Shingeki no Kyojin 103

Who will save Reiner from himself?

Not Isayama

Flashback with Bertolt.

So the lights wasnt for Armin? Maybe for a plane that would rescue the SL?

Hey anons, just a really friendly very hard-won good lesson that got hammered into my head while recovering from a bad nervous breakdown.

Just don't let other people upset you. If their analysis is stupid or they're insisting that you're stupid or this thread is bugging you out for whatever reason - you gotta just be chill about it.

Because getting upset (no matter what the reason) literally subtracts life points and money points.

Whoever gets upset loses automatically.

To really win any argument on the internet, you gotta be a fucking zen master.

Gabi or Bert's ghost.

>there are people that actually think, feel and act this way
It's amazing honestly

Time to brace the sweet embrace of death.

fuck off with your pasta. How pathetic can you be to have a mental breakdown over internet fights?

Just woke up
Are spoilers finally out? Still nothing on wasabi

nothing yet, user

Fucking ledditors I swear

attentionwhores are uploading piece meal spoilers, as usual


I hope the conflict gets resolved by the end of the series.

Too much work did me in. And family troubles. Plus getting sick during the Christmas season.

Anyway, have no choice if I want the best choice.

You see. Getting upset, getting angry - it triggers the flight-fight system, which is supposed to be for emergency use only.

Triggering it means suppressing the immune system, because if we're about to die, we need all resources to get away or fight.

So yeah... these days when I see upset people - I see bacterial and viruses and fungi getting the best of their immune system.

But our bodies will of course balance that shit out by overcharging the immune system after the upset/stress/whatever event is through. That means inflammation. We feel very tired after being upset about whatever. Our bodies have to get back the lost internal ground due to the immunity system being shut down.

Chronic upset/stress means chronic inflammation. Expensive shit.

Now, this is really well-intended advice. I had to learn this the long hard fucking way.

Really, just chill.


What do you think the flashback is about?
My first guess would be why Eren was told to come home and it seems like they're working around him.


>slow release of spoilers stops
RIP my man Yonkou. Feds got him.

Letting yourself get upset by stuff you don't want read also counts as a stress event.

Really, shh... relax. You gotta care of your immune system. Relax.

Flashback about Annie

LAMEfags are sensitive dumblrinas, nothing new.

My vote is that it's about Annie, too. Hah... oh my, if it's about Annie... I must prepare popcorn.

>having a bad day
>go to Sup Forums to pick fights with anons
>get a mental breakdown
>cry about it and pretend to be the wise user.
fuck off, drama queen

Leddit has it. Won't upload it though. Gotta get that attention whoring points first.

no spoilers but i got accepted into a masters program and i jerked off to annie again so its been a good day

Congratulations, user.

They say it's cause the Japanese police are watching.

Maybe it's not possible to conceal ip addresses in Japan.

Another user said they are waiting for Korean raws to get leak so they have loophole or something if they get caught.

Also, there's news about some scanner-uploaders getting caught.

so where the fuck is reiner in the whole huge Titan war these dicks started?

did he get skwooshed in the basement?

thank you, if i had any real friends i wouldn't need validation on a chinese cartoon board but thats what I live with

You sound like a kind of person that would get dizzy when hearing the word nigger

fuck those reddit fuckers

Looks like he turned into a partial titan to protect falco from the building crushing them.

Nahh... am not PC. They're too sensitive too often. That's why they're losing. They are letting mere words stress them out.

Also, am just telling people to chill, for the sake of their fucking immune systems.

If that's hard... just think of increasing antibiotic resistant bacteria... we need our goddamn immune systems up.

Arguing shit with retards on the internet has given me mental strength

Fuck off

Oh, if you can keep calm while arguing with them - that's fine.

The key is to keep calm.

>all this wasted space

This isn't an essay stop increasing the page length

im bored

and im gonna act

like an ignorant nig


gabi a shit

>gabi a shit

>drama queen
>reddit spacing
>internt is srs busnes
That fag needs to be stopped

>gabi a shit
Color me surprised.

we got a few good spoilers but they stopped coming. might as well sperg out until the koreans come to save us


The fandom will explode if gabi kills one of the scouts.

More like hatedom

She might kill the one who just killed/exploded Falco and wounded Pieck.

Even if she does, it'll be JSC or Floch. There won't be too much triggering.

Reiner is going to get his will of live back, scream and transforms, while giving a good punch to manlet

Celebration, really.

>If the warships stopped by to check a rowboat it is just a convenient bullshit.
Nothing implies they stopped and it doesn't make anything convient, moving or not there's no escaping a nuke.

>Is not a semiautomatic gun like the SL one, that's one a hell of different design philosophy.
You haven't seen them reload so you can't make that claim, they aren't machine guns or lazers and these possible developments are completely within SL capabilities, after 4 years, they developed thunder spears in a less then a month for perspective.

>SL gettign zero casualitys from that was bullshit and another example of Isayama convenient writing.
No it's not, a moving target is next to impossible to hit with a single rifle gun when you have no expereince fighting a flying moving target.

Maybe, just maybe, out of 100 shots, one would land, Marley at most was able to let off 3 shots, they are the ones being attacked and can't even retaliate.

>Magath expected an attack from Paradise and Zeke did capture a 3d maneuver gear from Mike to be studied and adapt strategies against it.

You're actually retarded, Magath expecting an attack after talking to willy like 2 days before the event doesn't mean he got marley to develope a weapon to counter 3dmg.
All that meant was he could put anti-titan canons on the roof tops and fill the place with soliders.

Zeke's only counter to 3dmg is fighting in wide open spaces, that's the only counter, except SL chose the time and place of the fight and right now they are in a 3dmg wet dream with houses, debris and pillars for them to fight on.

is there a real difference?

Link to scans?

are eren and zeke ever gonna talk about why zeke pulled an absolute cunt move and betrayed his own parents

He didn't know any better.

>Levi taking down the beast titan once again is hype

Even Grisha knew the answer to that, and Eren through his memory

_____________________my ass

No full scans it's just a reddit tease

Only the fans who have invested too much stress into it. Though that's one of the common marks of a successful series - gotta lure in fans with too much time on their hands.

If Gabi kills one of the SC... Sasha cause they had a recent staring contest.

If it's Sasha or Floch, I won't be surprised. Jean and Connie would surprise me. Levi - impossible. Hange would get off first before Levi.

EMA is bulletproof.

its almost 1 am in my country, I dunno why we always have these lengthy discussions at this time. Anyway, i whish to dig in your points but I'm tired going to bed, good discussion though.

Alright then.

>when people trespass on the ocean

looks faggy as ever

He didn't, he was doing exactly what Grisha wanted. Grisha just forgot that.

that's a good thing

i still remember how much i laughed when user once pointed out how quickly isayama killed the only person who insulted the ocean, rip zofia

Why didnt they design him to look more mature, cool. and masculine? Would have been a good evolution for the character.

all i got was "damn, i was a shit dad", but was that rlly it?

Are there any good SnK doujins?

I need one with cute hisu and trap Armin

The haircut's already a big improvement.

Is the translated chapter out already? Anyone got a link?

someone recommend me either a doujin or a fanfic about annie and eren

3P is pretty good
Too much dialogue though

sent :)

I give up, good night


I hope you bunch of faggots reported yonkou

I've got to say that Eren got the best character post-skip transformation. I had a hard time tolerating him before as main MC. Now, he's like... cool-headed evil mastermind Jesus Christ.

>mfw kodansha didn't reply to my email

not enough dead people desu, shit needs to rev up some more

>Still needs Mikasa to babysit him

It was going so well until he couldn't bite through the WT.

I love how everyone assumed he must've known he could do it through testing on Annie but it turned out he never thought to try and was just bullshitting everyone.

only people trying to bait anniefags. Surely no one was actually stupid enough to believe that.

That's OK. Pre-timeskip Eren was just - just being honest - too angry-stupid in my book. Like, I could get why Mikasa likes him. What he did as a kid to save Mikasa was very OK.

But later, Annie kinda showing interest in him. I was uh... I cannot stand love triangles over MC who shouldn't even be alive if weren't for plot armor.

But this Eren... if Shingeki turns into a harem - no problemo with me. This Eren is sexy.

Because they couldn't change his girly face. So they gave him a haircut instead and hoped for the best.

So fucking manlet acrually killed Zeke after all? I thought they'd be allies?

All he's done is extract him and set explosives as a diversion.
Now Pieck, Pieck got fucking mangled.

Dumb fujo wishful thinking.

He made a vertical cut, didn't look remotely fatal

>SL smuggling tons of explosives, weapons, and devices on a heavenly surveillance area.
>Eren passing as a Marley soldier without any official noticing he doesn't belong there.
>Eren sneaking in the basement of a building which should be totally guarded by the military, considering is behind the event attended by the most important people in the nation. But it is totally unguarded and easily accessible.
>Magath no having any plan against 3d maneuver gear and thunder spears, even though he knew of their existence and the SL attack.
>Pieck/Zeck jobing hardcore, against an enemy they know too well.
>Marley soldiers cannot shot anyone down from the air, because "muh speed". Even though in real combat, being in the open is the worst thing you can do.
>Armin catching up with a destroyer speed in a rowboat without them noticing him until it was too late.
>Eren transforming a bunch of times without repercussions, contradicting what the manga stated about losing control doing that.
>the Scouts are somehow able to perfectly aim at Marley soldiers with handguns while flying through the air.

This is too damn convenient for the SL, almost like is shit writing.

Vertical cuts are in fact the cut he used to show Eren that he could be removed with minimal injury by blade.

>OP doesn’t contain link to spoilers
>the whole threads talks about spoilers without links
This is why these threads turned to shit. Don’t you faggots know you should add that shit in OP if you have a cancer general?

Go looking in the archive and find them yourself


I've been away from this fandom. Who do they like to ship Zeke with? Reiner?

Or is it Levi x Zeke?

Neat, I guess.

>those blades
Are they broken or is this a crap fake/edit? Isayama couldn't have actually drawn that blade in her left hand like that.