Mahou Shoujo Site

Anime starts on April 6th.
Will you watch it, Sup Forums?

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>muh Madoka
Fuck off, OP.

You too, buddy.

But he's right though. Madoka is garbage.

Apparently it has yuri so I probably will. It looks like trash from the PVs though.

Looks pretty good actually.

>same creator of Mahou Shoujo of the End
This is going to be an edgefest, right?

you better believe it

It makes Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku look like Precure.

It's edgier but a fun edge, The End was a bit too serious.

I need lesbian bullying anime RIGHT NOW.

>yuribait magical girl shit
>will you watch it


>yuri, horror


This shit looks so unnecessarily edgy I can't ignore it.

I'll stick to the manga instead of watching toned down Yuri bait
>He brother was the best thing out of this whole thing

I will. Sup Forums probably will too, most are just contrarian at the moment.

So, Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku but gayer and even edgier?

This is from the same author that gave us Magical Girl Apocalypse, wasn't it?

She didn't deserve it bros...

Where in the FUCK are the new chapters?

>Madoka happens and now grimdark magical girl series abound


Does it have cannibalism?

>Ryuusei Nakao voicing Nana in this hilarious edgefest
I'm on board.

Sadly I will. Even though it's not real mahou shoujo and that's blatant false advertisement trying to get the attention of yuri fags.

>false advertisement

Do they fuck though? Or does one die first?

Yatsumura pretty much dies at the end of part 1

I hate you.

How do you pretty much die? Is she a vegetable?

She lost all her lifespan from using too much of the magical sticks

I will watch it but only because I know it's going to be an edgy trainwreck

Only reading it for the admins and the two main girls at this point.


What's with this author and his fetish over magical girls trying to murder each other? It's not even a good fetish per se.

Probably not a fetish but a way to stand out from the crowd. Not just make your mahou shoujo edgy, but make it so edgy that nobody could take it seriously, and work from there.

Is that even a profitable idea? I doubt it would give his serialization a bump because it's a very precise niche.

Chuuni Taisen got an anime and I can't imagine anyone asking for it.