Stop pretending Index is better than Railgun.
Mikoto>Saten>Kuroko>Uiharu>Everyone else>>>>>>>>>>>>>Touma.
Stop pretending Index is better than Railgun.
Mikoto>Saten>Kuroko>Uiharu>Everyone else>>>>>>>>>>>>>Touma.
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What is with the Fiamma hate?
Ah, a fellow gentleman/scholar.
Bitches can't handle that a man is sexier than all of them combined.
babby's first waifu
I guess because season 3 will be here soon, though I still don't really get it. The guy has great lines.
>I am Fiamma of the Right. If that isn’t enough of a hint for you, then you really need to rebuild your intelligence agency from the ground up.
Anything written by Kamachi is babby's first. He was a literal teenager when he started writing this trash.
this fucking whore is a tsundere fuckassbitchslut being useless and without value besides ruining the whole series with her shitty stupid character so good job on that because railgun fucking sucks
Still better than Fatetrash and Nasushit in general at least.
Good job user. You’ve reached 100%
>if I keep repeating it, someone will eventually believe me
Plenty of people have said that. He's in his early-mid 30s and started Index in 2004.
Uiharu and Touma are the only two that are worth a damn in that entire list
Kuroko >>>>> everyone else
Here is the current vote now. Don't quote the source thanks.
I like Fiamma. I don't like OTNTfags.
>early 30s
No one knows his age. All we know is he “looked younger than expected” some odd years ago, which means relatively little. Twenties is considered young, hell early 30s can still be considered young.
But I’ll give you a chance to defend yourself. Post source on his age. Post one single shred of evidence supporting that he was in high school when writing Index. I’ll wait.
I wanna hug the biri.
>a literal teenager
>early to mid thirties
Seek help.
>He's in his early-mid 30s
How do you know this?
Source on this claim?
I am actually surprised by the number of votes that goes over hundreds.
I still care about you, Index.
You may be a side character in your own anime, but I'll never stop caring!
It was in the Dengeki Game interview from 2 years back. He stated he was a young lad when RE1 came out. RE1 had its 20th anniversary recently so if we follow what he mentioned, he would be in his thirties right now and younger when he started it.
>young lad
So no actual age.
I'm an Indexfag and love her too. I don't care if you're just shitposting, but I agree.
You don't need an age to infer what they might be. A young lad is a boy after all and what he said makes it pretty obvious what his range was.
Feel free to post a link to it. Also “young lad” can mean anything. A young adult can be considered a young lad. He might have been just leaving high school when it was released, which would put him in the 40s range now
You can not call yourself a boy if you're in your twenties or thirties user. Don't kid yourself.
Nigger I get called a “fine young lad” by people all the time and I’m 25
That is my use of the word. They don't use "lad" in Japanese. It was a boy.
Where do you live to think such a thing? A lot of people refer to their late teens and early twenties as being “still a boy” since you get adult responsibilities for the first time but many aren’t mature enough to handle it and would rather party/not think about anything.
No. It is pretty obvious when one refers to themselves as a boy when buying something, they are talking about when they were a kid. You are reaching hard and it's a clear indication of his age range.
He could be referring to himself as just a boy back then in that he hadn’t matured yet and did stupid shit, or that he feels like he was a boy back then compared to 20 years later.
Not really? I refer to myself as still being a kid like 2 years ago when I was 23 because I was still in dumbfuck mode and had no direction in my life.
Not really, that's stretching it.
Why do you guys care if he's thirty or forty or twenty? This doesn't change anything.
It’s spunds more like you are trying really hard to stretch an off handed comment when there is simply no actual age. Fuck, where does “boy” end for you? 12? 14? 18?
It sounds more like you're trying to apply what works for you onto others. Just because you consider boy to have a wide age range or sarcastic use doesn't mean it would for others. That's why it's better to assume what I'm saying.
>spending 15 episodes to cover an arc the original story managed to cover in 5
fuck off waifu fag cancer
I'd like to introduce you all to my wife, Accelerator!
He refers to nothing about a boy or anything you dolts.
He even talks about the Family Computer and SuperFamicom's release. His age could be anything.
Let’s go with the lowest number since anything higher is teenage territory (although many teens, especially early teens, are still referred to as kids later in life but we’ll just low ball it for the sake of it)
Assuming 12 in 1996, he would have been 20 starting Index and 34 now. Easily out of high school. He would have to have been under 10 years old when RE1 released to have released Index in high school.
Furthermore, I’d like a link to said interview.
>I’m going to have shaky evidence based on a bunch of assumptions
>but you can’t assume something, only I can do that
Of course. I'm an user, you aren't.
Is this a waifu war thread?
In before he ignores this or tries to say that “boy” can only mean ages 4-9 or some dumb shit like that
Still waiting on the link to the interview.
The images are Kamachi's favorite games, the interview is him talking about what kind of games he likes, recalling console releases, Disgaea love, and the same interview Miki points out he does not pander and how he met him. Nothing about "boy" the only thing we have is about parents disapproving his writing career or something.
People like to think that age somehow equates to better writing. Which is fucking retarded in the first place because there are people 40+ that can barely make a coherent sentence and would be blown the fuck out by some kid in creative writing classes in high school. The only truth to it is that kids are more prone to post their shit on the internet and think it’s great, hence the 13 year old fanfiction assumption. Honestly the only thing age helps with is more potential experience gained to hone your craft, which can be mitigated if the child happened to read a bunch in early life and experimented early. Writing is like 80% observation to begin with. If you’re perceptive and figure out why certain things work and others doesn’t, you can easily produce good work even as a teenager.
Thank you user.
>nothing about boy
I figured as much
Interview shitposter sure is quiet now.
What are some esper powers you’d like to see explored?
Something to do with penis.
How long would Junko last against Silvia?
10000 ns
Junko would bop that bitch in the nose so hard her tits would fall out her ass.
Not long I imagine
I really want Touma to punch Febri and Janie through a fucking wall.
Same. Dumb mobile bitch would cry.
Weren’t you supposed to eat a hat?
How to get into the index series?
Dumb mobile bitch doesn't even deserve mobile in it. Should just be dumb bitch, user.
Start shitposting in Raildex threads.
What is it that makes me platinum hard whenever I see Mikoto?
Half of you niggers can't even get her name right.
What’s Yomikawa’s favorite month?
dasu dasu xd
Say something nice about THE TRUE NUMBER 1!
That's a weird looking Kakine
Imagine being so obsessed you drag shit from several threads ago into a bait thread.
She's very cute and I love her.
Accel a manlet! A MANLET!!
Friendly reminder
I never imagined someone would use my shitty paint skills. You just made me smile user.
Didn't this shit die down in 2011? It hasn't gotten another season since then if I remember.
Suzushina Yuriko is indeed very cute.
Get with the time gramps
Are you kidding? It's exactly what I imagine the end would look like.
Fuck off mobilebitch.
Mobileposter getting double-teamed by Touma and Hamazura soon
something about biribiri makes me think she'd be great at sucking dick
I want to give Estelle a whip and tell her I was a bad goy
Headcrabs deserve beatings.
You're gonna get paralyzed.
I want to have my own Misaka imouto.
The little shocks to the dick and she'd probably give it her all.
What a shit post.
Quality thread. I'll award (you) one medal for your efforts.
>Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
>Director: Masaki Yuasa
Best VO theme goes to a dumb whore.