Through the years, KyoAni has crafted time and time again some of the most lovable franchises we hold so dear...

Through the years, KyoAni has crafted time and time again some of the most lovable franchises we hold so dear. Masterpieces like Haruhi, Air, Kanon, Clannad and Clannad After Story. But who could forget the timeless masterpiece that is K-ON which we were thoughtfully given a second season and a movie. Of course it's not always sunshine. We often get times when our beloved KyoAni cannot bring in new brethrens to our warm family-like pack. Such were the case with Tamako and Nichijou. But those didn't bother us as they were still evident of the loving craft given to us by the masterful hands at KyoAni. However this season, it all changes.

Right now, KyoAni airs a show titled Violet Evergarden. Compared to other works, this lacked the loving craft they always poured. It's as if they've gone and become a no good second rate studio. Time and time again, it tested our patience. We held off through the storm that is "shitposting". Clutching on to our hopes saying that the ball will start rolling after a few episodes. But alas, the 3 episode rule has come. Week by week, episode by episode; we were disappointed by it's performance. We start turning on to ourselves and bashing the show due to our disappointments.

KyoAni bros, it's time to stop fighting amongst ourselves. The real enemy here is this man; Taichi Ishidate. A rookie of no vision. The true destroyer of our beloved KyoAni. To delay no further, I propose we each make a letter about our collective thoughts to be sent to KyoAni. At the same time I will petitioning them to fire this soulless director. It's time we took matters into our own hands. It's time save Kyoto Animation.

>otaku mad he got flipped off by a studio

I think most Kyoanus lickers like myself hate Ishitdate.

Episode 8 features war tho.
I love war.

I this show actually bland or is it cause people expected something with more action?
From what I heard this is a slow drama that focuses adjusting to society once you've been to war instead of the fantasy action adventure it came off as.

it is like that but the first four episodes totally suck

this reads like an awful youtube video essay

It feels aimless. It's not really about a slow drama, nor about some war veteran adjusting to society in any meaningful way. It's about some autistic girl who lacks empathy and common sense at the beginning. Even though there are some particular themes being used through the first episodes most of the events happening on screen feel completely detached, now that I think about it the first 4 episodes are more of a SoL than anything else with some character drama right in the middle of it that gets resolved just as quickly as they were introduced. The conflicts are also very predictable so you find yourself not caring about anything, specially because you barely even know these characters.

This show is painfully mediocre, the direction and editing are bland and every conflict and twist is so predictable and safe. It doesn't put any effort into developing its episodic drama most of the time, the producers seem to think that just presenting you with a sob premise is enough, 'here's a story of a father that lost her daughter to cancer, now cry'. I also feel like the show itself doesn't trust you enough to catch the few subtleties it has, it always infodumps the themes and internal conflicts a character might have. The awkward, unnatural dialogue has to be one of its main flaws, 'she's only good for killing, and completely useless otherwise, just exploit this orphaned girl as much as you can and dump her in the battlefield when she's no longer of use', a scriptwriter got paid to write this line, how?

less than 24 hours until new episode, get hype!

I honestly don't get much hype for this anime anymore

>Taichi Ishidate
Well crafted bait. 6/10. Made me reply.


You're all replying to shit pasta by the way.

KyoAni is actually doing a decent job though. Source material is just boring as hell. 5 episodes in and nothing is happening, just foreshadowing for when she learns Gilbert dies. It's retarded.

I agree that Violet Evergarden is possibly the worst thing Kyoani has ever released but I don't think it's because a lack of thought and craft put into it lt it's just poorly written and paced

it's least better than hibike

nice bait

remember when Sora No Wato did everything you described better than violet evergreen did? and then it didn't get a second season?

is this copypaste? It feels like copypaste

They should have just did Amagi S2 instead.

>From what I heard this is a slow drama that focuses adjusting to society once you've been to war instead
For about 4 episodes, then after just one day our little girl soldier has becomes a fully functional member of society.

Speak for yourself, Nigger.

I've seen people everywhere defend this show for being a "slow burn" drama. But that's not the case at all. Episode 1 sets up her conflicts and motivations as character, then that gets sidelined in favor of rushed episodic client of the week drama for at least 5 episodes.

Slow burn is not setting up something then forgetting about it for 5 episodes only to come back to it halfway through episode 7.

Woah there Charles Dickens

If the source material is that boring then why it got an award?
Oh wait...

Kyoani scam awards

I liked it better when it was called Mahoromatic.

And fucking Hobunsha rejected it. Let that sink in.

I know this is shitty copypasta written by that Greek faggot TAS, but still, Rick & Mortygarden sucks.

Anyone who isn't a total newfag recognizes Rori's painfully obvious writing style. I'm amazed it's as short as it is.

>Source material is just boring as hell. 5 episodes in and nothing is happening
Are those episodes not mostly anime original?



I'm sure this is a bait thread but I still agree. Only contrarians don't think Kyoani's first decade was full of good stuff.

Munto and Air were complete shit, overall Key shit wasn't really that good, Clannad and Kanon are overrated

i forgot to say she also mentions the "major" every once in a while, what a great and exciting show.

That's their name; don't wear it out.

>Clannad and Kanon are overrated
Kill yourself.

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

take autism pills

no u