We're all in agreement that Bob Team Epic is the anime of the season, right?
We're all in agreement that Bob Team Epic is the anime of the season, right?
Not even funny.
I went from thinking it was dumb meme shit, to boring sorta funny shit, and then recognized that it was anime of the year. All because of AUSTRALIA and Hellshake Yano
>the hellshake yano bit
Would love to see the making of that scene
Not sure about Poptepipic, but Bobneamimim is AOTY
>actually giving money to the dudes that made GALO
I hope this sets a precedent. AOTD
Yes, and I mean it unironically
The world needs more Japanese Street Pop Art
Hellshake Yano is Anime of the Millenium
Well everything else is shit so yeah, I guess, winner by default.
eisai haramasukoi
No one cares about these retard spasms slapped together into a "show".
Hellshake v1>Hellshake v2 > Bob team epic> pop team epic> french shit
Anime of the Year more like.
this won't catch on
I started posting it on Facebook and I got non-anime people to watch and love it! It's gonna get mainstream pretty soon :D
(search Eisai Haramasukoi Dance IRL on Youtube after this weekend)
Well, it keeps me coming back each week, somehow.
nice falseflag
Sure beats gintama's shit attempt at humor
More compelling story than Evangelion.
Better animation than Dragon Ball Super.
Best male MC in an idol/music genre series.
Is there anything Hellshake Yano can't do?
Probably one of my favorite segments they've done. They did one on traffic safety as well that was quite well done.
I was quite impressed with how well they did this segment