One Piece

I'm kind of tired of reading that Luffy vs Kata was a bad battle.

>Luffy endured hits for hours. They were mortal as fuck, because Katakuri wasn't playing at all and wanted him dead.
>Little by little, Luffy's determination hits Katakuri. Why is he standing up when he has barely touched him once?
>Kata little by realizes that Luffy is honest with himself, and he, otherwise, has been hidding who he really was. Literally.
>Respect reaches the top. He doesn't really want to kill him now, he wants to see where his determination would reach. Spear is not needed anymore.
>He's beating the shit out of him, but his endurance is absurd. He keeps going up.
>Kata is not weak: Luffy is so strong is scary. Kata was only winning because he has the "dodge" stat to 9999, and you can't win against what you can't hit.
>Eggplant shitgirl does her stuff. Katakuri shows he's an honorable guy by stabbing himself and showing who he really is to the cunt. Luffy has made him realize he wasn't being honest with himself.
>Real battle begin: snakeman is fast as fuck and conect a few times, enough to make Kata faint.
>Katakuri recognizes Luffy's honor by asking him about beating big mom, and so does Luffy by covering his mouth. Its up to kata when to show it to the family.
>Fucking cool as shit rivalry has been set.

And they say its a bad fight? What the fuck?

tl;dr: Luffy is WAY stronger than Katakuri, but dodging > parrying.

>I'm kind of tired of reading that Luffy vs Kata was a bad battle.
There's tons of people who love it though.

And even among the people who don't like it, very few would call it one of the worst fights in the series.

>luffy is way stronger than katakuri
>let me reword each situation to fit my argument

Something like that

And despite all that punishment, he managed to get on top. Therefore he was stronger.

>I'm kind of tired of reading that Luffy vs Kata was a bad battle.
You're gunna have to get over it man. Shit opinions have always been popular on internet forums.

>tl;dr: Luffy is WAY stronger than Katakuri,

>all this bitching until the fight is animated
>suddenly it will become a 10/10

Luffy v Katakuri should be viewed as a love story rather than a battle. It becomes much better that way.

we discussed this fight back-to-back, i'm honestly already tired considering the same old arguments will pop up during the very next few hours. at this point, i'd rather have had the discussion about a possible germa stalling on cacao to continue than having "luffy won!" or "kuri won!" being repeated ad-nauseam in this thread too

This reads like literal Fairy Tail shit. Are you serious?

>tl;dr: Luffy is WAY stronger than Katakuri, but dodging > parrying
That OP could have been good if it weren't for this.

>Toei anything

it literally happens to every fight desu

So far, my favorite anime/manga battle this year. Very good.

Sadly this.

Which animation studio or w.e would you have liked to do One Piece some justice in the anime department?

Same, I don't care anymore. Everyone should be free to have their own opinion. My own is set in stone anyways, so discussing it won't change it.


Oda is a hack

>one hit in the face by Normal Gear 4th doesn't do shit
>a few hits from a WEAKER Gear 4th make Kata faint

The anime has been pretty good lately. It's obvious they're giving extra care to WCI. Moreover Toei are obvious Katafags. They'll deliver. They have the money now.

>The anime has been pretty good
i'd say enjoyable at best, pacing is still a huge factor that detracts from the viewing experience

He might not be my prince, but he's a good lad in my book. More people in office should try to get the weeb votes.



people is just tired of this arc and its because it started from sanji throwing.

Post SHs who aren't the best in the world at their job


Stop shilling this, ahmed. Your shitskin fag did not do shit.
Normies don't care about the anime quality

he doesn't have one

Who gives a shit about those "normies"? I care.


t. brainlet

>Wano will be filled with Kinemon and Momonosuke

oven has blu eyes?

huh... he looks exactly like kinemon here

>pretty good
Maybe for its own special standards. It's been hot trash ever since Thriller Bark.

Don't remind me. Hopefully some people will release Charlotte family doujins to help me cope.

>own special standards
Well yeah duh it's a long running anime, not a one cour anime.

You just described why the fight was garbage tho.

Luffy fell into the stereotypical shonen trope of pulling power out of his ass ignoring all the previous damage he took before a new transformation appears and bullshits his way to victory.

>Literally not a single Pudding doujin yet
The pain

dumb fillerwatcher.

spoilers tomorrow right?

nope. no chapter this week sadly

> ignoring all the previous damage he took before a new transformation appears and bullshits his way to victory
Speaking of which, I hope Chopper will at least comment on the disastrous state of Luffy's body. It's not much but it would still help make me suspend that proverbial disbelief.

Stop. Bad, bad user.


where did you get that info?

SaNa? More like, Na as in sodium as in salt, NaCl, which they produce upon being told the truth that their ship is stupid am I right fellas

One piece was cancelled.
Oda was found dead in a dark alley, he was assaulted and asphyxiated with mochi by rabid katakuri fans

hi guys updated chapter and latest series just click here My Mangalist arigato

Take that back!!!

Anyone else excited for his return?

Shit, I was told we did a decent job of hiding the corpse. Which was of you morons screwed it up?

Filthy lies.

>boring devil fruit that shouldn't even exist
>future sight introduced as something special, then luffy learns it in 2 hours
>fight was interrupted all the time and happened mostly offscreen so that we can watch fodder run away from a fat lady


doflamingo vs luffy was the worst fucking thing ever, so no.

Which year, 2019 or 2020?
I doubt he will be brought back right at the start of Wano

yes, moria and thriller bark get so much unwarranted hate

Thanks user.
I track my animes in a spreadsheet, here is the link:

Anyone who hasn't read the thread where the guy posted just pages with the fight in it is missing out, really. All combined its a great sequence of events.

Reminder food based devil fruits are a stupid idea.


Delete this.

you are assuming its logical because he won, and this assumption relies on the basis that winning is logical.

but it fucking isn't you retard. you need to PROVE its logical, not that you fucking ASSUME its logical and THEN use it to justify the rest.

god i am fucking sick and tired of literal fucking retards on this board

That's why a lot of them kicked so much ass this arc right?

name one

Jackie Chan

Pero Pero No Mi

>tfw already read the chapter
Feels good having connections.

Still a stupid idea, an earth paramecia would do the same thing as Cracker, a slime paramecia would do the same thing as Galette, and the butter guy. Any liquid logia can do the Mochi fruit.

>you are assuming it's logical because he won
No, I'm assuming it's logical because we had a fucking chapter when Luffy endured a lot of punishment just to learn how to dodge good, and after he learned it, focused G4 into speed, wich closed the power gap as much as it could.

So it fucking is, you retard. You need to PROVE it's illogical, not that you fucking ASSUME it's illogical and THEN use it to justify the rest.

God, I am fucking sick and tired of literal fucking retards and spee D. readers on this board.

he said kicked ass not licked ass

Perospero, Katakuri, Craker, Galette.

Sanji... Had a hard life.

Oda stop shitposting, give us Lewds

>doujin where chopper impregnates nami and robin
>can't find it on exhentai
Some assistance plz

And with it came a hard cock
Right into Pudding’s vagina
He creamed her pie you see
Jellied her doughnut
Blasted her turkey
Stuffed her turducken
Fucked her pussy with his cock

Can you be clearer?

You wish.
Sanji still a loser and a virgin.
Also he will never get it going with nami either.
He will die virgin and useless.

gay pedophile who got owned by a islamist furry
gay biker who stabbed himself and got owned despite seeing the fucking future, his bounty should be lowered to 50 beli
owned by a girl with a water hose, also gay
don't even remember this fodder

I think the people who do legitimately like One Piece and don't like the battle agree, it wasn't the fight itself, it was how the fight played out.
Give Luffy a few more clean hits before Snakeman and more as SM and the fight probably would be a 100% instant classic.
Think about Lucci. Yes Lucci was in control for a good 55-65% of the battle, Luffy only getting upper hands when he first used his gears against him, but even when Lucci was getting wise he was still taking some damage over time.
It missed a slight yet crucial mark for some people.

They reproduced with each other sexually with their gonads

t. Judge

Jobberkuri is supposed to be on par with Jack meaning Luffy shouldnt have done jackshit to him.

>projection the post
Just a matter of time for Nami to ride his cock while you cry yourself to sleep at night

Luffy's Gear 4th attacks dealt more damage than most of Katakuri's, only Power Mochi got near that level. Luffy fought smarter and resisted until the end, where his new form let him finally hit him enough to beat him after he'd grown accustomed to fighting his CoO.

This is how Luffy does things and it will never change.


The only thing that goes in Nami’s holes are money and those fruits she eats.

She shove money and fruits into her pussy and ass?

Yes. It’s her fetish. No cocks, only fruit and money. Nobody can watch unless they pay her. No touching. No fapping.

Sorry but Sanji is the best cook in the world. And Franky the best shipwright. Nami the best navigator and Robin the best archeologist.
But Chopper isn't the best doctor nor is Zoro the best swordsman.

I loved the battle but it still feels like an asspull UNLESS you realize Katakuri wasn't going all out af if he were facing a Younkou Commander. He took his time playing with Luffy at the very beginning since he saw their fruits were similar, and yes his attacks packed a punch but he never tried to suffocate Luffy with Mochi again for example when it nearly worked once and stopped using the spear.

Basically, Katakuri made himself a training dummy. His attacks were strong, but he gave Luffy ample opportuny to learn from him and eventually beat him. Say, what if at the very beginning Kata just went into Spinning-kick-mode like he did almost at the end? It was beating G4 Snakeman. Would have deleted base Luffy. We even saw his giant punches were stronger than G3, but he didn't do them again. That's the stuff we're talking about; a really bloodlusted Katakuri would stomp Luffy in the first 5 minutes using lethal techniques. Something like Kata thinking Luffy killed Big Mom.

>those fruits
oranges, user


Does Katakuri rape his sisters?

>implying he needs to rape them
Every one of his sisters would kill their spouse with a rusty spoon to fuck him

Brook is best musician too.
But Usopp is not best sniper

How long is your butthurt gonna last user? Is almost been a week. Is time to get over it.