Nazi`s BTFO, rejoice Levichads
Shingeki no Kyojin 103
fuck third world cucks
Someone report yonkou already to nip manga police #
Armin royal blood C O N F I R M E D
Armin looks upset but so cute.
>someone isn't giving us leaks fast enough so I'm going to report him to the police
Holy shit the entitlement of you fags. You're worse than SJWs on tumblr. He doesn't owe you shit, and furthermore he already said he's translating the entire thing by himself for us.
>The Chad king
>The beta trap
Why did you expect of warriorfags?
I wanted to say the same thing but I was afraid. They're really entitled huh?
B-but they are german jews
>nu-Sup Forums biting the hand of some dude who has delivered for years based on a rumor from a shitposter
Armin doesn't want to commit mass murder but Eren won't fuck him if he doesn't
He was a pussy.
Attention whores are less than human.
Its a good day to be a manletfag.
annie dead or alive?
They're here. Remember to report, best if you have more than one email.
>/snk/ has already gotten someone killed
>now /snk/ will get someone sent to jail because they're a bunch of entitled whiny faggots who think they're owed the manga
I hope everyone who reported him kills themselves tonight.
When did we kill someone
Hitch is the FT.
When is the bad day?
>so triggered they're accusing me of being Yonkou
Fucking cringe. Go back to your safe space on tumblr you diaper shitting brats.
What's wrong with reporting leakers? Distributors pay good money for legal rights.
>/snk/ has already gotten someone killed
Wait what? Story?
>/snk/ has already gotten someone killed
The Armongfag didn't die, he was sperging out last thread, even. Yonkou will just get his reddit and twitte deleted at maximum, like last time.
>Implying Marleyans are Nazis
>tfw yu wanted t reprt but you forgot your leddit password
Stupid 4chin retardation aura, also RIP younkek.
>reporting leakers because they aren't giving you leaks fast enough
You seriously see nothing wrong with that?
It wasn't an Armongfag, it was that one YHfag on bumblr who hung herself in 2013 after getting bullied by the EHwhale.
A Armongfag posted he was getting so much upset with posts here that he needed to go to hospital. No one died.
i knew these threads were up all the time but i thought you autists would at least act like it wasn't a general
I am gonna need some screencaps senpai.
Place your bets now!
What happened to Annie?
Fuck off jew.
>(((Marleyans))) are nazis
But Eldians are the Nazis?
>Ymir Fritz and her royal family aryan
>Marleyans are 2nd class citizens killed for anything
>Marley jews rise up with the help of Hitler's hippy son.
>Like the Jews are currently doing Marley becomes the next nazis
>Race traitor Eldians are like modern germans in their guilt
I don't get what you guys on Sup Forums are even going on about, I heard from the megathread you babies are seriously trying to go through with reporting?
Get real, I saw your last thread and found about 50 dozen or so posts just asking how to report someone for literally not doing anything wrong, it's not just that you don't know how to report him but none of you have so far and none of you will! Enjoy your tears as the fall down your face while you read the translations that Yonkou uploads, yeah the guy you want to report yet crawl to him on your bellies when he releases the chapter
>Almost 10 threads today
>Still no full chapter
Annie's currently murdering Historia before she hops on a boat and goes back to visit daddy
Why is Zeke such a bad fighter?
he just wants to play some baseball
remember to email [email protected] and/or [email protected] and let them know about the lebbit frauds.
give them the following links:
Search the archives for "blood pressure"
>be Yonkou
>be leaker
>like to tease people by only posting a small amount of leaks at a time
>post less and less over time because the entitlement gets annoying
>one day a bunch of triggered, entitled autists on Sup Forums decide they're going to report you because you aren't giving them what they want fast enough
>cops arrest you
>spend 3 years in jail, having no idea how SNK ends (or if it ended yet), knowing they probably got even more triggered and reported any other sources
>smile as you realize the monster ate itself alive
>no leaks till the 10th and someone has to pay for it from Kikeyroll
>smoke a cigarette with your nip bf in nip jail
I'm Yonkou
That is not very nice.
Yeah at this stage it is better to just wait until official release. Makes more sense and is consistent on when it is released.
not your personal army
fuck off
Not your personal army, faggot.
If we're not his personal army whose army are we?
Then do it you losers, hahaha you're all bark and no bite and people here always say we from the reddit megathread are "cancer"
Koreans will pull in
yeah try again in your next life nerd
Armin a cute.
An army of me.
And you entitled SJW-esque faggots will report them next month too if they don't come out quick enough.
Blame Isayama for his jew propaganda
How the fuck did the guy get worse at drawing with time ? amazing.
She helped and trained eren and followed him into marley.
eldiabns were the real nazies
more like isayama can't draw confirmed yet again
They have foresaken us too.
>sperging out on a mongolian thorat singing imageboard is entitlement
>literally stealing content and then parading it as if it's yours isn't
Gooks release the entire chapter in one go, they're bros.
Islanders developed a special drill and got her out of the crystal to get eaten by Eren
>Literally takes less than 10 minutes to make a throwaway/twitter and just copy and paste the Yonkou links to Kondasha but Sup Forums is too triggered and entitiled as well as stupid to even do so, so they just egg each other on to report him and no one does so in the end Yonkou uploads the chapter on the 8th when he wants
they deliver their own shitty translations. the better ones come out and can be found in a few days anyways.
>smoke a cigarette with your nip bf in nip jail
but that's gay
real men smoke cigars
I didn`t report him yet
Too many people posted blood pressure to make fun of him to find the original post.
Can Iget some spoonfed please.
>reporting someone for not getting your pwecious milkies isn't entitlement
And since when the fuck did you niggers give a fuck about laws and theft? Not only are you hypocrites, you're also entitled pieces of shit.
>tfw you don't mind waiting until the official release
Leaked panel of Armin just before he sets off the blast.
Because YOU WON'T so stop your bitching and wait like the rest of us who aren't whiny babies.
Their scans look like shit though.
>tfw you do
>laws and theft
Pirating is literally legal where I live you stupid fucking niggerfaggot
what is 'grim reminder' and why the fuck do people keep saying it? what does it mean?
It’s a meme
Waiting a few days is fine, user. You aren't entitled to leaks. There is nothing wrong with following the rules.
>reporting something that's legal where you live
I see the 0/10 intelligence groupthink has arrived.
Don't make us remind you grimly
she a lil thicc
Grim Reminder to all reddit scum: Now that Yonkou has been mass reported, there is nothing you can do to save him.
lurk moar
I'm doing it for fun and retard tears though.
she a lil sticc
>next month too if they don't come out quick enough.
it's never been about that, it's been about the frauds grandstanding about stealing the manga, getting off on teasing people about how they stole it, and then doing a TERRIBLE job translating them.
honestly if they weren't just so fucking bad at the translation parts, maybe things wouldn't be so salty.
yet the lebbit frauds do such a bad job at it, and then act high and mighty about doing a bad job (after they stole it), fuck them.
Lol literally none of you entitled whiners have even reported him yet because you're all that stupid
So we agree that leakers getting shut down is not a problem? That's nice. We aren't entitled to leaks, Let's all just read the official release. After all, we are patient and sensible.
Now that Pieck is dead, who will you waifu next?
she got a thiccy
>using very un-PC words like nigger and faggot
>reporting people who help make my life a little better sometimes by giving me free early leaks is fun xDDD
Your life is fucking pathetic.
Why the sudden yonkou shilling? I want Chinkfag and Moonfag here, I miss you guys.
Your rage is making my life a lot better though
I want Jeantron back and her fake spoilers
meant for