ITT: manga pages that spooked the shit out of you

ITT: manga pages that spooked the shit out of you.



>"it's /ss/ time"

that's a girl

even better





I like this one it's a good series.

neo's arc was a quite the ride

indeed, can you recommend anything similar in quality?


Sauce? Google shows nothing.



search harder, ain't gonna spoonfeed when it's literally there





just to piss the other user off, it's kuro by somato

y'all can't just teach the newfags to use the search function can ye.


Did we even see his human face?

Can't remember the name but it involves a clocktower

no, closest thing to that was a drawing, which was blurred out iirc


I know its not that spooky, but I bought the first few volumes of Higurashi years and years ago, and the full colour full spread 'That's a lie!' page caught me off guard when I turned the page. Its not really something that works as well now I read my manga digitally.

How's it compare to the VN? I just finished Himatsubushi and I'm waiting for the rest of the Kai arcs' rerelease. Might pick up the manga to bide my time, as well as refresh my memory of all the events.

forgot to quote

someone post that one page from that fluffy ghost tits manga or w/e

always spooks me


That Franken Fran episode where the girl wanted to look like an anime made me pee myself a little at the end.




/ss/ is wrong.


Shibito no koe is more of a fucking comedy with all the insane shit that happens.


shit that's brutal

Whatever that manga was where the thing gets up from bed and starts crawling downstairs when it hears someone knocking at the door. Thats the only time I have ever been truly disturbed by a manga. I'd reference the page if I had the image or name.

None of these pages scare me except for this one. It's unsettling.

Why is this? All the other pages feel "static" but when I look at this one it makes me feel like it could start moving at any time.


Distant Sky
also Dragonhead

Sorry, it's hard to get good 'pages' of manwa.
You should also read Shibito no Koe o Kiku ga Yoi.


God dammit this was the ONLY time I was scared by Ito. I never found any of his stuff scary, just disturbing.

The paneling on this one is amazing, the author really manages suspense in a exceptional way.

Jesus thats a sinister panel.

Ichi the Killer was great






Sauce? I just keep getting gookspeak


fuck, that looks like homer simpson with his skin ripped off

Sweet Home. Is that 6000? 6000 is fucking tight.

>Is that 6000
Yea, loved it

>Sweet Home
Wtf, I just kept finding sites describing it as a kid with depression running away from home and assumed I had it wrong

Oh cool, I loved Bastard, I'm looking forward to reading this.


sorry I thought that couldn't be it because it was a cute girl

Man I love this manga, the author can make the horror and comedy go hand in hand and that chapter was hilarious because the islanders were pissed that they had to detonate the cave because of the dumbass parents

I'm reading it now and wtf, is everyone in this a sociopath?

>my childhood friend and classmate died, why's this thot haunting me
>my classmates got eaten by some mutant fishmen whatever man
>my cousin went splat at an imaginary haunted park oh well

It's not just the MC, no one seems to give a shit that kids are dropping like flies, not even each other!

They're just used to dealing with weird shit, especially his family, the girl is also his best friend

Glasses is a savage bitch. I always knew glasses made for a worse person.

What's this from?

Mitty being transformed.

I usually can't stand bitches but she's unironically great because everyone else is kind of a pussy

Patrician tier manga

I think it's Promised Neverland.

Is this fucking Jitsu wa? I thought it was, like, a soft lovey thing.

Picked it up and finished it since there's still so few chapters. It's pretty good, but I feel like the pacing is terribly slow. Pehaps it's because the author keeps repeating so many panels all the time. Sadly I'm a sucker for this kind of premise.

jesus fucking christ

Now THAT'S creative!

>scariest manga I ever read was porn

This shit still gives me chills months later. And she's barely even a monster, she's just a tall-ass immortal stalker.

manga was cute, also you don't get spooked by a fucking manga, what are you a pussy

tall-ass BIG TITTIED immortal stalker, user

His best work in terms of long term effect, really.



I play the VNs on steam and they take forever to release so I've only finished Meakashi, but from what I can recall from Onikakushi that was the first time the empty eye sprites pop up and it combined with Rena's angry face and the music freaked the fuck out of me.


Man, this manga was a fucking trip. I went in expecting a horror mystery and came out a gay trans crossdresser

things looking at you out of the corner of their eye is always spooky

So now you're a lesbian lady that dresses like a man?

Yes, that is one of the main characters

I feel like there's some context I'm misisng for this to spook me.

This filled the entire page, right after I turned the page from a more sombre panel. What I think made this worse is that I was reading it in the dark and didn't know my dog was under the table. Literally seconds after seeing this page, my dog licked my hand that was resting in my lap. Spooked the shit out of me

Gave me goosebumps desu

You'll get spooped by how shit this manga is

Just remembering some scenes in Ichi freaks me out

Came here to post this.

sauce plz

> Is this fucking Jitsu wa? I thought it was, like, a soft lovey thing.
It is.

Man, I've always been interested to know what a human-dog hybrid would look like in real life.

Reminder that she looked like this before