Is ishigo the new rem?

>blue hair
>shitposted in all anime discutions
>ugly as fuck

Low effort

>ugly as fuck
You got that wrong

Ichigo is beautiful

>ugly as fuck
Terrible, terrible bait.

Ichigo and Rem have similar designs and are both incredibly overmemed (which I've never understood, girls get rejected in anime all the time, why are these two special?). But yeah, they're basically the same character. And Re:Zero and Franxx are basically the same show to Sup Forums. All that matters is that cucking is happening and that's for some reason the most interesting thing in the entire universe.

>Ichigo is beautiful
Terrible, terrible bait.

if ichigo grew her hair our she would definitely win against 02 and Sup Forums's heart

rem was actually good, so no

I love Rem, I don't care about Ichigo.

At least ichigo has another potential love interest to fall back, no one gives a shit for remcuck

She is the second girl character archetype which is omnipresent in nearly all of anime/manga (and other country's literature too but not as prevalence) who exist only to build romantic tension and love triangle.
Take example Nisekoi. The pilot is only about Raku and Gorilla but when it got serialized the author don't know how to make a 1-1 love story long so he resort to creating a new character just to be an obstruction and prolong the story from one to 229 chapters.

>ichigo already has best boy goro, and a lesbian side piece
>is sad she can't have the alpha

this is why she is worst girl

so she's just a slut who will jump on the next best dick after a couple days

I guarantee once the show ends 02 fags will be nowhere in sight as they go back to their respective boards, unless they create daily fucking general for the show. They seem to love doing that for FOTM shows for some reason.

don't forget waifu bait

Who the hell are strawfags?
I bet they are all those Rei fags that got BTFO into smithereens and now have hope for this show.

She will save Hiro when 02 goes evil and starts murdering everything so she'll pretty much win.

Rem at least won over Subaru at one point, meanwhile Hiro doesn't think about Ichigo at all.

>is ishigo the new rem?
No, she's the new Miuna.

This. Hiro doesn't even notice Ichigo, Subaru literally killed himself for Rem.

I like that pic related. Props for the person who did this.