Scanlation thread

What are you working on? What are you putting off?

Other urls found in this thread: HdAW vdaCBen6W/LDG YDIUiYeUFQ= Lvm3vIZPmWQiGPgATY=

Going to start and finish 2 Beastars chapters today.

>What are you working on?
The usual kirara manga I'm doing

>What are you putting off?
The usual kirara manga I'm doing

Life as normal, but at least I'm back to occasionally doing it after two months of nothing. Thank goodness there's a good buffer still.

if the user that translated the last couple sesuji is around thank you for delivering, I missed your post but an user posted the first one typeset yesterday. if you see this and are willing to do a little bit more I found raws that had a couple bonus pages for the last chapter and a one shot and the user that typeset it said he'd do those as well if we can get translations. thanks again!

Still trying to get someone on board.

The bonus pages function like movie credits which mention everyone who worked on the manga.

oh woops I'm dumb and didn't grasp that that was the only text there, I thought it was mingled with stuff. so just the one-shot remains untranslated then

I thought you had a translator already?
What else do you need?
Buy the raw and get started.

I'm the one translating. Can't typeset for shit though

Then just dump translate your stuff on a thread. I get some biters when I do that.

Did that, no luck.

It's because nobody wanted to redo chapters that have already been done.

if you want to redo chapters frst start translating new chapters build support then go back and redo the fuck ups, later people will just shit on you (quite rightly) otherwise.
people don't want a fourth version of chapter 1 & 2,but they do really want ch16 and onwards

eh, give me a few more days and I'll be done with 1 to 15 anyway. Do you think my chance of finding someone willing to work on this will be higher then? The amount of redrawing looks pretty stupid

It will certainly be higher, but there's still no guarantee especially since you've shown yourself as a bit difficult to work with already.

cake, teacher, I'M IN!


how exactly are your 1-15 scripts better than Mangazuki's?

I was waiting for this thread for long ago!!!
I'm the typsetter and voice over of Nest Scans, a small group
I'm looking for a translator for Alice on Border Road (Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice sequel)
If anyone is interested or knows someone that could help us, please, send me a PM on reddit or my gmail: [email protected]
Have a nice day


Jesus christ, fuck off.

Ripping JP Kindle books if anyone wants anything.

There is a series I want to translate that doesn't have any public raws, but it's a total edgelord manga about suicide bombers, so I don't know if you'd be interested.

Would anyone be interested in working on Arakawa Hiromu's semi-autiobiography manga Hyakushou Kizoku?
(silver spoon, full metal alchemist, arslan senki etc,etc.)
there are 3 translated chapters of 5 volumes so far but it hasn't been touched for three years...

user what quality are the kindle raws?
I'd ask you for these 5 if they're decent sizes and low artefact.

Is there a way to download them for free?
t. might want to read obscure Japanese novels

Do おくさまが生徒会長! (12) the mangamura shit scans are horrendous, also please do the first two volumes of her new series.

Any scripts floating around for EBJ? I want to rip the new Grand Blue chapter since I have plans to do something tonight.

You have 9 minutes. HdAW vdaCBen6W/LDG YDIUiYeUFQ=

PW: 8_n"R)

The series looks quite good, but no translation yet.

Not like you have a choice between the two. I'm the only one actively working on it rn

Thanks, friend. Tonight should be a fun thread.

Would you mind ripping the rest of the issue as well? Or at least the oneshot.

I have more of these anthologies than I realized.

well no that's the point everyone is trying to get into your thick skull, we do have a choice for those 15

Look, I don't know why you're so mad about this. I want to work on it from the start, so I'm spending my efforts to do so. It has nothing to do with quality, because we both know that the people who reads this kind of shit will gobble up anything as long as it vaguely resembles English.

Who on earth buys pleb filler crap like that?

I bought them because of one author who did a piece in each, and they were like 5 yen each.

How many volumes?

Damn, missed the script.

Oh well, I'm mostly ripping from Amazon anyway...

Ah. Here was me thinking you ordered them from Japan at like $10 each or something. Even so, I hope you didn't go to Japan to get them and waste a fuck-ton of cash to get to the country.

I just wanted to know how they compared
I've compared the scripts you posted last time for chapters 1 & 2 against the 3 extent versions I generally preffered Mangazuki's and Raven's phrasing to yours despite inconsistencies

Well there's no point in asking me, since I'm the one who wrote it after all.
Again, I don't think comparing them matters at this point, since both of them are long dead

Would anybody like the unfortunate task of cleaning Grappler Baki and/or Baki Dou?

Pic is the most distasteful example that I could find on a moment's notice. If you are looking to challenge yourself as a cleaner, this may be the job.

This is a bit of an odd question but if anyone here would be willing to help out. I'm just trying to confirm whether or not a series called Karakuri Circus was archived on Goddess. I don't have access and am unsure if they are accepting new members again. When Batoto went down I had only managed to secure the first few volumes but from volume 11 and on, the individual translating it only uploaded to Batoto and didn't leave behind any DL links while also leaving the translation scene some time ago.

I'd appreciate any help on figuring out the best way to go about retrieving/archiving this series as well as potentially uploading it to mangadex.

>Sunday raws is 190Mb this week
Is...Is it finally over?

Forgot to mention that it has to be on Kindle Unlimited, though there's a chance I already ripped it.

Is there a font masterimage that went around here? I'm trying to find some good starter narration fonts.


I cried.

>meme series
>meme art
No thanks. Cough up the dough and people'll come running.

No shit's still watermarked compressed garbage. You'll have to buy it yourself.

No, even if they left the resolution by accident, it's still gonna be watermarked and compressed shit.

It's all up on Goddess, just checked.

God I want someone to finish this gem.

Nice digits user.

>those digits
Hopefully Goddess opens up registration soon. I'm not one of the faggots from Batoto they're trying to keep out so it's annoying.

>It's all up on Goddess, just checked.
Thanks. Now to play the waiting game until registration opens again.

>God I want someone to finish this gem.
Me too, but I should have probably started learning Japanese or French years ago seeing as this series is not entering it's 2nd (3rd) gap in translations.

Don't use words that you don't understand.

Is this the SnK general leaking? Please fuck off

I see people complaining abut no proper raw all the time, but why don't you guys simply share them in these Scanlation threads?
Something akin to the Win-O thread on Sup Forums.

If you ask nicely enough people will share them, but just dumping raws here is a very bad idea, for various reasons

I'm not really scanlating anything at the moment so I don't need anything. I just figured it was a good enough idea to consider.
It would turn this thread into a general, though. I guess this would be bad.

>for various reasons
Such as what? We get 'untranslated manga dump' threads like twice a week, don't we? I don't see anyone being punished for those. And I would imagine that Hiro, in particular, is someone who would resist any attempts at litigation by Japanese corporations, regardless of whatever terrible things that I might say of him in other respects.

Well, for one thing, we don't want to attract the chinks

I have a countless amount of ebooks that I and a couple others ripped, don't really know what to do with them. I'm considering getting a seedbox and putting them on AB, because otherwise they're just sitting here.

Still here?

Torrent is a bad idea in my opinion. Just put them on a throw away MEGA account.
Yes, it will go down after a while, but enough anons will have gotten the uploads by then to have a list of the included e-books which could be upped on demand afterward or something like that.

It's not going to fit in a MEGA account, hence the seedbox.

Seems like good! Afternoon, as of the latest issue, is x2048 on EBJ.

Oh well, my next suggestion would be two, three, etc. MEGAs then.
But you do you.

Kodansha increased the resolution of their mags last month. Are you ripping the whole issue?

Sorry, I don't have it.
I just went ahead and checked the preview.

And when I do get stuff it's usually on BookWalker, but they seem to be on x1600 still.
That store exclusivity and quality, especially Kadokawa vs. Kodansha has to stop.

No worries, I'll just grab the issues I want when it inevitably goes on sale again.

Isn't it a little late for that? Surely, you must remember the manhwa screaming matches from late last year. The one stupid and cancerous enough to force a mod to step in.

>simultaneously rip multiple files on mangago
>get blocked from the image server
I should've known better.

That was just trolls fishing for (You)s though. Saying "Manhwa belongs on Sup Forums too" get people riled up lke no other.

That wasn't the work of trolls. They'd been subtly campaigning for it for a while before that thread. And the English was broken in just the right ways so as to indicate that they were legitimately just foreign idiots. Certainly, there were trolls in there, but the source of the original problem was not those trolls.

Yeah, 9 more minutes?

7 (stupid captcha) Lvm3vIZPmWQiGPgATY=

thanks a lot

Manhwa is Korean.

Manchu or fucking whatever, then. Doesn't matter; concept remains the same.

What order should I do the following in? I have around 600 pages total.
>scan as tif files
>rotate file with script that saves as lossless png
>level in PS to clean the dust
>clean the text
>save for web, png-8 and other setting to bring file to around 700kb
>resize to around 1600x2200 to around 250kb
The above is what I have in mind, however I don't really want to be handling 30mb files until the very last 2 steps.

Does anyone know how to download from Manga Pocket site's web reader?

Picking out something random to start dump translating. Anyone have any ideas?

A manga about Komi's dad (not really). Short, simple and sweet.
was going to pick this up, but then I got lazy

Don't forget to turn off all filters in your scanner and to use a bit of surface blur

>I was waiting for this thread for long ago!!!
>I'm the typsetter and voice over of Nest Scans, a small group
Don't ever typeset anything in English.

>scan as tif files
>automate level, save for web, png-8, 700kb
>rotate save as png
>save, archive this version
>save for typeset and release
This order?
Thanks, it's almost dust less just needs leveling to make sure there's 0 noise.

What typeset has to do with English?

go away

He means your English is utter dogcrap.

If you're not bothering to manually dust the pages, the order doesn't matter much and won't make a significant difference in final quality. Just make sure you resize last.

>What (does) typeset(ting) have to do with English?
Most proofreaders and QCs don't do anything, which means typesetters are the only line of defense against spelling and grammatical errors. If your English is worse than the average kid just out of elementary school, don't even consider typesetting.

There's a lot to say, but I'm too lazy.
>scan as tif files
>rotate file with script that saves as lossless png
>level in PS to clean the dust
>clean the text
>save as png8 with 256 colors
>open one of those png, start recording new action, resize, save for web, png-8, less than 256 colors and other setting
>close png but don't save it, stop action
>batch-process all other png with this action

>the typesetter has to do other people's work
No. You take your responsabilities by firing those lazy fucks and hire dedicated people, if you're the leader of your group that is. Otherwise you call it quit and join a good group.

This. Also
>translator who can't translate into target language and need typesetters, proofreaders and QCs to fix his shit

What? Even with a capable translator, it's good to have a copy editor to help rework lines, and the typesetter will likely want to tweak lines anyhow to cram everything into the text bubbles.

>No. You take responsibility by firing those lazy fucks and enlist dedicated people, if you're the leader of your group that is. Otherwise you call it quits and join a good group.
I'm sorry, but if you don't have a halfway decent grasp of English, you'll just end up doing stupid crap like this. By halfway decent, I mean like elementary school level.

We talked about
>the only line of defense against spelling and grammatical errors

I know that although I'm a native English speaker, I suck at translating into English because I overthink shit and end up inserting the occasional bout of awkward nonsense into the resultant script.
In any case, a second pair of eyes always helps.

The easiest way to double-check your work is to read it out loud to yourself. When you read in your head your mind reads what you intended and not necessarily what you actually wrote down/typed. So if you left out a word, for example, you might not notice it until you read it out loud.

Oh my god holy hell this user is a genius why do we even need copy editors and reviewers?

But seriously, nothing quite like a second set of eyes to catch mistake and improve writing. A good proofreader/QC is the ideal and is far from unnecessary.