I liked it.

I liked it but it was bad.

What a fucking shitty title though. Literally a letter.

Technically the title is 13: The 13eginning

is this anime heisenburg?

this, I can't explain it very well but, I know it was kinda bad and all, but I really liked it and I wanna watch more
so I'm hoping for that second season

Same. Better than devilman by far

Without Googling, I can't tell if this is a joke. I don't want to Google it because then I risk finding out that's the real title, which would trigger my autism something fierce.

There were some scenes or parts of episode that were good or interesting. If they made 2 separate 6 episode series I would have probably liked them. This was just a mess. One series about an edgy teen getting revenge with focus on action scenes and another about a group of police officers trying to catch a serial who turns out to be a high ranking official. Both of these sound ok on their own, together it's just a bunch of nonsense.

The title is B, but halfway through the season you find out the B in the show is actually a 13.

Being contrarian would require anyone thinking this is good in the first place.


It's a 13 with a 'special' 4
Also the show REALLY didn't need the whole supernatural angle. Just have it about Keith and a villain with hypnosis and a bunch of super imballanced military men.

the plotlines were pretty much completely separate. Both main characters had their own villains.

Yes but it all started with Keith's villain. He was the mastermind of the whole thing.

The show would have been better if they were separate series, especially conspiracy theorist part where crime and happenings inside the country was state run. I just dislike the ancient alien shit.

it was fun to watch, got no shame to say it was good, but the story was not that amazing.
decent anime for sure


"I will find you."
"I will find him."
"And I will be.... right here..."

Hahahahahahaha omfg this show is so fucking ass

>wait I had a whole speech prepared

>Whole supernatural sidestory is a lie told by a dude.
What a waste of everybody's time.

I'm finally done with this shit, the last episode was pure torture. I can't remember the last time I forced myself through something like this. I always thought that people are being a bit too rough when hating on Kaji Yuki, but this show changed that. Koku and Yuna are so underveloped characters and also so fucking annoying that I started to root for the villain. Holy fucking shit, what a waste of good animation. I can't believe they actually put in a sequel hook.

Shit taste.

>Koku and Yuna are so underveloped characters and also so fucking annoying that I started to root for the villain
Are you me?

Now you can watch several shows in one! Ever missed your favourite edgefest? You wished for more shows just like X? We have you covered! B copy-pastes the elements you loved so much in Death Note, Guilty Crown, Psycho Pass, Tokyo Ghoul, Subete ga F ni naru, Zankyou no Terror and more!
Watch it today.

I enjoyed it personally, it isnt the best show ever but I like the style and super detective shit so I was entertained

While it was enjoyable, it suffered because a lot of the real characterization came later in the series. We really don't know shit about Koku, Keith, and Lily until about halfway through the series. (And some characters, like Yuna, are never developed). So by the time shit really starts to go down, we're not attached to the characters at all.

Also, I do like the two different plot threads being intertwined, but I think they could have been more strongly connected. For example if the cops had helped B/13 in his final fight, then the show ends with him becoming a cop so he can learn from Keith while perusing legitimate justice instead of the murder he was doing then that would help justify the two plot threads being more intertwined and would help explain the show's title.

I see potential, and if there's a 2nd season I would give it a shot.

I bet the second season will be better and the normies will hail Netflix for being so cool, screaming AOTY everywhere.

Netflix will kill anime.

>Netflix will kill anime.
Because no one else makes pretentious shit anime?

overall it was good
Some parts of the story don't make sense, the show could have used more episodes to develop the cast and pace the show without having to rush the end

The ending is top notch

Why are there so many Netflix shills in this thread?
This show is a worst trainwreck than Guilty Crown, accept it.



So people who like what you dislike are shills and they need to "accept" your opinion as fact because you say so?

The final fight was pure plot armor, the classic case of MC winning not because he was stronger or smarter than the villain, or because he was helped by his friends, but only csuse he was the protag and the writers didn't know what to do and ended with a convoluted mess of scene. What a waste of good animation and some good characters. Hope Bones delivers with A.I.C.O.


>watching this show

>Hope Bones delivers with A.I.C.O
The writer for that is the hack who wrote Comet Lucifer
So, don't get too hyped for AICO.

A man can dream, hope he learned from his mistakes.

Devilman crybaby 's writer was a hack too.

But people were blinded by Yuasa hype

I guess that means there's hope for A.I.C.O. too?


The And nly good thing was the human villain, and even that was just a Monster ripoff

>monster ripoff
>Not JoJo Kira ripoff
He even had the same seiyuu as anime Kira

Would have been far better without the Koku plotline

>implying I watch white piggu Netflix trash

Yelling reminded me of Asta from black clover yelling

Stop watching anime, then
Do you want to watch white piggu Crunchyroll trash?
Or white piggu Funimation trash?
How about white piggu Sentai trash
Let's not forget about white piggu Amazon trash

Let's look at what other stuff AICO's director has directed
>FMA Star of Milos


His character was not even alike. Morikawa voiced plenty of white-haired antagonists.

I was talking about the writer for crybaby not the director (who is overrated anyways)

I watch any show that doesn't get funded by white piggus and become 'americanized' and doesn't have a 'NETshit Orginal' stamp that implies its an original show made by them.

I liked the hannibal story. Cop stuff is always way more interesting than shonen shit.

The code geass /guilty crown guy butchered the source material of Devilman and made it worse.

Oh wow.

>FMA Star of Milos


Waifu show masquerading as sci-fi.

AICO is going to be trash.

Tokyo ghoul!

Well, Crybaby's hack writer was contained by the much better director
I was just letting you know what the chances of that happenig to AICO are
Only nips have influence in these shows, you retard
They aren't "americanized" at all
>NETshit original stamp
That's Netflix being retarded. All that implies is that the show is not streaming on legal sites other than Netflix
Again, stop watching simulcasted anime and start being consistent with your bullshit

What a coincedence, I liked it too.

How do you guys summarize the two plots as if we are talking about two different anime?

>implying Netflix has any influence over quality of shows they stamp as their originals

Crybaby 's animation/ art was so goofy looking it didn't fit with the story at all that was supposed to be gritty dark.

The OVA's were a better adaption in my opinion ( without Yuasa.)

>hurr someone hurt my netflix original show by calling it white piggu funded trash!
>Anything on Netflix
>Not americanized
Good joke shill.

I don't watch anything made by Netflix, I'd rather have the Crunchyroll trash than this pile of otaku pandering shit.

whoa compelling argument, you've changed my mind

How is Saiki americanized?
Or Fate/Extra and Apocrypha?
or Kakegurui?
or Nanatsu no Taizai?
CR and Netshit don't matter. Your argument makes no sense.
Also, the other guy said Netshit panders to americans. Now you claim it panders to otaku.
Who is right?

I know, it makes me sick.

American otakus that want stuff made by Netflix. How is that hard to parcel into your head?

So, you just made up a boogeyman to shitpost. OK. As stated, Netflix only throws money at stuff. The nips are the ones in control
Also, when you say "otaku pandering trash" that has always meant stuff pandering to nip otaku. Maybe you should learn what stuff means instead of blindly throwing shit around to shitpost

And it makes me sick that people can't accept different opinions and resort to boogeymen like "shills"
People can like what you dislike. There's nothing wrong with that

Keith is great.

Only Kado was bad, and mostly because of the retarded ending, the rest was okay to good. Garantia was nice, could have been better, but I am content enough about how thing turned out. I don't expect a masterpiece, I just want AICO to have good animation, good action scenes, some nice characters and a history that knows what it wants to be.

>a history that knows what it wants to be
This and the characters is where B failed hard, in my opinion
And the failure in characters I see as a result of trying to mash 2 different storylines and failig
B tried to be a grounded psychological crime mystery about a genius pursuing a serial killer mastermind who killed his sister, but at the same time tried to be a revenge story about some chuuni dude facing these evil clowns to rescue his waifu and get revenge for the attack that separated them
All attempts at combining the 2 stories hurt them, and because you have way too many characters and a single cour, a lot of characters end up undeveloped and forgettable

I liked Lily's butt.


They so desperately tried to make it Darker Than Black with the little SoL pieces and Hei, I mean the other faggot whose name I immediately forgot, the police angle and the weird interactions, but it just kept failing.

this was really good

I like the Marty Friedman ED.

Lily a cute.


Wish we got to see more of Lily's tight body in action. Also was it me, or are they trying to set up some romance between Lily and Keith?


she's built for breeding

her and Keith are going to have some hella smart kids

>multicultural kingdom
>only full of asians and whites
>not a single black person in the show
What did they mean by this? How did Netflix approve of this?

main character is black, genius

Why were there so many people with Japanese surnames? And what's up with Japan existing alongside some made-up pseudo-European country where lingua franca is English?

At first I thought is was just some fictional Euro-Japan mashup, but then they mention the actual country of Japan. A lot of the Japanese characters in the show seem to be mixed as well. I think Lily is a 100% nip, but pic related and Keith are mongrels. By the way, pic related is best girl.

It's anime not cartoon network burger-kun.


It's great, better than most anime produced this year only contrarians will disagree. Asians will never like it because they are literally unable to grow a full beard.


I liked it too, but Lily - while cute - had no business in the story whatsoever.


I think it's 'bad' because it of the whole special children plot. The show would have literally stood on it own without it. Not to mention I gave 0 fucks about yuna as compared to lilly. We could;ve had another psycho pass s1 but the stupid children had to go ruin it

That's why Koku existed. Koku was for nips and Keith was for westerners.

This show is just a trash fire, only contrarians and shills agree this show is decent.

I was hoping they would all at least die properly, but no. This fucker survived.

Could have been so much better if they remove the whole Koku prophecy sidestory.
>It was weirdly pretentious like Ergo Proxy.
>Minatsuki's plan doesn't make any sense, worst villain since Biba in Kabaneri.
>"I can just kill you if we meet up near the Mcguffin artifact, but instead, I will send my subordinates one by one just to die."
>"I have an army of Reggies hidden in plainsight, but instead I will only make use of the 5 visual kei looking ones."
>"I have an inside man in RIS, instead of using RIS to catch KillerB/Koku I will make enemy out of them"
>The country's monarchy is inherited based on a prophecy of about edgy mutant kid with Geass? I kill you, I be King?
If they contained it to a cat and mouse story between Koku and RIS, it would have been so much better.

you mean autistic right