In this thread we discuss the grandeur and beauty of the magnificent Greek Goddess, Mana

In this thread we discuss the grandeur and beauty of the magnificent Greek Goddess, Mana.

Feel free to praise Mana as the greatest Precure who has ever lived to your heart's content.

Other urls found in this thread:プリキュアワンドロ&sort=created

Mana is a terrible singer.


What kind of offerings the goddess Mana like?


Is Mana a lesbian?

Literally who

Maya thread


Doggie doggie Precure

Whatever happened to this?

A forehead so big it could destroy little girls' dreams.

Precure 1-hour draw: #417

Today we have this little girl many seem to hate, many seem to lewd. But mostly hate, especially when she's a cure. Today's theme is Madoka Aguri/Cure Ace.

You can check past draws here:プリキュアワンドロ&sort=created

It got released, because the first chapter was fan translated iirc

Link to that fantranslation? Found it on amazon. Should I buy it and translate the rest?

Virgin sacrifices
Anyone on /pc/ will do


Oops, forgot to remove teehee
Have a Mana


If you already knows japanese, I think buying would be the better option.

I will always remember the first time Happy transformed and faced a monster, only to run away and hide like the little girl she is.

Where you waiting for me, for a virgin sacrifice or an Aguri one draw?

Would you play twister with Mana?


You can do anything!
You can be anything!
Fure! Fure! Minna!
Fure! Fure! user!

Thanks man. So is it implying that Joker is fucking with them?

No way Miyuki is a dead end 24 year old with just a part time job in a shoddy bookstore that is about to close down.


Hey little one.

The Hugttos have some great lewds already.

For her to appear on 1hr, too bad R18 pics are against the rules

God yes.

Who are the top 10 sexiest kids in Precure?

I can't believe Lala is fucking dead


Who killed her?

The Precession of Idols

So why was Joe calling Mana my sweet hearto.

I don't think Fresh and Hugtto really did the jumping scene.

I miss the colorful idol stages the precure EDs have had since like Fresh. Why did they get rid of them.

Neither did HaCha. Or Suite, really.

Is the doki movie good?

He needs to find a new fuck since his wife turned into two worst girls and a baby

Idols are the enemy.

If only Ace looks as pretty as this in the actual show


Cure Heart/Mana is the biggest Mary sue in the Precure series. She was boring and had no flaws that made her stood out from the rest of the cures. If it wasn't for Regina I would have skipped that season. Aguri also sucks. Doki Doki is the worse season after kirakira and mahou.

I love Mana.

Rikka so cool

Sweet Dreams!!


It's alright. It's a /u/ gets cucked movie which confirms Mana will get married to a male and not be a magical female harem master.


Doki had the two of the best EDs in Precure history. The songs, the 3D models, the choreography. Everything perfect.

Sasuga Mana
>Last screenshot

Mana has transcended genders and age. Her lust accepts all.

I see you have trouble accepting a strong and independent pink leader who don't need no team


I miss Dokidoki.

I like his Saaya better

Doki > GoPri > Smile > the rest

Meet me in the Trump Kingdom in 5 minutes for a ass kicking.

>Meet me in the Trump Kingdom
Go to bed, North America.

i already live in america

I love Doki and I've seen it almost four times and it still deserves to be at the bottom with the worst of precure.

You have no sense of humor, the reason most people call Mana the goddess of all Cures is exactly because she's "flawless", which is not really accurate, but it evolved to the point that it's now an unspoken collective joke where everybody pretends that she is the greatest. And she really is.

Would Mana be a MAGA Frogposter?

No, she'd be a selfie tripfag. And more successful that way.


1. Go! Princess PreCure
2. Smile PreCure!
3. Heartcatch PreCure!
4. Yes! PreCure 5
5. Futari wa Pretty Cure
6. Fresh Pretty Cure
7. Suite PreCure
8. Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo!
9. Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star
10. Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart
11. HappinessCharge PreCure!
12. Kirakira PreCure a la Mode
13. DokiDoki! PreCure
14. Maho Girls PreCure!

> “Every person's life is theirs by right. An individual's life can and must belong only to himself, not to any society or community, or he is then but a slave. No one can deny another person their right to life nor seize by force what is produced by someone else, because that is stealing their means to sustain their life. It is treason against mankind to hold a knife to a man's throat and dictate how he must live his life. No society can be more important than individuals who compose it, or else you ascribe supreme importance, not to man, but any notion that strikes the fancy of that society, at a never-ending cost of lives. Reason and reality are the only means to just laws; mindless wishes, if given sovereignty, becomes deadly masters.”

- Aida Mana

Fuck off.



>t.butthurt mahofag

I miss Kirara.

Couldn't give a shit about Maho. Just tired of you stupid fucks constantly trying to start a gopri/maho war. You're just as bad as the maho guy.

That IS the maho guy. He's resorting to falseflagging since everyone can tell it's him most of the time.

Why in the fuck would anyone need to try and prove gopri is better than maho. Clearly this is some reverse troll shit.

Whenever I see this thumbnail in my folder I think bad thoughts.

Mine is cooler.

Do people really like Suite?

I do like Hibiki's design (not so much Cure Melody, though) and Siren's bit of story arc, the whole thing turned out fairly disappointing. I though it really bungled the constant cliffhanger attempts to build suspense, as after the third or fourth I just stopped caring. Although I am curious what other people think, and if people did like the series despite it's problems. All the series have problems, let's admit that, and we like them despite that.

I'm also curious, for people who were watching it when it was released, if the cliffhanger endings were more bearable simply because there was a week between episodes - not just clicking on the next file and being immediately disappointed.

>He doesn't put his episode folders in "list".
Good luck with thumbnail spoilers.

Its one of my favorites. I absolutely loved the Hummy/Siren storyline.

I like suite but it has some of the worst drags. Like a little bit after Ellen becomes precure or the entire cour before they fight noise. I can't even remember those episodes. It could have probably used some more villains or someone more evil to kill. I'd put it somewhere in the bottom middle of all the precure seasons.

>or people who were watching it when it was released, if the cliffhanger endings were more bearable simply because there was a week between episodes

Not really, I would argue that Suite is a series that is much better watching it all in one go than having to watch it live over the course of a year.

The first 20 or so episode prior to the introduction of Cure Beat, watching live I would argue was the worst period I have ever spent watching Precure. Have to spend over 3 months watching Hibiki and Kanade argue with one another and make up by the end of the episode became old really fast, it also had the misfortune of being the series to debut after Heartcatch, so during this period everyone was comparing it unfavorably to Heartcatch.

It did pick up after Beat was introduced, and I would argue it's finale in one of the best in the franchise, but my god it was a slog to watch it live.

Did you think the ending/Suite movie were any good, or just something acceptable given the rest of the show? I do think that redeeming Noise was kind of an interesting way of handling it, especially given that it was new at the time, but I just didn't think it was handled very well.

I do agree that most of the stuff surrounding Siren (including Hummy and her stuff) was handled very well.

The suite movie was the best part.

It was the first Precure I watched and while I liked it enough at the time to keep going with the franchise, the boring stretch of episodes after Eren joins the team puts it pretty low on my list. Best henshin stock and BGM in the franchise, though, and that's saying something.

>for people who were watching it when it was released, if the cliffhanger endings were more bearable simply because there was a week between episodes
I heard people hated it more because of that and the threads suffered.

Suite has the unfortunate circumstance of airing after Heartcatch and before Smile.

I'm also biased because it was the last on my marathon trying to watch every season on backlog, so it, Fresh, and Yes5/GoGo are unmemorable blurs to me at this point.

Suite airing before HC hardly changes anything at all.

after, whoops.

OK. If you say so then it must be true.


It really doesn't, you still get the terrible slog of the first cour, the terrible slog of half the second cour and then the final slog between cour 3 and 4 where they just skip straight to using that golden fairy tone finisher and then they fight noise.


And you still got people comparing it to HC at the time. What's your point? If you weren't around back then your opinion about it doesn't matter, so you should probably just shut up instead of pretending you know better than people who were.

Yeah, I started with Heartcatch (well, I started with Yes 5 but dropped it after a dozen episodes; Heartcatch was the first I watched completely) and Suite did seem rather disappointing at first. I decided to go back and watch the whole thing to give it a fair shake. I'm just trying to see if my biases or assumptions (I was hoping for another Futari Wa/Splash Star, and it certainly wasn't that) is coloring my impression too much.

I'm not the user who's been watching Suite from these threads, though. I ran through Suite a few years ago.

The first batch of episodes did feel fairly terrible to me. Rather than do any meaningful character interaction, it was always "Hibiki and Kanade have some sort of conflict, turns out it was just a misunderstanding, they forgive each other and are back together!" Every. Single. Episode. I was never happier to see a new Cure take the focus away from the main characters before.

>a little bit after Ellen becomes precure
Ellen went on some sort of summer camp with Hibiki/Kanade. It was the silly "get confidence and discover yourself" two episodes or so. I liked it, it framed Siren a lot better than Hibiki or Kanade every had. (Or Ako, for that matter.)

>the entire cour before they fight noise
Something like "We got beat by Noise. But we can't give up! Also, he had the keys he needs to win, but THIS episode it turns out he needs one more thing yet."

Funny, I actually liked that part. Then again, it does slow down and they don't fight or really have any conflicts for a few episodes at that point. It's mostly Ellen being sad/cute so I can see people disliking the sudden change in tone and pace at that point.

I'd dropped out of the threads myself, so I didn't know how badly they suffered.

>The suite movie was the best part.
I didn't care for it, but then again, I didn't care much about the Hibiki/Kanade relationship since it really felt bland and one-note.

>I didn't care for it, but then again, I didn't care much about the Hibiki/Kanade relationship since it really felt bland and one-note.
The movie's more about Mephisto being the absolute number one Precure dad.

Suite did get some flak back when it first started airing, due to Heartcatch bringing in a new (and probably different) fanbase. Then again, most of the Heartcatch-only fans probably didn't hang around to discuss Precure in general anyways. So I'm not sure that it's terribly relevant today, unless somebody still has a grudge about Suite not being Heartcatch 2.0 for some reason.

That would be pretty dang strange at this point, given just how many different seasons Precure has had. Anybody who's seen more than two or three seasons has likely ran into good and bad ones, and judging them now based on release order is just silly.

I think Suite is the greatest example of an average Precure season, I can't really say it's one of the top ones, but it's definitely not bad.
I enjoyed watching it despite a few bumps on the road, don't really mind the cliffhangers, like you said the Siren's arc was neat, but I also enjoy Cure Muse, the mystery of who she is kept my interest despite the long time to reveal, the result was unexpected but neat. (truth be told, it was probably hell to a live watcher, they got leaks of her identity but still had to wait a looong time for her, lucikly I wasn't one, so it was more enjoyable).

Suite really slows down in the third cour, but I still enjoy it because there's many fun moments with Ellen being a cute dork, but imo it REALLY picks up again in the last cour, I really like that entire final arc for some reason, it just really cool and has tension going on for many episodes.
The villain getting redeemed is not the first time (that would be Y5) but compared to Y5 it was handled gradually and better instead of being too sudden imo.

Don't think I didn't see you accidentally post this in another thread and delete it.

Ellen got acclimated to human body quickly. Does she have human reproductive desires? If you know what I mean.