
New Ikuhara show with studio MAPPA coming in 2019

>What if everything passed away, and this world became empty?
>I'm going to tell you the truth. Even though you're connected, you're alone. Don't let go, desire is your life.

>Am I a lie? Is the world a lie? Are we a lie?
>We are connected. But, we hate it. But, we want it. Who's the one with strong desires?

Other urls found in this thread:

Desire (欲望 yokubou) is obviously a major part of this work. 欲 is the icon of the official twitter.


What do you think about this mustelid?


So they finally announced it officially huh? Been waiting several months since the animator hiring ads were spotted.

Not much to go on, but certainly enough to get me mildly excited. Too bad it's a whole year away though.

Penguins, Bears, now Weasels. Or is it an Otter? Either way, they both seem to be youkai with transformation abilities in the same vein as Kitsune and Tanuki, and are considered harbingers of misfortune.

How gay is it going to be

Really gay. Watch Dragonball instead.

I think you misunderstood. I think that user was looking forward to this being very gay.

I really hope this is atleast 2 cour.

I hope the OST sounds like what's in the PVs

The Evangelion of Anime

someone put ikuhara out of his misery already, he should have stayed retired. he only has talent for picking good ops.

From what little it says in these PVs, it seems like this might be similar thematically to Penguindrum. Regardless, I'm definitely excited for this!

Remember that you're alone and will die alone.
Except if your gay and take cock up the ass, then your fine and have meaning in your life.
What a masterpiece.

I'd watch it 100 times.


Being told not to give up on desire reminds me of Yurikuma too.

Already better than Penguindrum.

How do you figure that?

On account of how it's not Penguindrum.

Gay men instead of lesbians this time?

Penguindrum was his best work though

Dragonball ultra will be even gayer.

That's completely unknown at this point. We can only speculate on what we're being shown in these teasers, namely the two "connected" male figures, one with the face blacked out, the 3 adjacent figures and the sole figure upside down (), and of course the weasel inside the heart.
Does the absence of female figures indicate gay men? Maybe, maybe not.
Suwabe in an Ikuhara MAPPA show is pretty fucking gay though.

Ikuhara's works have gotten worse and worse since Utena and Sailor Moon so after Yuri Kuma Arashi, this will be a sad attempt at recreating the magic of past series and failing.

>Penguindrum was his best work

Shut the fuck up and don't watch then, loser!

No shit it's speculation.

>tfw remembering how overwhelmingly HYPE the first episode of Mawaru Penguindrum made you feel
>tfw remembering how tired and let down the last 75% made you feel

>tired and let down the last 75%
Nah, I remember it being fun every single week.

Yeah nah it was pretty shit.

Mawaru Penguindrum was literally "bad Murakami novel: the anime"

I thought the same when it aired, but it works quite a bit better when you don't have to wait a week between episodes.

Yeah nah, I remember it being fun.

Murakami is garbage though. Also, if anything, Penguindrum was "bad Kenji Miyazawa novel: the anime"
Get cultured user.

Do you like Yukio Mishima?

This man in my country, he is nothing.

That country had better be Japan, otherwise I don't care.


There was a lot of expeculation in the earlier thread:

Any speculation on who's going to do the opening music?

Hopefully is not as Shit as yuri kuma

I just hope it's not a rom com.

Utena > Pengin > Yuri Kuma