I cry every time

I cry every time

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Remider Iggy was the best written crusader


Never forget.

The animation is way more fluid than in nu-JoJo

Based hairposter

Anyone got a webm from the newer series with that scene? Iggy, Ice and Polnareff's expressions look way more human.

That's because it was an OVA and in the 90s.

iggy was such a bro. Why does the creator love killing dogs so much?

Makes me sad that Jojo art style will never return to the godlike art of the early series.


I never liked that little mutt.
He was gross and resembled dog breeds I particularly dislike. Should've been killed by the awesome Hawk.


That fucker killed the puppy!?

i prefer the current artstyle to the part 5-6 artstyle but i still love the part 2-3 artstyle

Exactly, I've been reading the manga and it is only getting worse.

I want to get into jo-jo. Where do I start?

what part are you on? SBR gets super detailed with the faces and the horses look pretty nice too

Part 8 and I really don't know why I keep reading it because I've hated the characters and art since 6.

Start where most people do, the anime.

Start from the first anime or part 1 manga then anime.

huh, well i suposse i cant make you enjoy something you dont want, what a shame because im really enjoying part 8

My Boston Terrier went the same way


>part 1 manga then anime.
Unles you mean finish the manga and then just watch the anime, this is objectively wrong.

The newest anime. The old anime only has bits and pieces of part 3 and it complete fucks up the mood of Jojo, its so bland. It has REALLY nice animation though.

they butchered Avdol's death so badly in the anime compared to this

watching diamond is unbreakable made me appreciate how good the animation is in the previous parts, especially 3. Part 4 is stiff and looks like the simpsons.

How did they butcher a great adaptation of what happened in the manga? The scene in the OVA is cool and all, but it's way too bombastic and doesn't fit the anticlimactic atmosphere from the manga, that makes Cream that much more terrifying.

I wouldn't want to watch the anime if I finished the manga first desu senpai.

It started out as manly men doing manly stuff and beating up monsters and each other and then........ what the fuck is this even.

So you don't like Jojo? Or you don't like watching adaptations? It doesn't seem like you've even read Jojolion.

No, Cream and most of the final battle in general is way better in the OVA.

I feel like the "anticlimactic" thing would work better if it weren't for the fact they brought him back from a similar death already. It never felt like a real death scene to me.

Not at all faglord. Dio looks like an old lady, the music direction ruins the urgency of everything, it doesn't adapt many popular scenes and it makes it feel a lot more generic. The added scenes were great, but it's still worse overall. It's like they were adapting a HnK fight instead of Jojo and decided to get rid of all its personality. The animation was great though.

The Vanilla Ice fight was completely butchered, it's very short and it changes stuff for no reason, Vanilla Ice didn't feel like a real threat and he was beaten quite easily. They removed his circle strategy and removed pretty much all the memorable lines that made it so great. Why'd they even make him a vampire?

That's awesome. Why did I watch the new anime instead of this one again?

That was the point, he came back so it felt like he'd come back again and Cream's ability was something else. Maybe he'd only cut his arms, maybe it's an illusion, but the OVA doesn't leave anything to the imagination and makes a huge scene in front of everyone after which Vanilla Ice announces himself and becomes a vampire, they clearly wanted to streamline everything into happening at the same time because of limited runtime.

The whole point is that it didn't feel like a real death scene, that's why it's supposed to feel like Avdol hasn't died. And that's why Pol doesn't accept it till the end, where he cries after seeing his ghost.

Because it only adapted one arc correctly, and skipped most of the arcs.

delet this

manly twinks hanging out with qt gfs and beating the absolute shit out of rock niggers

It was killed by a void killing vampire?

it split in half? or was it kicked to death

Iggy's death was so swift in the OVA. You don't really get enough time to really digest what the fuck just happened.

They should've kept this in the new series. Not enough of DIO being pure evil

I agree they should've left it, but it's understandable that they removed it. And in any case, the anime still has more scenes with DIO being an ass than the OVAs mostly due to the length.

Part 1 will always be my favorite

I really liked the Ripple