I haven't rewatched this is in like 6 years, what the hell is it with the insane amount of gross-out? Did I really used to like this?
ITT: Anime that are way worse than you remembered
I haven't rewatched this is in like 6 years, what the hell is it with the insane amount of gross-out...
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Yeah the broken swearing is funny but the rest just makes me want to stop watching
>being grossed out by panty and stocking
Haha faggot
You're trying to tell me the show is not intentionally gross?
I am glad you came to your senses, user.
Like what? The only thing I thought was gross was that whole episode about boogers, but that seemed to be the point. A couple times you see the girls on the toilet too I think.
I'm just saying the shit, snot, and vomit episodes aren't even gross. The show is more sexual and vulgar rather than gross-out, anyways.
Was panty also a demon all along? How do you even simulate a perfectly matching halo like that. inb4 it's just some shitty writing don't try to think
But they're still THERE
I know Sup Forums is full of retards, but come on guys. "Gross-out" refers to a type of comedy, you don't actually have to be personally grossed out by it to understand the classification.
Every once in a while, I stop and wonder about how my tastes have changed over the years. Those shows I used to like, maybe they weren't good. And the shows I still like. Maybe,,, just maybe I actually have shit taste.
Every once in a while we get a post like OP's and I am relieved.
Yea we know but the OP is saying that there's a shit ton of gross-out comedy when there's hardly 3 episodes of it.
Out of 13, that's 25%
You're forgetting that the episodes are cut in half.
An entire episode is about snot and then vomit.
That's basically where I starting to think
>I may actually hate this show
I'm alright with it. The first episode let's you know what you're getting into and the build up to the end of the vomit episode was great even though P&S didn't show up until then.
Chances are higher you're just an idiot.
It's hard to like every episode of a show like this. I hated that recap episode with the offscreen goat milk lesbo session at the end for example. Chuck's episode was a bore, too.
Overall, I still like the show.
I know but I do have shows where I like every single episode, this one is just okay at best for me. It's done well and I like PSG and the demon girls, but that's about it.
P&S is one of those shows only really works when you've watching it for the first time with a bunch of other people. A lot of the joy comes form the absurd directions it takes and everyone's reaction to it.
I've come to believe that applies to anything Trigger has made.
No. Most of the stuff they've made isn't even enjoyable on that level.
>Troll faces
except trigger is unable to make a decent show
>samurai jack faces
Get with the times grandpa, we're already shifting into the post post-irony era whether you're on board or not.
Yeah, it was years ago, newfag. Stop pretending you're an oldfag when you aren't.
There wasn't that much grossout and it didn't bother me that much.
>you don't look at this cringe, even a little bit
how anybody can find anything in threads like this funny really amazes me.
mental age below average.
>he ever liked that crap
Is that really equivalent though? I enjoyed watching School Days as it went but I sure as fuck wouldn't call it decent
Everyone knows the best thing to come from it was the soundtrack
panty and stocking was 8 year ago, user
I went back to see Black Lagoon. The first two episodes feauturing a weird Death Note like plot put me off so much. Also was unimpressed by the action as it wasn't staged to give you a good sense of the lay of the land whenever Revy was fighting a large group of people.
It's called toilet humor.
Gurren Lagann feels like a child wrote it.
I still enhoy it a lot though even f-fourteen years later
That first episode is pretty awful.
All the first half is awful
>Sup Forums reaction images
You're just as bad, maybe even worse.
>fourteen years later
Fuck you for making me check.
It was a literal asspull, literally. Stocking being a demon doesn't make a fucking lick of sense, and I'll be fucked if it does. Hell, Corset was literally standing behind her as she ruins Christmas, there's no denying she wasn't simply brainwashed or something relatively less retarded like that.
before this i used to see anime like edgy shit for fags with some blood like death note
after this i see everything as weeb fuel full with lewd shit
fuck this decade dude
And where does this show fall?
>taking a post credits gag seriously
>just turn your brain off bro, its joke
It most likely is. This is a retarded comedy show with no overarching plot.
Do you try and poke plot holes in PTE too?
that was the norm back then. It was the pepe/wojack of reaction faces