More like classroom of gigantic tits
More like classroom of gigantic tits
Best rival.
Kei a shit.
Kei a cute
Whorikita a shit
I'm a humble man and think you two need to compromise. Kei is a cute shit
This, Horikita is better.
Friendly reminder that he belongs to Kei
Best girl.
t. Keishitter
Whorikitafags are cancer.
>quoting non-bait and non-shitpost
Keifags like you are why we can't have nice things.
Keishitters are cancer.
Shitposters like you is why we can't have nice things.
Kys whorikitafags
Too boring aside from the fanservice.
>Said a Keifag who did this .
*Ichinosefag, nice try Keishitter.
As a neutral Ichinosefag this post started the shitposting for no reason again.
Same shitposter.
Proove it! You can't.
>Said a Horikitafag who did this
You can stop your autism now, Horikitafag.
Liking Horikita best = cancer now? Okay. Man, this fanbase is worse than I last remember it.
>Said a Horikitafag who did this
Wrong person. Do you want to try again?
Horikita is end game.
Blame Ichinosefags.
Blame your fellow shitposting Horikitafags. They give you a bad reputation in every thread and that's why nobody associates your kind with good things.
Keishitters are cancer for a reason. Blame them.
Same shitposter.
>paying a blind to that shitpost even though it started it all
Do you want to try again?
Same autistic Horikitafag.
Prove it! You can't.
Except you are the one who started the x-fag shit. Waifu wars is expected, but it's shitposters like you who always get the ball rolling. How does it feel to have your own shitpost logic thrown back at you?
>Horikitafags start the shitposting but they can't handle it back and cry themselves to death
Is there a more pathetic fanbase than these fuckers? They singlehandedly ruin every single Youjitsu thread.
>The absolute country of Classroom of the Elite threads
That's something only Keifags do and think. They refuse to coexist with Horikita and her fans. They always instigate shitflings, but can't handle getting shit back, so here we are
Who are worse, Horikitafags or Irohafags?
>Waifu wars is expected
From retarded shitposters like you, maybe.
Reminder that Horikita VA reads the LN just for Kei.
Don't play dumb, shitposter. Nice job avoiding the argument and deflecting what you did first.
Yes, your typical blame shifting even though in reality nobody likes you, Horikitafag.
She is a Keibro!
You're the one playing dumb at your own shitposts and deflecting the fact you started it all.
Keishitter ls love samefagging abd falseflagging. Look at this shit they're doing shitposting Ichinosefags by acting like they're Horikita.
They are one and the same. Cancerous secondaries who blindy ship characters that have zero development and chances in the LN and don't care about anything else from their series other than shitting on them.
This isn't shitpost. The x-fag shitpost began with you. Try harder.
>Keishitter ls love samefagging abd falseflagging.
Shut up illiterate Horibro.
Prove it. You can't.
>confirmed Keishitter
Proving me right.
Your shitposting is becoming unintelligible, Horikitafag. Are you that nervous and upset?
This is a shitpost. Try again.
Horibro is mad.
>Keifags start the shitposting since 5 months ago but they can't handle it back and cry themselves to death
Fixed for truth.
Despite the amazingness of volumes 7+7.5 Keifags are still so insecure its just sad.
>muh historical revisionism
Horikitafags still aren't any better. In fact they're worse for still coming to these threads only to get their "revenge" at them.
haha Keifags btfo
Let this shit thread die, let whorikitafaggots argue amongs themselves. Why do people even respond to such weak bait like is beyond me.
>This is a shitpost
And? Still not a justification for you to sperg muh whoriktiafags cancer when most of the post you quoted don't have affiliation for bieng Horikitafags. You even quoted two posts who didn't even shitost. X-fag shitpost started with you. Fact.
Let this shit thread die, let Keishitters samefag and circlejerk amongst themselves. Why do people even respond to such weak bait like is beyond me.
Nice butthurt and historical revision.
Whoreikita a shit.
Wow, the lenghts you go to defend yourself after you've shitposted are so sad. Maybe you shouldn't shitpost at all if you don't want people blaming the most, if not the only possible fanbase for being responsible of it.
Kei a shit.
Nice argument.
Guys please...
Karuizawa, Ichinose and Sakayanagi are the top 3 girls.
Ibuki, Kushida and Horikita are the bottom 3 girls.
Kei a best
Volume 8 is coming soon.
Horikita a best. A BEST.
Keifags and whorikitafags are the worst. Learn to take a joke like Ecchichinosefags.
Great taste
Why do you people even give a fuck why some irrelevant samefagging whorkitashitter says? Trash wants attention, and you give it to him looks like he wins.
Can't wait
Nope. I'm still not your a shit boogeyman.
But calling out your shitpost and giving you shit for being the worse shitposter in here is doing that, right? You wrongfully accused people and got replies in kind. Deal with it.
Nice strawman and avoiding responsibly to admit your shitpost is the worse and ironically cancer though, shitposter-kun.
>samefagging keishitter*
Fuck off, whorikitafag
Horikitafags are so insecure since Kei took the role of the main girl and true heroine. They canalize their anger via their false accusations, victim complex and lame shitposting.
Sure thing. You're in no position to call out others and say they're worse when the side you're defending started it all, so get over it and shut the fuck up already.
>Threads are 90% Keishitters and Whorikitafags, the rest of them are spread between the point whore and the crippled queen (I’m an Arisufag)
Does any actual discussion happen in these threads?
>everyone who drops a shit meme is a Horikitafag
Wow. Keifags are super touchy and insane. That's some serious perspective complex hanging on their shoulders.
>tomose shunsaku
>not oppai
Pick one
Hey guys im a Keifag. Muh 7.5, confirmed dating totally not head canon guys.
>everyone who ships muh waifu with Sudo is a Keifag
>everyone who doesn't like Horikita x 50% is an insecure Keifag
>everyone who calls muh waifu Whorikita is a Keifag
Looks like you lose hard if it comes down to this.
Nice argument. Can't man it up and admit that you are tge worse shitposter even though it's a fact? You're a sad shitposter. Play it your way then, Keifag. You alone proved Keifags are the worst.
>You alone proved Keifags are the worst.
The only fact here is that you're cancer that nobody wants around aside from your fellow shitposting Horikitafags, Horikitafag. Good job ruining these threads on your own.
It's just 10 shitposters dont go in the threads unless TLanon is posting.
Goddamn you fuckers are pathetic.
You faggots just need to fuck and get it over with.
>everyone who don't ship muh waifu with 50% is a Horikitafag
>everyone who ships muh waifu with Hirata is a Horikitafag
>everyone who calls me a Keishitter is a Horikitafag
>everyone don't like muh waifu is a Horikitafag
Check and check.
This is probably the most autistic Classroom of the Elite thread I've seen and that's saying a lot.
t. ichinosefag
>everyone who shitposts like a Horikitafag is a Horikitafag
Keishitters being the worst fans and posters are common knowledge. They are always angry and love fanbase war.
Agreed. This thread should be fuckin deleted. Nothing but complete retarded waifuwar shitposting.
>replying to himself
Notice how you're the only person who does this in these threads.
No, Keifag, the only cancer here is you. You could have let it be with generic waifu wars and let it run its course. But no, you got triggered and just had to start boogeymanning and accusing with x-fag shit that changes it to from waifu war to cancerous x-fag shit that snowballs to what we have now. Good job. You're doing Keifags and this fanbase proud.
Can't expect any less from the Irohafags of Youkoso.
Keifags are no different from 1D/Logan Paul fans.
t.paranoia Keishitter.
>All of that MAD because of easy bait
Holy shit. Keifags are truly cancer.
>The only cancer here is you for hurting my feelings
Fuck you. You're okay with calling girls a shit, but not calling fags a shit even though in the end it's all shitposting. You're in no position to call others out for "shitposting" when you're worse for starting it in the first place. Get over it.