To Your Eternity 058 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)

>To Your Eternity 058 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!W2xilZQB!6KhTcrxeerqYaaBgFQBfffsbKrG0N-tP4qx0WBIPb9Y

Other urls found in this thread:!DnBl1LID!xyA8Bmb3w9h6vk-S_SQL9OU2r6ZP3RUGdfNSnQ0qeOA

People were into it last week so let's do it now.
So previously : O MY POISONOUS HOWL










>author waited 40 years to kill Tonari


Realised that Immo didn't have a grandma soul to transform into.






That's it, take your bets for who's gonna be the next vessel.

Any plans for Dragon Half? Also your Pastebin that I bookmarked is gone, do you have a new one?

Thanks for the dump, user!

It bothers me Inmo is still such a fucking autist.

Of all the deaths, this one feels the cheapest. She really just showed up to die.

the author needs to stop killing every character

>tonari showed up just to die

And the volume 3 is out for those who want to see the bonus pages while reading Gugu story again.

>To Your Eternity v03 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!DnBl1LID!xyA8Bmb3w9h6vk-S_SQL9OU2r6ZP3RUGdfNSnQ0qeOA

Parona got offscreened

It's a fucking awful death. I didn't think the author could surpass off screening Parona, but by god, he did it. Tonari literally showed up only to immediately die the next chapter.
At this rate, the author will probably bring back Rynn, only to have her die by fucking collateral damage.

Crashing this storyboard with no survivors.

When did Immo realise she is Tonari?
I feel like I am missing something here.

It also kills a little bit of immo's innocence. He will no longer have such a gaping soft spot.

Normally I defend the author but come the fuck on

loli will fill in
unless Tonari tells him who she is

>koe no katachi
>Killed Parona off screen
>Killed yandere in a time skip
>Now this
This author is literally wasted potential: the author.

What was the great potential here?

I wonder too, probably they told him offscreen.

Dropped. I don't even fucking care anymore. We can't have literally any character that stays alive around this guy. The moment that little shit showed up with a knocker in her he should have turned spirit bear and crushed her like a grape. At the very least we could have had ONE character who went on to live a full life, but honestly it's too much to keep trying to hope things will change for this series.

Ok just checked 2ch and they are as confused as us
Apparently this is a typeset error and they corrected it on Twitter

So Immo still hasn't realise she is Tonari

Holy kek, max suffering.
I think I might drop this if Tonari dies, like what's the point anymore? Immo doesn't improve at all.

The tweet here.
This is a pretty big mistake.


Got you.