Tomoko Tuesd/a/y

it's time, once again, to bow to the one True Queen of Sup Forums

why is she so perfect?


anime needed more jojo's references




>No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault A Bunch Of Lesbian Stalkers Won't Leave Me Alone

Holy shit, Pineapple without her pineapple has no right to be this hot.

>You thought the yandere was Emoji, but it was I, "Nemo"!

So how long until she goes on autistic hijinks to be alone?

Nemo a weirdo.

I think it's the eyebrows that complete the look

You may be on to something there.

What does she have in store?

All 3 of them are varying types of yandere, one is openly yandere, the other is awkward about it and the other one is bottling so much shit up she's probably gonna explode and kidnap tomoko

True. Yuri's definitely started shining through in the recent chapters.

The real question is, which one has the best tomoko shrine?

The one that collected the most of her hair without her noticing. Nemo's probably been at it longest, since she got snubbed at the entrance exams.

Please don’t make a Watamote thread unless there’s a new chapter. These threads are becoming generals at this rate.

I'm sorry, i just finished catching up on it, this thread was here and i needed to vent off the autism


We also need to see Mako's personality developed, excepted in the stall chapter, she is pretty normal.

Also, what's on that phone here?

Ok, this is getting ridiculous Nico. Tomoko needs to start referring to Yuri by name after all the "kuro/nemo" shit she's had to put up with.

Her brother's dick

True, the fact i keep forgetting which one is mako speaks volumes of her

>Three yanderes
>Emoji "The Columbine Terminator" 2.0
It's going to be the bloodbath to surpass Nice Boat, isn't it?

I can only see yuri harming someone, not even killing them, the other ones are just deviants

They're yanderes for different reasons. Yuri wants Tomoko as a platonic friend since she thinks they're so similar and can't stand seeing other people connect with her. Nemo wants Tomoko as the otaku friend she can relate to. And Ucchi needs psychiatric help

i want asuka to pamper me

Ucchi just needs a good scissoring

Either/or, really.

You think Ucchi was gay before coming under Tomoko's spell? Do you think she'll find happiness by dating a well-adjusted lesbian in college?


She was definetively a closet dyke before, she'll just keep tomoko on her rape dungeon, which tomoko thinks of as "the basement the emoji girl let's me live in"

>she is pretty normal
she almost rape tomoko in the bathroom

There was probably something going on before, tomoko was definitively what pushed her over the edge tho, it's probably why she's so enamored with her to begin with, also she's probably going to end up more stable if she wins the tomokobowl

I want Emiri to be happy.

She is pretty normal, she's just one of those touchy-feely nice girls that friends with everyone. And she's straight. The only reason she probably doesn't have a boyfriend yet is because Yuri would sink into a deep depression after realising how alone she is.

>she almost rape tomoko in the bathroom
I'm gonna need some memory jugging here man, i don't remember this happening

i don't remember the chapter but it happed when yuri was sick and mako dich tomoko, maybe someone have a crop

Nevermind i found it, she's definitively one of those people pleasers, either that or she likes yuri so much she goes full autismo just to please her

but then again when yuri was being a cunt to Yuu mako call her out even knowing yuri is a violent gal

Well she's just a people pleaser then

Good to see it's back.

Emoji might have been gay before even meet tomoko.


>niggers thinking that Tomoko might be into girls
Move over Shinka. Someone else loves them just as much.

It is cannon, it was in the anthology.



The New fan art is getting better.

i want to scratch tomoko ass

She was either completely innocent and asexual until tomoko awakened her or she was desperately trying to fight the urges and tomoko was the last straw, either way it's all tomoko's fault

Reminder Tomoko is for anal, lewding and hugs.

So what are they saying and why is she rubbing her pussy with her tail?

Remember in dragon ball super threads only 17 people are posted 540 times. We should kill off the dragon rat's like we did to the meme rat's.

I see ESL is just as autistic as always.

We are 19 people mister dubs

>Suddenly gets super eloquent when the topic of idolfaggotry and general otaku bullshit comes up.

Don't you miss the days we use to kill the meme rats.

Are threads usually hit 100 Plus people.

>Dammit! It's because I didn't know any of this stuff that Hina didn't tell me.
Possibilities for event set up? Imagine her asking Tomoko stuff like "hey, show me how otaku world looks like"

>She then winds up enjoying tomoko's most degenerate preferences




Hello anyone ?



She has learned to be numb to shame.

Tomoko and her friends.


Who would be your main?


She really does have nice hair, though!



No, that's Kii-chan's fate.

Kii-chan could be a second Tomoko.

A moon speaker on the thread?


That's in English for volume 9

I enjoy the manga but wish another season would come out. Tomoko's voice is really something special.

>you guys can go back to the hotel, I have a place I wanna visit
>goes to Kyoani shop but finds it closed
>closes at 4:00? WTF?
>workers of course, but even students wouldn't be able to make it
>TFW you realize the one place you wanted to visit is for NEETs

Was this the first time Nemo stopped having that fucking smile attached to her face?

A new anime might be coming out because volume 12 sold out like hot cakes.

I want to fuck Tomoko in the ass, as she moans depressingly and says something but I can't hear her because her voice would be too quiet.


Got to finally ERP with a Tomoko recently, was lovely.

Can lesbians be queens?

I miss Izumi Kitta voicing tomoko I know she want to voice tomoko again.

You lucky duck!




I want to slap Yuri in the fucking face after she tries to act all yandere on me, making me drift away from all my friends and loved ones just because she has issues and can't stand not being the only object of my affection or even attention. I'd immediately regret it.
But you made me do it! Why do you have to be like this? Can't you just enjoy our night out, why did you have to bring up that thing with Akane again?
It was two years ago and you were just fucking imagining things, she spotted a mosquito on my hand and that was that. You always overexaggerate everything, and if not you outright invent things to feel shitty about. It's like you try to feel like shit on purpose. Why are you like this? Can't you be more normal and less fucking controlling? Oh, so I'm the monster now, great, that's just fucking great. What about that time I caught you sexting with Koga? I didn't make a big deal out of it and I forgave it right away, but you have to go and make a melodrama about every little imagined thing. So what if I wrote a poem about Asuka three years ago? Get over it, for fuck's sake, we hadn't even met yet! Shut up, don't make me hit you again!!

I feel that JS Nemo should have a PreCure or similar shirt or at least an accessory. I can't imagine she'd have been embarrassed back then.

I wonder what happened.

Why is Nemo so salty over the high five?