Netflix, this is your third chance... please
A.I.C.O.: Incarnation
Out in less than 48 hours
>girl MC
I'll give it a chance.
>girl MC
This kinda annoys me
What if... the whole anime world is just inside of her head, an imagination?
Their shit is so samey in tone so far. At least this can be salvaged by a female protagonist.
what was their first chance?
B The Beginning
and now this...
Feels too "Hollywood"
What about Aijn?
so 1 for 2 then
>B The Beginning
how is it?
I'd never heard of it
it does something different and people don't like it for that reason. I thought it was decent which isn't hard to do since anime is so shit these days just bunch of beta fucks and harems cause weebs live off this stuff cause they can't get laid in the real world.
Sidonia, Ajin and Blame were all great
the soundtrack reminds me of Kado
If someone like this can only call it decent, you know what it's really like.
Looks better than B.
I am absolutely sure that this will be utterly confusing in a bad way.
On the other hand, it will most likely look quite good.
This. But I still have some high hopes for A.I.C.O., Bones is my favorite studio and I like most of their original shit.
Is this the moe Thing anime we never asked for
Well, I'm always game for some cyberpunkish anime that also involves laserbeams and destroying weird nanotechnogoo monsters.
They really should stop with these Netflix-original releases. B was utterly cringy and it's too obvious they're trying to appeal to western tastes. It looked good, but the writer/s have no idea how to draw a conclusion the west would like. Devilman was only decent because of its source and director, but even with that they tried too hard with making it culturally odorless
>Character Design: Hanaharu Naruko
When will this guy going to make a hentai manga again?
This and Lost Song will be the final straw if either/both of them end up shit.
I hope they're prepared to sleep in the grave they dug.
>script writer who was the director of Comet Lucifer
third chance ?
Devilman = 10/10 anime saved
B The Beginning = 7.5/10 kinda good
for me they are saving anime, im not into your lolicon, yaoi, bullshit.
i can barely watch any anime each season anymore because they are all create for social reject who want self inser into being with lolicon girl into a harem, they got no story, are total shit.
Nexflix actualy releases anime like we used to got in 2000 and before, when anime were great. with real story not into your pandering.
no you will dislike the third chance of nexflix but im also probably going to enjoy it just like many others peoples.
you already got enough anime to watch no?
Man, I'm almost surprised you got through that whole post without unironicially saying "Manime."
western taste = master taste
you lolicon bastard
Jesus, everything about this post is awful.
For your sake, this better be bait
Western taste = likes Twilight.
netflix doing anime for americans
>all these Hollywood style shooting and running
>zero damage to the thing
to the trash you belong.
i will just watch this for mysterious male MC-kun
>some cyberpunkish anime that also involves laserbeams and destroying weird nanotechnogoo monsters.
Dennou Coil?
Is that good?
if you remove all the supernatural/bait story of Koku, it is actually a good anime. I liked the human characters and antagonist. The problem was the naruto story (with self amputations and organ transplants)
not sure if this is good
It looks alright, but from what I could gather with my limited japanese, the premise is utterly shit.
Sword Gai this month too which I expect to be their worst one yet.
>if you remove all the supernatural/bait story of Koku
If you remove that there is nothing left. Every plot and subplot revolved around the superpowered genetic experiment clowns.
>limited japanese
just google A.I.C.O.: Incarnation netflix trailer, and watch it dubbed
Character design and visuals look shit. Must be produced by bones C team because it lacks the usual flair of their shows.
damn its anime month Sup Forumsros
Both shows end being good. Whatever new anime projects planned that Netflix has in store might turned out very good.
Old Mc from b: the beginning > Girl MC > Devilman crybaby teen boy MC
More ONAs (Original Net(flix) Anime)
Meh. Typical pretty boys.
You say this as if the west didn't have shit like Toddlers and Tiaras. At least anime is just drawings.
So this is the kind of subhuman ESL DBS brought to the board
>School girl.
Looks way more promising already.
That's from japan you idiot netflix didn't make it.
Netflix didn't make Aico neither.
In fact they haven't made any anime until now, they just buy the rights and provide the platform.
Producing something counts as part of making it. They produced B: The Beginning. They did not produce Aijin.
being into lolicon
pick one
Netflix is providing a platform for edgy anime that wouldn't air on Japan TV (because moe is liked There) so in conclusion Netflix is saving anime
Yeah, because edgy anime doesn't air on tv and its all 100% moe.
More like we're experiencing something similar to the 80s OVA boom in which there are no restrictions on ONAs so people are going nuts currently.
The only series that supports your statement is Devilman Crybaby. B feels like something that was scrapped and they had to salvage it but none of its content felt very racy or nuts.
Really? B seemed super edgy, I haven't watched it due to everyone saying its a mess.
>B seemed super edgy,
Edgy in the Chunni sense not edgy in the 80's OVA type. It can air on TV just find as it is in fact it probably should have.
just because ur ugly don't be jealous they could kick ur ass
>Hanaharu Naruko character designs
you're getting a beach episode without a doubt.