Seriously what the fuck will he wish for...

Seriously what the fuck will he wish for? There’s no way he will wish for something that will make it possible for Super to have a happy ending.

Maybe he'll wish for a sequel.

Erase the gods/most probably Zeno, which leads to angel rebellion.

For all monkeys to be gone

Wish that SSG is impossible, which forces Goku and Vegeta to learn SS4.

Wishes it all never happened on accident which will keep the universes alive

He will do the first selfless thing in his life and wish for the de-erasure of the universe

He'll wish for the universe to be rewritten as GT.

Truly the worst ending.

>Frieza backstabs exhausted Goku after the final fight against Jiren
>His surprise attack happens to be strong enough to kill tired Goku
>Gets disqualified and erased from universe

Wish that God Ki is not a thing. Now he is the strongest being in the universe BY FAR

What the fuck does this shit mean?
Nip autists would still be living in the pre-industrial era without the West.

It's pretty obvious it'll turn out that his wish won't be granted and Whis will trick him because he don't know the language of the gods.

Imagine the state of Sup Forums if that's actually what happens.

These. Or something to make EoZ fit better.

what the fuck happened to frieza? Is he still hidin or did I miss something?

he's been temporarily written out of existence for when he asspulls a victory at the very end of the show

he will wish to become a being higher than el grand padre

>I, Lord Freeza, wish for....

He will wish for the Saiyan race to revived.

Mark my words.

He's going to wish to be the protagonist of his own anime

I'd watch it

Oh man, he gets double fucked with big balls again.