Would you comfort this lonely girl?

Would you comfort this lonely girl?



Yes, and then hopefully eventually I could cum in her.



For some reason I want to punch her in the face

She has cute hair, so yes.

Is that a yes?

If she asked, I guess? I'm not great at that kind of thing. I'd let her in if she needed somewhere to dry.

02, get off Sup Forums.

Yes I'll give her the cockona treatment.

No because she has Goro

Yes bc lonly girls are the only ones I have a chance with, plus she is cute af.


That's a boy and yes.

Why is she crying? How easy would it be to comfort her?

>mfw coconut posting is dead in franxx threads

Wtf man this person clearly has boobs.


>What is padding?
Here are """""her""""" """""breasts""""" when """""she's""""" not padding.

Why did you post a demonic dolphin with glowing red eyes?

fuck, can't unsee

>Completely Flat

Wew, no wonder Hiro doesn't give a fuck.

>just pretend to be in great hurry and speed by with your van
>accidentally hit some puddle nearby thereby drenching her
>get out, judge whether her bumpers in the now see-through top are "padding" or for real, take appropriate action

You're just pretending to be a Coconafag.
Every true Coconafag is necessarily and Ichigofag.

Honestly Ichigo is one of the best designed girls in the last few years. I hope she wins.

>Would you comfort this lonely girl?

Oh yes.

True, i'm no Coconafag, however Ichigo imo is fucking trash tier. Cocona and 02 are easily better.

>>Completely Flat

Bullshit. Ichigo is not flat, she has small breasts. Better small pear shaped tits than big as those of a milk cow. This makes her infinitely more alluring than Kokoro or the crazy bitch (Zorome's partner).

But best boy looks quite interested.


Who is this?

time skip, YESSS


this could work

hair reminds me of the one formerly known as phosphophyllite



I rather comfort Kokoro

She'd rather be comforted by the Milkman.

pump and dump

Comfort her and then abandon her for a cuter, sexier girl

What if I told you I was Milkman?

>a cuter, sexier girl
Doesn't exist.

Kokoro is cuter and sexier.



>long hair
>big tits
This isn't Ichigo anymore.

What the fuck I love Ichigo now

2nd cour Ichigo, after the timeskip.

Sorry user, that's not her body type. Look at Kokoro, same age and already plum.

Girls stop growing tits after their teens

Yes, but only if she'll watch Love Faction Mariachi with me.

Are the nines delivering 002 to the Grand Crevasse to bang her? We saw in the last episode that the dinos have the knowledge to know that making the girls naked disrupts the functions of the mechs. With the whole men being in control of Franxx and 002 being part Klax then perhaps if she has a son they would be able to mind control all the dinos and the Grand Crevasse is the center of this hivemind. Nines will probably betray Hiro after he delivers her there.

>Ichigo could have looked like this
Glad she doesn't. If she was this cute I'd feel bad for her losing. Looking like a dyke it's her own fault however.

All of you suck.

I wanna know where I can order those umbrellas

Is this what a dyke looks like nowadays?

Short = dyke

Yes we're sick fucks, deal with it faggot

Are you stupid?


You are.

She still needs a bigger rack. Actually how old is Ichigo, she might still have time to develop?

She's 015




Stop bullying Ichigo