I still can't believe that Tomomi hooked up with Koichi inside the cockpit of her AirWalker while destroying the...

I still can't believe that Tomomi hooked up with Koichi inside the cockpit of her AirWalker while destroying the Unified Martian Singularity fleet. That finale was fucking epic, and Kiyomifags are eternally BTFO

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I really wish Kongou could stop sniffing glue for good. Goddamn this is why her sisters never had the courage to halt their heroin addiction, kongou could never go through anything she said.

This anime enjoys universal acclaim, both for its plot and animation.

That sounds like a meme anime of the worst caliber. You should work for Trigger.

Now that's the dust has settled. Which one is the better show? Xebec's Love Faction Mariachi or Kyoani's Graceful Maiden of the Moon?

Which one has better trap MC? Should the two studio do a crossover again?



thank you captain obvious

more like graceful maiden of the SHIT, amirite?

Singing Vampire, Twilight except shit.
Dark Black Suit? More like Dark Black SHIT
Angelic Invaders, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home.
K-On!!!!!, another season of this bullshit? if I wanted to watch shitty bands, I would go see Tool live.
Pirate Search, if I wanted to watch a good shounen I would watch Naruto.
Kyoji's Counterattack, more like Gurren Lagann 2.


Alright then, what anime DO you like this season?

God I can't stand the tsundere bitch.

It took years, but finally I have a reason to post this.

>Implying Mariachi isn't just schlock shounen with edgy twists ala AgK all over again

>not liking gurren lagann 2

At this point it's pretty obvious MC is related to big bad. Question is how? He's too young to be the father, and MC's mom died in childbirth so no brother. Maybe cousin?


i can't believe people are in this thread talking about fucking garbage like GMM and Mariachi instead of paying attention to the decline in anime quality nowadays. anime used to have shading and detail, but now it's all cheaply thrown together shit that looks no better than the average western cartoon. what the fuck happened, Sup Forums?

>implying it's not stylistic
Fuck off nostalgiafag, it looks way better now cause it looks unique, not like that old school shit like Kamenari Prime that all used to look the same
Get with the times old man

When's the next season?

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Oh boy, this season is full of surprises.

>Twilight with lightsabers
It doesn't deserve another season

Class Rep >>>> AU Tomboy > Tomboy > Country Girl > Stuco Pres > Tsundere >>>>>>>>>> First Crush a Shit

If you want a femdom thread just say it. You're not being subtle.

Anyone watch that 5 minute preview of Sky Below the Water? It looked interesting until the quality dipped on stream and they had to take it down. I heard that the last minute of it is out somewhere. I really want to know what happens to girl in the flying Submarine and the macho guy in fighter jet.

Already a thing.


>best friend-chan will forever be irrelevant

>Cool Samurai revenge story against a ninja who killed his father who was a corrupt shogunate guy
>expect to see an interesting characters, with deep meaning full stories, stunning visuals, a great ensemble of oriental instruments, and become AOTY instantly
>Yaoi Bait, Kazoo, copy and pasted characters literally and figuratively
Why does this happen. Who lets this happen?

The manga was better, enjoy your shit anime only ending

Enjoy your infinite hiatus.

>putting Country Girl below Tomboy and Class Rep


Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.


>Akio kills his adopted dad, boss, henchmen, admirer and even himself because Harumi likes his kyoudai Kazuya more

what a beta male

Come on, when was the last time something went full Nice Boat? It was hilarious.

What do you guys think the cyborg ninja clan wants with hikari? Is it because the bounty that's been put on her head by Sag the Space Mafia Slug? Or did they manage to find out she's a cosmic witch and they're some kind of anti witch hunting party?

I'm pretty sure the whole thing just exists so they could squeeze in a "cryobox turns out to contain a curled up sleeping naked chick" scene.

>author likes the direction the anime
>manga put on hiatus to focus on season 2 instead

At least FLOW did the op

Harry Mendez is still the world's best mexican. You don't have to like the rest of Clover Team but at least agree that Harry has saved LoFaChi and thus all anime.

if you can't face the facts that the best show this season is also the most underrated, then you can get out while I watch the new episode of running-C

fucking KaRyuHi fags get btfo every shitty CGI mecha scene, onsen tama is just a shitty markettime! with hot water, and TIGJ is literally isekai in the real world except it's scandinavia and the MC has down syndrome

I can't believe my waifu got punched into a fucking door

She was basically asking for it though

Hitomifag tears are so fucking delicious.
Feels good being a Sakurafag.

>not being a nozomifag
You mean you wouldn't touch this?

Funny how her design is so round yet her personality is flatter than a door.
Hitomi a cute and a best.
Is that OC?

Already a thing.


Honestly, I'm pretty lost on this whole "Ryota was actually Sora the whole time" piece that you fucks keep going on about. I feel like I'm being memed here. They never communicated because that's the whole point of the plot - how can you know anything exists unless you can experience it as being something separate from something else? Sidestepping the pseud philosophical shit, Hana's relationship with both of them can only function if it's two different people. Frames don't allow you to exchange identical information across them, but when she goes into the frame isolation chamber with Ryota, she specifically mentions being able to smell, "The other." If they were the "same" she wouldn't know what the "other" even was. (And this shit doesn't fucking mean some reference to her issues with her dad, that tweet was literally confirmed to have been a joke.)

Like, there's literally no reason to even tell this story if Ryota and Sora are the same person. The entire conflict revolves around the fact that their individual choices are creating the frame disturbances. If Ryota had even been in the same frame as Sora, then Hana wouldn't have slipped out of temporal reference to be able to interact with them (on top of the fact that Naoko, Isao, and Hamada would have all died when they crossed frames, since they needed the reference sympathy junction from knowing Sora to prevent frame deletion).

I understand how their frames could be stuck in a reference superposition, but even then that would just mean they would have been constantly re-referencing each other, which would have destabilized their home frames. The entire frame jump system only works because their two particular frames are uniquely stable.

I want to believe this theory isn't a meme, but I'm not seeing any evidence for it.

>Sup Forums autisming over waifus like usual
>Ignoring the sacrifice of best bro Shintoshi so the others could go ahead

I want that fight to get its own OVA, I need to see how it went down.

Hey do you remember that anime that revitalised Manglobe into a the new and improved version of themselves?

No, no one remembers that shit, which is why they are still going to go out of business. It only delayed the inevitable.

Hah, good joke. What's pretty much a spiritual successor of Samurai Champloo garnered such a huge success in the West that I don't think they're gonna go bust from all of the attention they got from companies like Netflix and Skydance trying to ride they hype rhey created.

>pretty much a spiritual successor of Samurai Champloo
More like a spiritual disgrace. That was fucking awful. Mugen clone was singlehandedly the most boring MC I've ever seen.

>spirtual successor of Samurai Champloo
I fail to see how "crusaders deus vulting to atmospheric doom metal combating anachronistic maho shojo nuns to save a young man's mom" is a "spiritual successor" and not "soulless ripoff."

If I were Kubo, I would have sued for them fucking travesty they turned my story into after I sold it to them on grounds of emotional damage.

reminder if you ship Tomomi and Koichi you are worse than the gay spics that ship him with Kiyomi

>not falling for the cute mute mariachi
This is why we can't get along.

Sorta, an user posted it on the Love Faction Mariachi thread

>liking used good
Sorry, user. That's canon. Doki Doki really got his way with her.

>new and improved version
>Comes up with onslaught of shit shows
Yeah no

It’s from one of these threads from a day or two ago, where pic related was born. A battle harem about Japanese school kids with magical Mariachis that turn them into Mexicans, and their mission to restore the Mexican people’s pride and free the world from the grips of the Neo Australian regime, who want to eradicate Mexicans because of their powerful Latino Blood.

I don't like that we're the bad guys.

There are no bad guys in LoFaChi, only different shades of grey. Except for the Nozomi rape scene where Doki-doki Escobar rips out her voicebox, the fucker deserved to burn.

>that scene in this week's Hard Delinquent Takeshi where he takes out the rival gang by smashing his head against all of them, causing cerebral damage to him when the metal plate in his head begins moving further inside from the constant shock

That was probably the darkest scene in LoFaChi's thirty year history. Even ten years on it's still uncomfortable to watch