Will we ever get another SoL masterpiece like this?
Will we ever get another SoL masterpiece like this?
>throwing around the word masterpiece aimlessly
Big Order is a masterpiece.
Non-Non Biyori
Uh someone isn't watching Yuru Camp LOL
It was cute and comfy and pretty but it didn't have the characterization or the relationship-building that made K-On!! so amazing.
Started nice, didn't go anywhere. Character chemistry isn't great and three of the five main girls have no personality to speak of.
YoriMoi this season starts to approach K-On's brilliance and is easily AOTS, but I wouldn't call it a slice of life.
The holy trinity of SoL:
Yuru Camp
Non Non Biyori
Anime itself peaked at K-On!, let alone SoL. It's all downhill from there.
It was here and now it's K-Gone.
take out yuru camp
It's fun but it's boring compared to others
>watching shitty yuri trash
Atleast the music in Beck is good
could a season 3 work? can lightning strike twice, is the risk of sullying the original too high versus the potential for greatness?
It's dank-on
It aged like milk.
Genshiken is the best SOL
>aged like milk
How? It's much less divisive than it was in 2009/10 and looks better than most of KyoAni's modern work (and most modern anime in general) with all the fucking filters.
I'll admit Genshiken was god-tier
Should I bother with genshiken s2?
depends do you want more genshiken that is slightly less good than that which came before and the resolution to several original cast member story arcs?
^this last ep of k on ! was already hard to palate.
I just wish they made more Yui or Ritsu straight doujins.
Fuck off digibro
>characterization or the relationship-building that made K-On!! so amazing.
Wow dey play musics togethers!!! SOoo touching! zzzzzzzzzzzzz
DESU, K-On is the worst slice of life ive ever seen. I'd rather watch ANY other SoL, even some random early 2000s super "uguu" character design SoL anime.
You should relax a bit. You might pull a muscle trying so hard to bait like that.
I'm not even baiting. I could not enjoy K-On. Every character is like the absolute peak of cliche for their personality teype. They all look look like hamsters with their ugly ass teeth.
You dont have to strain yourself further. Hers a (You).
I love NNB
but I will never feel the need to pilgrimage to whatever backwoods that place was set in
unlike pic related
I want rape Yui and make Ui watch i strangle her to death
>not mediocre within the SOL genre
You mean overrated piece of shit because not only was it animated by babby's first studio but it's also babby's first SoL?
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I accidentally came to Sup Forums. My bad.
K-On! was alright. Hyouka was objectively the best KyoAni show. If you want to count it as SoL, I think it surpassed K-On!
>Hyouka was objectively the best KyoAni show
CGDCT trash can never be a masterpiece
3gatsu is airing user
I can actually agree on this even though I love Yurucamp. My enjoyment stems from individuals and not their interactions. Cool take on it
3gatau anime is trash, read the manga faggot
I really love Tamayura for some reason, I think it combines the calmness of Aria and other Satou Junichi with a really dynamic cast and relatable emotional moments, even if it can get a bit sappy at times. The ending movies even go into career stuff, which is always nice to see. The only negative I can think of is not having a colorful art style as something like K-On or Non Non Biyori.
No. K-On! is the best anime ever created.