Well, Sup Forums, what makes her so attractive?
Well, Sup Forums, what makes her so attractive?
His personality
Also godly trips for Astolfo
His manly penis
It has been scientifically proven that giving a girl a dick makes her 10 times more attractive.
>tfw 24
>tfw losing boyish face
>tfw voice can't reach pitches it could a year ago
Guess it's time to 180 and lift. I'll stop blogging now.
All traps are attractive
>tfw 26 asian
>tfw girlish face will never leave me
>tfw taxi driver called me maam just this morning
The fact that his threads always get deleted because of 3D discussion.
The perfect wife.
Truly the superior race. I look forward to when asia takes over and I'm surrounded by boi pussy.
Where is the dick.......?
God I wish I could be friends with Astolfo
>TFW the actual mythology character is now doomed to forever be associated with a tranny from some animu.
Thanks TM.
Would you still love her if her dick was bigger than yours?
Maybe a little less
I would love her more.
>he doesn't know
That's a boy and he's not attractive at all unless you're a retarded normalfag who loves shitty trap memes.
As long as it's not a microdick and even then I wouldn't stop loving her.
>le traps are gay
kys normie
>3.5 garbage bin tier rider
Yeah you can fuck off now OP
>kys normie
You forgot your frog image
>kys normie
Exactly a retarded normalfag who loves shitty trap memes.
You forgot to kys
What does the word "meme" even mean anymore?
STOP spread on Sup Forums your TRANNY SHIT. You've already got boards for that gay stuff.
Wouldn't you love Astolfo more if he was smaller than you?
It means something I don't like.
Dicklets don't deserve love.
I'm not gay, but I am very attracted to Astolfo
I want my girlfriend_(male) to be significantly bigger than me.
>Traps are normalfag shit
>It's not okay to admit traps are kinda gay
What the fuck is happening to this board?
You would be gay if you weren't.
Where on your body did a trap touch you or perhaps you were rejected by one, user-kun~?
Motherfucking Crossboarders SHITPOSTERS. That's it.
Why should I give a shit about 3DPD garbage you dumb crossboarder normalfag?
I'm not gay though. I just really like him
>I'm not gay
Of course you are.
La creatura...
As someone who's gotten his dick sucked by ripped men, I have never experienced something gayer than these replies.
And as always trap thread invite cancerous normalfags who blog about 3DPD shit.
>I'm not gay, but I am very attracted to Astolfo
If SHE don't make you hard as diamond, you're definitely GAY.
user, Astolfo is canonically a trap. Do you even song of Roland bro
kys you mentally ill faggots.
Look at the bright side, you didnt mutilate your dick so you don't need to kys yet
Are you going to say that your fucking TRANNY can beat that? Hahahaha! NEVER.
Kiss your sister?
kill yourself you stupid reddit newfag
Im not gay
But maybe
Was it ERIC? xDDD
loving every laugh
If you think Astolfo is attractive even in the slightest, you're gay
If not, you're gay
>60 / 17 / 22 / 1
who tf is eric???????????? kys
You see that she clearly got boobs.
I dipped my Alter Saber into a tank of (supposedly PVC safe) fluoroantimonic acid to get the dust off and it melted slightly and lost all the paint now she's RUIIINNNEDD
We did it, Reddit!
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
Great posts!
>We did it, Reddit!
Nop. Check Mate. Sup Forums won.
god i wish that were me
I know right full of mentally ill faggots.
>using le, kys and normie all in the same post
Can it get more stereotypically newfag than this?
>Can it get more stereotypically newfag than this?
Nop. They probably come from Sup Forums as usual.
>28 asian.
>was called miss when I've been handed my train ticket.
>felt so angry that I grit my teeth, feels my self confidence as a man was hurt
>just realize only at the end of that day that I am overcompensating by hitting on one of my friends.
>my self confidence as a man
Let it go, user. You'll feel better.
It's fine hapaboi, your boipussy has lots of value, better get used to it.
Hey boi, lemme get dem digits. I wanna stretch some asian browneyes.
Would she marry a rumanian homunculi?
Do not insult my bro like this, user.
Cut your hair and stop wearing dresses.
That's barely an achievement
What does tranny pussy feel like
Brine with currency and cow juice.
>not flesh fang
How could you fuck up this bad
>this is unironically your average trapfag
I'm actually obsessed with her(him)
It is a trippity trap so you better not fap!
That's not so bad
This person is probably 16 or something
I'll take that as a yes.
>tfw no able to be a trap with trap bros to do gay shit together
Being a character from the most critically acclaimed Renaissance poem, known for both its perfect display of poetic refinement and ironic outlook on the chivalric ideals in face of modern ideals about Man