So is Hunter x Hunter any decent? I hate shonen shit but I heard it was a deconstruction of shonen and it's pretty dark too.
How much kiddy shits in it and when does it get good? I can't stand little kid protags though, they're annoying.
So is Hunter x Hunter any decent...
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Watch the first 5 episodes, that'll be enough to see if you like it.
I sure hope this was ironic
The tone of the story constantly switches arc to arc. Finish at least the first arc and then drop it if you don't like it.
Preemptive TL;DR: JUST FUCKING WATCH IT. It's unlike any other shonen, but it's still very much a shonen and within the established tropes, it just happens to really excel at the execution.
I really don't agree with the "deconstruction" aspect. If you hate shonen, I don't see how you might like it, because at its core it is a shonen and very much of its era (early 90s to, well, now). HOWEVER, it's probably the most well written shonen out there, arguably. If you really hate shonen just stay out of it, but it gets good right away from episode 1 if you know to appreciate it, and then it doesn't take too long until it goes from fun kiddy shonen to kino af, because the mangaka is one smart son of a bitch who knows how to write anything you can throw at him at the deepest of levels.
I think people are mistaking "deconstructive" with "subversive", because it presents itself as a predictable shonen and then proceeds to flip the fuck out of your expectations every time it can, for the best outcomes. I'd recommend it because it's an excellent shonen, but it's also an excellent anime first. It takes maybe one arc or arguably two of standard shonen battles and trials, and then it decides to do its own thing, which is where you can hardly even categorize it as any particular genre.
If you really want to hate it, you'll find reasons to, but if you allow yourself to go in with an open mind you'll end up loving it and you'll be all smiles. Until it decides to constantly tear your heart to shreds, that is.
I don't even know what counts as a deconstruction anymore, but it toys with the conventions of the genre in unexpected ways, which makes it less predictable than most fighting shonen. If that's your concept of deconstruction, then it is for you.
Mind that it's still a fighting shonen, and it doesn't avoid all of the genre's pitfalls. It falls from time to time, but it does it with grace.
No HxH is shit. If you are a homosexual or a pedophile you will like it though.
>i hate shonen
good, hunter is seinen
any arc can turn on you, people have liked this show only to drop it at heavens arena/greed island/ants
either one doesn't feel it, likes it until something ruins it, or loves it.
it's shonen battles with superpowers and cool insane dudes being cool and crazy. but it's unpredictable, and that kind of changes everything
Couldn't get past the first ten episodes because of the retarded premise and the fact that the MC uses a goddamn fishing pole as a weapon.
What's retarded about the premise? Also he only really uses the fishing pole in one semi-important fight and from then on it's basically never used or relevant again.
To be honest the first 15 episodes or so are very average. Even the first arc to be honest is average as fuck. It does get better as it goes on though.
>I heard it was a deconstruction
You heard wrong.
Long post incoming...
Yes, HxH is really different. I can't stand most shounens but HxH is an exception for me. Glad I gave it a chance last year. Here's a few reasons why I liked it.
- Themes & settings change almost every arc. There's an exam arc, tournament arc, thriller arc, video game arc, war drama arc, politics arc, etc. And the author does something interesting every arc. So the plot is always fresh and the story doesn't constantly repeat itself like a lot of long-running anime.
- The battles are more strategic. In most cases, protagonists are facing people stronger than them so they always have to plan things out.
- The fights don't last forever. It usually takes 1-2 eps for a long fight to conclude. Some eps even have 3-4 short fights in them. So if a particular fight doesn't interest you, you won't have to wait too long for it to be over.
- There's an emphasis on "grey morality". There is almost no pure good or pure bad character. And the villains aren't just there to get in the hero's way and make him stronger. They're their own people. The story is basically just different types of personalities with different goals clashing with one another. Which is why HxH has some of the most well-loved villains in anime.
- Death is a serious business. People die in the show, even the good guys.
- No fillers, there's a couple recap eps I believe, but you can skip those.
The first few eps is not enough for you to figure out if you like it or not bec it starts like any standard shounen anime. In fact, lots of people say the start is the weakest. So you just have to keep watching.
I like that it doesn't take itself seriously.
People praise the hero aca anime as being one of the best executed shounen shows. The claim doesn't really feel very convincing, because it's been so diluted.
One of the best anime ever, an absolute emotional joyride from start to finish. A must watch.
Honestly, you sound like the sort of pretentious edgelord who would claim that it's seinen instead of shounen so you will probably like it. It does get dark in a good way and it subverts tropes, the main characters are children and usually act like it but the dark moments have extra impact because they're so young.
>I hate shonen, but I heard it's a deconstruction
>kiddy shit
Holy shit, I hope your post is bait because you sound like the worst kind of insufferable cunt. Pick up your fedora and get the fuck out of here, faggot.
I honestly hope you drop it. I don't need more people in the fandom who dismiss the exceptionally well executed shonen aspects in the first arcs for muh deconstruction. But someone like you will probably like Yorknew and the Chimera Ant arc if anything.
try and make it to the end of the hunter exam arc and if you still hate at that point, drop it.
I definitely disagree. I think Hunter x Hunter is very good for the first few episodes but it really picks up around 30th episode or whatever when the York new arc picks up. I know, "watch 30 episodes to see if you like it" sounds ridiculous but honestly if you're not enjoying it by then I say keep going because that arc is definitely unstoppable..
The tail end of the hunter exam is really cool so I would watch the entire hunter exam to see if you like it. But there's also cool sections littered all throughout the hunter exam too which I enjoyed so it's not like it will be a complete slog of boredom
It objectively isn't, idiot.
It's bad. The villain resurrects himself with a stupid asspull. That's all you need to know.
O, that doesn't sound very good
What the fuck? I just don't like shitty kids shows, that's all. I like things with more maturity and darker stories is all and I heard hxh was like that.
I fucking hate fantasy and I'd rather shoot myself then watch Lord of the rings or lion with whatever but I fucking love game of thrones cayse it's actually written for an adult and was like the first fantasy story with politics and dark themes.
Not everyone is entertained by colorful lights and toy commercials. Some if us don't like eternally being a baby.
The amount of exposition in the series is a bit too overwhelming for me, honestly. I stopped watching when I got to Greed Island because it was just an arc with more training and some dumb card game shit that doesn't matter at all and feels like filler. There were a few highlights that I enjoyed, like the Hunter Exam stuff and Kurapika vs Uvogin but ultimately nothing really grabbed me and there's not enough payoff to justify me continuing it.
>I fucking hate fantasy and I'd rather shoot myself then watch Lord of the rings or lion with whatever
>but I fucking love game of thrones cayse it's actually written for an adult
>colorful toy commercials
>I like mature things for mature adults like myself, things like GoT
Horry shheit man neck yourself. And it's painfully obvious you have no idea what shounen actually is.
>Death is a serious business
You mean kids punching full grown men in tighty-whiteys while talking about friendship and other faggot shit? Yeah, I know it, don't want that thanks.
Seems you need to be schooled yourself in what genres are.
You got meme'd.
As someone else who usually hates shounen shit I actually enjoyed watch the HxH (2011) anime so much that I finished all of it. So take that for what it's worth. Just make sure to watch the first episode of the '99 anime or read the first chapter of the manga before starting the 2011 anime because otherwise later stuff is awkward.
the first arc is absolutely magic, but it becomes a madlib fill-in-the-blank after that. once nen is introduced and everything is stated in really explicit terms it goes downhill.
we haven't seen the fishing pole since the 3rd arc and the 2nd and 3rd arcs are tiny
If that's what you want, try One Punch Man.
The manga is great, but HxH 2011 is very saccharine shounen in the beginning. It messed up at establishing Gon's moral ambiguity that the manga does straight away and turned Gon and Mito's relationship into cardboard. In the manga Gon and Mito's relationship is equal, it's shown that he understands her, a grown woman, and respects her decision to take him away from his father. It also robbed us of Kite and Kon which was really important because Kite inspired Gon to become a Hunter and leaving out them bonding at the start lessens the impact of what happens later.
I'd recommend the manga first and foremost (
>take a battle shounen trope
>subvert it and resolve the entire situation in a unexpected way
>repeat this with another trope, new situations and new resolutions
>make a stupid simplistic parody of the power levels trope, "one punch"
watch the 1999 version. its darker.
the 2011 version is while not bad and inferior and more generic shonen.
>muh deconstruction
god I fucking hate this word, Derrida would kill himself if he witnessed what he spawned
> I can't stand little kid protags though, they're annoying.
Same here. The only good quality of this show is that the main characters (brats) are nothing more than a facade for marketing it to Shonen Jump, that's it. For example, they're not even in the current arc, thank God, and protagonists shift regularly for character to character, villains as well. Their only good function of the brats is that one of them is very well used as an observation standpoint of a common person that's introduced to a variety of batshit, battle-crazed psychopath and monster characters that actually carry the plot. All real plot and character development is centered around the adult characters, primarily villains and antagonists actually. That's also the real quality of the show, not fucking „oh my shonen protags have dark character development“ fuck off, that was only there to make them fit into the tone of the specific arcs.
But you ask when the show get's good? Fuck man, like with every show you need to make your own watch-list of shit that's good, some episodes or parts you wanna skip, that's common routine. In the 2011 adaptation it get's good the moment this fucker (pic related) shows up (ep 3), you won't find a bigger maniac in any manga, trust me.
But don't expect people to make a watch-list for you, make it yourself dammit.
>this is what 1999 nostalgia fags actually believe
watch the 2011 version. its brighter.
the 1999 version is while not bad and inferior and more generic shonen.
nice, fresh yet smelly pasta
Excuse me? Are you reducing this ridiculously long-running series to one controversial plot-point? For starters "The Villain" doesn't apply to hunter x hunter, since there are many different villains who coexist simultaneously in the world.
Are u trolling?
It's great but don't expect it to be some genius level writing like the Rick and Morty tier fanbase claims it is.
>but I fucking love game of thrones cayse it's actually written for an adult
Start with 1999 until the end of Yorkshin then switch to 2011 for GI and the rest
I hope you mean the novel when you talk about "Game of Thrones" That'd actually be good taste.
Based on the OP, you'd probably not like it. It's a good deconstruction, but I think you'd be hung up on the "little kid protag."
I never understood the whole 99 v 2011 fight.
If I had to choose, I would definitely pick 99 as an overall choice. Furuhashi is an outstanding director.
But on the flip side, my top 3 favorite episodes would probably all come from 2011.
Read the manga. Anime versions are not good.
>I'd rather shoot myself than watch LOTR
>but I fucking love game of thrones
You know that's a crazy, prissy, pretentious - yet uniformed - thing to say from the start? That's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, fucking stupid. I'm going to chalk it up to you not having read LOTR and only hearing there's elves and dwarves and shit.
If you hate fantasy and kiddie stuff so much, 90% of manga is not for you. But I think you're being vapid and stupid. I cannot imagine what "pretty dark" means to you if you thought LOTR was Candyland.
There doesn't need to be a fight because neither is terrible. 2011 is fine and is a more straight on adaptation of the manga, except for a few, very questionable changes. 1999 is a more ambitious adaptation, but because there weren't that many chapters out when it was airing it suffers from pretty bad filler parts for padding. And the GI OVAs look terrible.
Its shonen, so dont expect something "more"
I don't like it because the characters aren't interesting but I do think its of solid quality and I like the world building. It's something that I don't mind watching once in a while, even if im not that interested
Dude, GoT has sex and boobs, all mature shows must have those. Lotr is kiddy shit lmao.
>I fucking hate fantasy and I'd rather shoot myself then watch Lord of the rings or lion with whatever but I fucking love game of thrones cayse it's actually written for an adult
I think you need to stop being a shitty person with terrible taste. You should probably seriously reconsider your life because you're doing everything wrong.
This also isn't anime and manga related but Lord of the Rings is arguably the best movies ever created.
I thought it was some kiddie shit a few years back, because I was painfully unaware of the manga and have just seen the really bright colors and Gon's stupid face on promotion art.
I liked shounen shows when I was a teen, but lost my appreciation for them, and I still enjoy Hunter x Hunter a lot, in manga form mostly. It's not kiddie stuff just because it has kid protagonists, but I honestly appreciate that Gon and Killua act like actual teenage boys instead of just being adults in tiny bodies.
>I honestly appreciate that Gon and Killua act like actual teenage boys instead of just being adults in tiny bodies.
Or toddlers in tall teenage bodies. See Luffy.
It is good, but HxH is more an "experience" than an anime. Every arc is pretty much completely different than the others, every arc could qualify as a different anime. So even if you didn't like the first, or second arc, you should keep watching and getting to know the characters.
But I'll tell you, it is praised for its third arc I think (ep 40+) and later its final arc (ep 80+). So you need to watch quite a bit if you wanna know why is it considered a masterpiece.
It's only average soozefest in 2011 adaptation. In 99 they are comfy as fuck.
Compared to other shonen series it's actually very well written but also very subtle. You have to be intelligent to understand it. Regular low IQ shonentards won't understand it because of this.
There are shounen manga that aren't about this sort of stuff, you could easily go through MangaUpdates or whatever manga site if you search the "shounen tag".
What shounen manga are as good as HxH?
yeah its the best
watch the 2011 version.
It's obvious that you haven't read/watched HxH and just think that it's cool to say MANGA IS BETTER. Well, manga IS better in most cases, but as for HxH, the anime is superior
The manga is better.
The anime is better. Same goes to YYH. Togashi can't draw his stuff for shit
The anime is dogshit aside from a few Christmas presents.
First arc is a filter. If you dropped it at that point, then you're a pleb.
I agree I hate shonen as well but I'd rather watch the worst shonen ever than Game of Thrones
You need to go back
I know it's a troll post, but OP probably thinks boobs makes something mature, regardless of other themes.
It was supposed to be sarcastic, yes.
>I hate shonen shit but I heard it was a deconstruction of shonen
You'll despise it since it's nothing of the sort. If anything, it's the single most shounen show I've ever seen.
what a retard
>a genre
you are stupid.
YYH anime is nice but unforgivably poorly paced. HxH manga is better, no brainer.
is game of thrones good?
The problem with hunter is that even the fans admit it doesn't "get good" until the third season.
First arc is nothing but a generic adventure arc. Happy go lucky super strong pre-teen shonen protagonist goes to take the hunter exam cause "that's when his father did it." It's pokemon tier levels of writing. He has another equally Mary Sue friend Killua whose entire motivation is that he's fucking bored and thinks being friends with Gon will be interesting because he's hyper autistic from his upbringing. Literally, being Gon's friend is his entire motivation as a character and despite having cute moments together there is nothing there.
The other character is the stereotypical "quiet anime character out for revenge for the death of his clan" complete with fucking eye powers. Hunter fans give this a pass because it was the birth of the trope but they spend more time saying how he looks like a cute trap thank anything else. Then you have a doctor who the plot all but ignores. The most interesting character is Hisoka BUT EVEN THEN we don't find anything out about him until the third fucking season which is like 4 arcs in. Literally all he is is a creepy clown with a borderline pedophilic interest in Gon. I'm being serious he has a literal fucking orgasm while fighting the kid at one point and the fans love it because they call it "subversion"
It's just another shonen that wastes your time with bullshit and the only time it ever gets slightly goes to good writing it's just Toga being a freshman college libertarian with "war is bad! we aren't any better than our enemies because we did war!" despite said enemies trying to destroy the world.
it's really funny that they say it gets good in the arc that basically goes full shonen. Introduces way to many characters, literally more than a fucking dozen, and power creeps the fuck out of everything. We go from "I can hit really hard" to a guy being fucking bullet and RPG proof and killing with his voice.
Manga gets good in 1st chapter. Don't watch anime.
>I like things with more maturity and darker stories is all and I heard hxh was like that.
if that's what you are into you need to avoid all shonen. Honestly HxH isn't bad but the fans greatly exaggerate it. They act like it's some amazing deconstruction when it's just a basic fucking shonen. Seriously, there are literal lose your shit moments with laughter because of how bad the writing is.
The anime is better but takes 39 episodes to get better.
>which makes it less predictable than most fighting shonen
>there are literal lose your shit moments with laughter because of how bad the writing is
what moments are you talking about?
>manga is good
ah yes the high quality standards which come from Toga
Objectively wrong with the proof of it in what you just said.
I was not crazy about it the first 3 arcs. When Yorknew starts, it captured my attention. Greed Island was a bad follow-up to Yorknew, but Chimera Ant made up for everything.
The side characters are more interesting than the Gon and Killua as well.
>posting image that was redrawn before you were born
He drops it pretty quickly and then begins using his fists.
I have never seen a fishing pole used as a weapon, was curious how it was going to be used.
>Leaving out O MY CRAZY SLOTS
>protagonist gets written into a corner
>deus ex machina saves his ass
>toga realizes this completely breaks the story
>puts Gon into a coma
>realizes putting the protagonist out of commission is bad for the plot
>forgot to write a way to get him out of it
>uses another deus ex machina to wake him up
>still can't have the plot breaking power so he just takes all his power away
And before any of you faggots start to argue that it's not a deus ex machina because it was "explained and alluded to beforehand", so was the fucking Super Saiyan and Kyuubi chakra but that doesn't make them anymore of a fucking ass pull the way they were used.
Another "laugh your ass off because it's retarded" is this shit
Seriously, go into any fucking HxH and it's filled with nothing but pedo posters shipping the underage faggots with Hisoka or each other. It's fucking disturbing.
what about this one? This one was published
Alluka has yet to be used in an asspull way. She was used to heal Gon, but it took an entire arc of conflict to reach that point. And he still lost his role in the story, Kurapika is the main character now. It was justified and balanced, not an easy solution when there was so much trouble getting it done. At most she is a potential asspull that Togashi could choose to use if necessary, but he's already set up plot points that make it seem like he won't (Killua being opposed to using her) and making sure that she's more trouble than she's worth (the dangers of using her, the fact that she's a calamity).
that was redrawn, the only one that wasn't is the kite/koala chapter.