Darling in the franxx

4 cute joshi koseis

Character development when

02 will die, and Hiro will have to learn to overcome her death in a simon-kamina-esque way to stand on his own feet
with ichigo, he will then form the ultimate team and become the strongest parasite in the world

>STILL believing 02 will die without Hiro.
If 02 dies, so does Hiro. Why else would they constantly bash Jian bird symbolism every episode

did you watch last episode?

The gurrenfags just want every anime to be like their favorite.

they're wrong. why would they have a scene where ichigo wishes upon a meteor shower that she wants to be with hiro forever, if they're not going to go anywhere with that plot point? makes no sense

But there's 5 of them

And why would they push the Jian bird symbolism every episode then? Makes no sense

He said cute so Ichigo is excluded

shock value when she dies

What are you talking about

And 1 demon monster hag.

So the same can be said about Ichigo, then.

Actually much more likely too considering she has no real plot relevance but is still close enough to the MC to cause an impact. Same could be said for Goro though.

Kokoro > Miku > Ichigo > 02 > Ikuno

Ikuno is cute, CUTE

02 > Miku > Kokoro > Ichigo > Ikuno

If you really think about it Hiro and 002's relationship is just like Kim and Kanye's. Looking at Kanye as Hiro he was a magnificant artist releasing 2 perfect albums before the death of his mother. This event can be compared to Hiro being a great pilot and the leader before he failed the parasite exam with Naomi. Both suffered a major loss in their life and were living without direction about what to do next. This is where Kanye began to rant and do dumb shit while Hiro became depressed. Eventually Kanye met Amber Rose(Ichigo) which obviously didn't work out. There was even a "you were awful moment" between the two. During this time Kanye also released "808s and Heartbreak" which was a sudden change of direction in his music. Soon Hiro met 002, I mean Kanye yet Kim Kardashian and life became better. Kanye of course had to get to know and understand Kim first before he started to get better, presently hes happier than ever and is even starting to get fat with father hood. Before the present though even while with Kim he was still troubled as evident by his fight with Jay-Z and doing time in mental wards. This is the stage we are currently witnessing with Hiro and 002, as their love begins to blossom there'll be some bumps in the road eventually they will become true lovers!

02 > Kokoro > Ichigo=Miku> Ikuno


posting supreme gentleman



Ichigo > Ikuno > 02 > Kokoro > Miku

How big is NTR as a fetish in Japan? I'm surprised how hard they've jumped on this ship.

please fucking delet this


Stop reposting this unfunny pasta, discord.

How is this NTR? Kokoro is not even dating Futoshi.

>> Miku
>that high


Milkman is the patrician choice for characters in this show.




Thanks, doc.

Thanks, docs.



Kokoro & Miku=the funvee
Ichigo & Ikuno=the humdrumvee

WTF is that?

Failed arranged marriage.

fate fucked milkman over, if he hadn't got stuck with a defective ride it could've been him as leader

Milkman being tsun

Delusional as fuck.

If she breaks fatty's heart real hard this will be AOTS

>not anime of the decade
dude this ride is gonna be fucking wild

What brand of milk does Milkman prefer the most?

soy milk

Some kind of lawn sprinkler?

I always think this and get disappointed in the end.

Everyone on the squad will die in the end saving 02, that's how ichigo and Hiro will be together forever

That's triggers writing team.



>Milkman, I’ve come for you

Honestly I don't dig this klaxosaur shit at all. They just look artificial and lame, forced, even. It's like something that a wage slave came up with when they gave him an hour to create a set of villains for their shiny new media project.


They're supposed to be artificial.
If you look at their design they all have something to do with agriculture and nature. I don't have the comparison image to post it but its in some threads.

5 posts above yours buddy

So they're shamelessly ripping off an acclaimed masterpiece like pacific rim and replacing the kaiju with oversized gardening tools.
I think I'll give this anime a pass. Or how you say on Sup Forums

Nah they are ripping off the agriculture anime Nourin and using the tools they used in that show as antagonists
How dare they?!

dude, i don't care as long as it has waifus

I'm confused on how somebody associated those with a plant and not ticks or headcrabs or something

Thanks for the blog post

t. Sup Forumsermin crossboarding shitposter
or are you from Sup Forums because you seem to think that Pacific Rim is some original work, when it is clearly a rip off of NGE.

Jk best

>Fatty's in back with Ikuno
Are they trying to tell us something?

This user fucking opened up a whole new world for me. Can we make some predictions based on his role in the overarching narrative?
Is he meant to serve as Hiro's counterpart forever or will he move on with Kokoro's help?
Will he ultimately reject her to uphold his function as a negative role-model?

Shes gonna get FATTED

If i don't give a fuck about the characters, its there a reason to keep watching this fucking drama garbage?
A-1 Picture was a mistake

He will die soon. F

>Do I seem more human now, darling?

What kind of question is that?

It's a character driven anime, draw your own conclusion.
How can you not like the main couple?
Their saccharine level is through the roof

>If i don't give a fuck about the characters, its there a reason to keep watching this fucking drama garbage?
Nah, but you should have figured that out before you wasted 8 weeks watching it.

the slim chance of a trigger swerve saving it?

Milkman wll never expire.

>saving anything

She has to remain pure for her beloved strawberry.


>character has shown multiple times to have a chip on her shoulder when it comes to not being human
>gets defensive every time someone comes relatively close to reminding her
>finally found someone who doesn't see her as a monster
>has such a massive complex about it that she still has to ask him whether she seems human or not
Fortunately for her Darling's darling only grows stronger every time

The second cour is going to be called Milkman in the FranXX. Mitsuru, having fallen in love with Kokoro, is revealed to be the true chosen one. The key to unlocking his full potential was falling in love with someone of the opposite sex. With the power of milk he rebels against Papa upon finding out the secrets he’s been hiding from them. Everyone looks up to him to point where he becomes their new papa, Milkpapa.

>Shown no empathy, no charisma, no personal responsibility.
> Combative and negative towards others.
>A leader

How terrible is the people in your life that you think anyone with Mitsuru characteristics will able be allowed to be in a managerial position?

How did they manage to trick Yabuki into making the manga for this?


The manga is inferior to the anime user, doesn't matter how many vagina droplets he has inserted.

Even worse. They should just remove her altogether.


Its almost the bestseller of its magazine, im sure Yabuki is enjoying the cash

A question of insecurity.

>completely unable to separate her emotions from battle
>no skill at thinking on her feet
>no talent for details
>self-admittedly dumb

Hey, if Ichigo can be allowed.

cheep Kokoro ripoff.

especially since most of his so called 'negative' traits are optimal for CEO positions, one of the highest tier jobs for overseeing others. he got stuck with a shitty hand and ikuno deserves every bit of anger he directs at her for holding him back

Based Goro must save us from Ichigo.

>especially since most of his so called 'negative' traits are optimal for CEO positions, one of the highest tier jobs for overseeing others.

How deluded and unemployed are you?

Fatman will rape her as a revenge for Milkman taking Kokoro from him, curing her from lesbianism in the process.

>Shown no empathy, no charisma, no personal responsibility.
>> Combative and negative towards others.
Those are literally ideal traits for managerial positions in real life. CEOs have the highest concentration of legit certifiable sociopaths.

>especially since most of his so called 'negative' traits are optimal for CEO positions
Let's see
>>no empathy
>>no charisma
eh, you kinda need it
>>no personal responsibility
you do want this though, otherwise he'll just keep making bad decisions
>> Combative and negative towards others
Good and bad, yeah, but with his attitude people will tire pretty quickly. You want someone who doesn't crack and stands his ground, not someone who antagonizes everyone he meets because he's just that cool
>>A leader
he can't even lead himself properly
Not looking good for our resident milkman

Endgame right here, darlings.