad of a defeat and still keep his head and his rank?
I know about what happens to Sei and his crazy ass after, but I felt like the manga would end and have a more happy ending once the conquest of China is over. I doubt they will continue dumping chapters out after that..
Probably not too common, but if they gave him command of "600,000" or whatever troops he's obviously pretty high up there in esteem. Executing him outright might have been seen as a waste given the circumstances.
there's no way he'd not include something like that though, we know nothing of shins heritage
Realistically, Shin probably had multiple wives. Whether Kyoukai or Ten will be included in that is up to the author. Shin does have a family though, since some of his descendants are quite famous.
>Despite his loss in Chu, Qin Shi Huang continued to admire him and continued to employ him to destroy the remaining states. In the entire unification war, other that the most significant contribution by the Wang and Meng family, Li Xin’s contribution is also significant and comparable to theirs
In this case I'm guessing Xin got another chance only because Sei liked him, otherwise he would have probably been executed for such a massive fuck up.
Probably more likely than one would think. An army would get nowhere by killing generals every time they lose. For instance, Lian Po (Renpa) survived losing at Changping and still led armies after.
Yeah me too, I was just pointing out that the overall history of this era isn't really ever all that happy.
He will mostly likely change his fuck up into an honorable defeat.
You don't kill one of your actually good and loyal generals after fuck ups without hesitation since it's fucking hard to get one.
And it's not like Li Xin achieved nothing before Chu. But I guess it's mostly that Qin Shi Huang liked him.
Yeah, though to be fair Lian Po wasn't the one who lost at Changping, that was just one of many instances in which Zhao shot itself in the foot.
I'm mostly comparing what we know about Shin's defeat to Kanki, who fled after being beaten by Riboku.
Why are Kingdom threads so comfy?
Oh okay, yeah it's kinda shit how things turned out in real life, was such a waste of Sei to go mad near the end after he did what no other King had done at the time. China mighta been a massive powerhouse, moreso than now, if they had stayed united through the centuries.
kinda a scary thought.
The historical defeat fits Shin's character in the manga : he becomes arrogant, thinks he can take on Chu with a small number and get BTFO by an army that's twice as big.
My guess is that it will be played as an unwinnable situation, given that Changping betrays Qin around the same time. So it will be Shin vs Kouen and/or Karin, and suddenly there's also Shouheikun attacking him from behind, there's no good way out of that.
threads that don't happen often with a dedicated fanbase, dunno
also ancient china war is cool and the idea of following a story about how a general and his king conquered china and unified it for the first time ever.
Hardcore history fags stay on leddit and moefags have no reason to show up. Plus there's only a few notable chicks which totally helps. Just another reason Kingdom is the GOAT.
I wonder how Kanki is going to lose, I have no idea what his weakness is.
People say it's that he leaves his HQ open or does risky moves but he only does that in response to an enemy fuck up, he tends to fight a standard battle, get a read on the enemy general then execute a plan.
Verse that spider dude he even chose to take no risks and never even committed to the mountain
I wonder if the fact that Shin was still a general after losing ~200,000 soldiers in Chu was the basis Hara used for Shin and Sei's friendship.
Riboku is going to 4d chess him into thinking he made a fuckup or something
I don't remember this page.
A fuck up of that magnitude, that late into the series would ruin any development he's gotten unless he's still a fucking idiot even as a great general
One of the .5 chapters methinks. Harder to find the later ones.
Well I love it because it's a Military comic with FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC drama panels. I mean holy fuck just looking at everyone freaking out over the one cool guy in the room is like crack to me.
I think Kanki's weakness is just that he's really addicted to going all in on a gamble, taking a huge risk/huge reward style of strategy.
Granted he has reasons and justification for the risks he takes, but each time he comes out on top it could have easily gone the other way with him suffering massively for it, like giving up the central hill on the gamble that Kisui would leave, or potentially getting killed by going into the coalition army.
>those proportions
poor kyokai
it's that he relies on Shin too much. And that is as a literal apostle.
>Sup Forums will never be the same
Honestly moefag/yurifags are just as bad as furryfags, they drove all the shounen manga thats not dbz off the board. I think they permanently damaged this place by gorespamming naruto threads until mods gave up
One of the omakes. That bath one in particular was the Vol 43 omake I believe.
They are usually dead aniki
>given that Changping betrays Qin around the same time
What the hell?
He's a Chu prince bromo. I'm honestly curious if he'll take this route in Kingdom.
Who is Changping again?
The circumstances of his defeat are help a long way. He basically took a risk and got back stabbed which is what Ousen 'No Risk All Reward' was always paranoid about.
Hara actually did a one shot conceding this. Looks like Meng Wu is the one who kills him after he defects.
Shou Hei Kun
I do wonder if Shouheikun will make a good Riboku replacement... hopefully not
is Meng Wu, Moubu?
this..makes me sad.
>a rare kingdom thread appears that isnt dead
>history spoilers
This was a nice spread.
>spoilers on something that happened 2200 years ago
I mean really most of this stuff should be common knowledge and the author isn't exactly following the story 1 to 1
>implying kingdom is shounen
why are shounenfags so retarded
>most of this stuff should be common knowledge
to who exactly
I agree on stuff that isn't in spoiler tags, but otherwise it's all fair game.
I liked it a lot too, really shows Kyoukai's growth as a commander right here to outlast this long
If it makes you feel better, Heki should have died already but the author wormed his way out of it
An enemy with no exposed weakpoints.
Kanki thrives on hitting his opponents when and where they are weak and making the most out of these raids.
But if he faces someone whose really good at defense and doesn't show any weakpoints then Kanki's going to stall. Add in feinted weaknesses and Kani could loose.
Possibly. Then again, getting stabbed in the back by your fellow general is a pretty good excuse for why you're returning home empty handed.
Does anyone like Ouhon at all? I've never seen a duller "aloof asshole rival guy" in anything. Even Sasuke is less uncharismatic.
Ouhon's entire thing is about daddy issues, because historically he never ever comes out of Ousen's shadow despite all his achievements.