Shingeki No Kyojin

Spoilers very soon. What will Reiner's last words be?

Other urls found in this thread:

> pieck's fate is the cliffhanger
That's lame

Falco's fate is the cliffhanger

Don’t shoot!!
Please stop!!
There’s no stopping this chain of tragedies!?
(To be continued in the May edition...)
[Magath/Gabi/Falco witness the fatal(?) blows to Pieck. Magath called out to Falco to stop him, but it's too late. Falco (tearing-up) rushed into the middle of the fray on top of Pieck's crushed skull and pleads at the SC member to stop mid-strike.]

>mid strike

"Fugggggggg :-DDDDDD" t. Reiner

It's so nice to have threads this lively.
Even if it's just shitposting galore.


I agree

Based Falco saving his future wife Pieck.

Literally everything in this series is a cliffhanger though. Either way I doubt she's dead desu though I wouldn't mind it.

Gaby will shoot X here, I hate that little shit but its predictable. X will get distracted with sad falco and gaby will shoot X. screencap this



Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery of hardening and creation powers after consuming the Yoroi no Kyojin and the Sentsui no Kyojin, while in contact with Sieg in his Kemono no Kyojin form, activing his coordinate powers through the Shiso no Kyojin ability.

>Reiner's gonna come back

Still no raws?

Based Gabi will kill Sasha and save Falco.

Good shit

>falco begs
>soldier stops
>gabi shoots the soldier anyway
This will happen

Falco truly has no idea huh.

>soldier stops
It's mid strike, can't stop now.

Falco is such a good bro.

>"No m8s,Falco is fucking dead,so is Reiner.Haha"
>"But user,Eren half shifted to save Armong and Mankasa from a fucking canon shot,he moved faster then sound and shifted to protected them"
>"Bullshit user,you are full of shit"

Told you.

fuck you kike.


Just watch, user they will stop.

>mid strike
that might've been a figure of speech

Falco is too pure for this world

He has, but he stands with Reiner still.

If you think Reiner will hand Gabi the AT in this situation, I want you to stop right fucking now. Even more so if you think she will transform ans join the fight. Stop.

wow look how fast it took someone else other than yonk to translate AND typeset that, even if it was another lebbiter. It's like they don't realize they can just ask for the RAWs and let people do that shit themselves.

He's completely right though.

Reiner's head is probably Spaghetti now

people really don't appreciate the trait of kindness enough.

>even if it was another lebbiter.
This translation was from here.

Based mods
>yonkou is being a fag and gets shit on accordingly
>'s Sup Forums's fault!

Annie has best ass

I hope so

spooky, literally just watched this for the first time a few hours ago

It's just that Reiner somehow still considers those "enemies" as his allies/friends. This is Reiner's fucking up situation. He is still struggeling who to be.

of course not, the lebbit frauds will keep the raws they have for themselves until the korean ones leak. any other images that do leak end up getting translated/typeset by other people immediately, ironically enough.

>Erenwhales already deluding themselves into thinking he spared Falco when it was just Reiner saving him at the last second.

>Marley just kills all their enemies
>it happens to them
>"P-please stop!"
Falco you retard.

No one thought reiner or falco where died, reiner sheild falco with is body before transforming with a wound.
That's why there is text about healing, because he was injured when protecting falco.

I just like that particular exchange
I think Reiner's gonna pop out either to save the kids or immediately after in furious vengeance

>all this annieposting
yes please

Nope, the little kids are the only thing he cares about, now that his friends are dead.

why would Reiners shift be faster than Erens shift.
what a stupid post neck yourself. you're right for the wrong reason. it's because isa is a hack

Why does leddit ruin the hype when they hold chapters?

>Have the chapter
>Leak some pics
>Post text spoiler only
This fag is literally worse than Yoncuck.

for potential gook scans

I don't want Pieck to die Bros. She's too cute, she doesn't deserve it.

even better.

So Reiner is going to pull a S1 finale Eren?

>Nope, the little kids are the only thing he cares about, now that his friends are dead.
>missing the point entirely
Yeah, sure user

He's a kid whose world just came crashing down, and not a hardened motherfucker well versed in the art of genocide - cut the kid some slack.

>why is he jumping in fron of bullets for his comrade
>Falco pls

Our collective wishes will reach Isayama, have faith user.

>anons are somehow still confused that children don't understand things because they have tiny little brains
>proceed to shitpost

>why would Reiners shift be faster than Erens shift.

Eren was already shifting. The only reason why Reiner is still alive is because he's the plot armor titan.

Could it be that the jews are actually the bad guys?

You should've already let it go, REfag.

She won't. Falco saved her.

>imagine being this retarded

Annie I love you, even if the world doesn't I do. I love you annie , come back to me

Falco becomes cart and Gabi becomes armored

>jumps in front of bullets
>please stop!
Yeah falco's retarded.

fuck off underage

wew user, you got me there. It's totally not because Reiner is conflicted as fuck and doesn't want to fight Paradise, which would mean he'd become a traitor to Marley, which would mean letting his family down which he also doesn't want.

But know what? Sure user.

RIP Marley-chan desu~

>No one thought reiner or falco where died
Should had seeing what people were saying some time ago.

>why would Reiners shift be faster than Erens shift.
Because "Hackyama" m8,he is pulling ass-pulls left and right in this part of the arc.

Each chapter shifters has new titan marks

At this point i'm completely at peace with Isayama just straight on twisting him into an angsty protagonist and the sotry ending with a "rocks fall, everyone dies" scenario.
Hack has to have some reason for his literal immortality.


If the SL shows any mercy i will drop this piece of shit manga. Marley and the rest of the world never gave a shit about them even planning to wipe them out.

Armin is going full genocide huh? Even more then BRA did. Does he intend to drown Marley?

well its a transgender so no surprise

>ever dying

>You'll see Reiner being the hero that end the Eldian curse.
It would be awesome

But we've seen plenty of Marley sympathy for the Eldians, both within and out of the walls. Falco is another Eldian anyway.

Shhhhh, Braun-san is sleeping

>the end of his 13 years comes around
>he ends up being kidnapped
>he still doesn't die because the 13 year shit was bullshit spread by the fake news media

> Being Porco
> Do literally nothing
My fucking sides. The jaw titan should definitely rather be called the cuck titan.

Falco is the only good person left in the manga.

>No one thought reiner or falco where died
Bit they wanted it
Not little brains but they lack of experiences, also Falco just wish for the war to stop. Plus he doesn't know aboit sofia and udo death.

No he isn't, these "asspull" of yours a probably things that have yet to be explain but if you had half a brain you could fill in the blanks.

and nothing implies reiner transformed before eren, he transformed after getting hurt while protecting falco.

>gets eaten by Gabi
>takes over her mind and lives forever

Best boy is eternal.

Sasha didn't kill gabi, they showed mercy, drop the manga and fuck off out of these threads.

I've been saving this image for a long time, mate.
I can tell you now to fuck right off, wherever you are.
Reiner best boi.

>What will Reiner's last words be?
Keep... moving... forward.

Best outfit

Mikasa, Jean and Sasha would probably stay their hand. Eren might because it's Falco and he poses no threat. If it's Flocke he's dead.

>Bert makes one mistake and dies.
>Annie makes one mistake and is crystallized for eternity.
>Reiner messes up countless times but literally cannot be killed.

A bit unfair desu.

Now that's a REALLY shitty translation.
The sentence barely makes sense.
Why these so-calld ""translators"" suck so much at english?

Reiner is a good character unlike the other two

>they showed mercy

Once grim reminder engines starts it can't be stopped user.

Same thing happened to every veteran on the SL side desu

Tell that to the corpses of a thousand dead diplomats.
