MC dies

>MC dies
>comes back to like 3 days later


you faggots said this show was good but its just asspull after asspull.

First season was better


>12 apostles
>all dudes
>Mary Magdalene is not even canon

this show is Fujoshit.

>he didn't watch the better version where the apostle were all lolis
And no. It's not haremshit.

so hisoka is literally jesus christ and chrollo is the jews? makes sense

Dude, it has been foreshadowed by the prophets. Even from the beggining, with the "death entered the world through sin" thing. Jesus was even actively looking for his death, it went all according to keikaku.

Enoch OVA was amazing. Too bad all the mainstream fanboys don't see it as canon.

>massive build up for the apocalypse
>it doesn't happen, we only get to see prophecies and shit.

Yeah except jesus was actually god all along and god can't die.

Name a more beta MC

>you will never watch a jesus harem show
Why did you give me this feel?

There are 13 apostles mate.
Can't you count or was it 2deep4u?

revelations was a letdown.
sad, we needed moar SFX for that one....

But you can watch a anime where jesus become a yakuza lords son and get special treatment from them.

>says he will resurrect
>does it
did you even pay attention to the story

>That Sodom and Gomorrah fanservice arc.

So is Judas the tsundere who breaks down, Peter the overly earnest hot-headed but loyal bestie, John is the childhood friend who never actually wins?

And in fact, decades after the harem has been terminated, the MC died in the most batshit conclusion to a homo harem yet, John is so fucking depressed he hallucinates about the apocalypse while in prison. The tsundere Judas killed himself before he saw things really go to shit, while Peter lived long enough to see himself become the villain, founding the later to be global power of evil, The Church.

What an eccentric take on the harem genre.

Job is alpha as fuck, he ends up with more wives, money and livestock after dickslapping the devil with his faith.

What they don't tell you is that Yahweh told Job his plan after making the bet with Stan. Job was an amazing actor.

that's not Cain.

>speedreading the bible

>the ending of season 1 is anime original
>still waiting for season 2

>Implying New Testament is not overrated af

TFW The fucking best story in the lore, about the Demon Prince's rebellion against the heaven's, comes from some fucking incredible fanfic "Paradise Lost" - original author couldn't even be bothered to tease out/foreshadow this guy's backstory, much less write it out, then along comes based, blind autist who writes an epic fanfic who's quality is way better than the original work...

I don't understand the nostalgia and all the fanart around this scene.

It was just a fucking marsh

Bros, just read about Season 3 announcement on 2ch. Apparently it's in America? Japs are pissed

I can't wait until revelations arc gets a live action adaptation.

Ain't season 3 in the deserts, what fanfic is this?

Judas did nothing wrong.


Rapture never ever

The New Testament arc was bullshit, Moses arc was where the series peaked.

That arc was full of sakuga

Shut up chrollo

So is Lilith canon or is she just a meme?

Jesus takes a potato chip and eats it.jpg

I liked season 3 more as we witness MCs adventures mostly in his POV/without seeing his face
Pure Kino i tell ya
However there are a fan theories that MC was a lolicon, but for me those theories were nonsense desu

Really you could consider the entire second half fanfiction given it wasn't even written by the same guy as the first.

What is the best fansub for the series?

My favorite stuff is the Septuagint, oh, can't forget the side-story "Testament/Greater Key/Lesser Key of Solomon" - that stuff has demon indexes and spell lists, real great autistic shit

It has best girl Delilah though.

King James subs, anything else is duwang tier

>biblefags think this is the peak of storytelling
When will you shounenfags learn your place?


[King James] is the worst group, stay away from theirs. I can't believe how popular their shit is

>Joseph was the original NTR

No no no, Catholic is by far the famous group and are the worst. Heretics start shipping wars with saints and creating fan fictions of them.

>focusing on the series proper.

The side stories are where it's at. Did you read the Book of Lamech? Shit is off the chain.

>Mary gets pregnant while being a virgin
Purityfags have gone too far.

>tfw season 3 never

With wich saint would you pray?

No Hagar is. After Abraham had his son Isaac he threw out Hagar and her son because "someone" was jealous.

Literally just ripped off [Vulgate] because they didn't;t know how to translate the original runes and put their own names on it. Fucking hacks.

>christ fags think their shitty anime is good
Say what you want about bhagavad gita, but that shit had hands down the best scene in anime history.
>I am become death, destroyer of worlds

>OP hasn't read the supplementary materials that reveal he faked his death and made a deal with the romans to hand over the wealth of his believers so he could walk out and start a happy family with his secret waifu
Fucking secondary

Definitely Saint Catherine of Siena

>story starts with a talking snake


>Burning people at the stake.

Officially a more toxic fandom than Evangelion, Oreimo and Konosuba. Maybe not Naruto.

>I am become death, destroyer of worlds
does she also pull out her katana after saying that?

Reminder that new testament is NOT canon, stop shitposting your spic theories such as jesus blanco

wait until you see what the spanish section of the fandom does

Can you think of some memorable moments?

I liked the part where the main character is talking about donkey dicks and horse cum.

Alright Sup Forums, why the fuck is this series rebooted like 3 times? Which version should I watch and why?

I think this scene was forced animation. Cain did nothing wrong

Got to admit. I did not expect that.

Everyone sucks king james' dick, but they aren't the most accurate, they just tried to make it sound pretty.

I'm lmaoing at all the Goliathfags who were laughing and shitposting about how David didn't stand a chance. Where are all of them now?

>Fall of Babylon arc was kino

Nobody does. Thats why its so great!

God is a hack.

>implying the first season wasn't written by a whole bunch of hack writers
And they didn't even hire an editor. I nearly dropped that shit when God's waifu suddenly showed up and then everybody pretended it didn't happen. Fucking plotholes.

He did the whole butterfly thing.

Garden of Eden arc was a fucking snorefest.

Nah m8.
You know that time when loki turned into a mare and took a giant's stallion's dick, and got pregnant with sleipnir? Fuck that shit was hot, they did xray and everything.

Exodus was dragged too much, but you know how defensive Pentateuchfags can get

Complaining about Solomon being a Gary Stu

Who Lilith here?

>Was there when they aired the noha boat arc. God i feel old

>Jesus can turn water into fucking wine
>it's non-alcoholic because it'd be illegal for him to partake in underaged drinking
How can they keep getting away with fucking up the source mat?
I enjoyed Noah's arc quite a bit, even if it was a blatant monmusu incest b8

Is this an actual anime or are you guys just memeing it up?

best girl ever

First series if you'd into Retro. Second series is pretty much just a copy of Evangelion, minus the robots (I know right). Third series is for purists, like they swear its better than the others, but it's pretty much the same song and dance just with a more eccentric MC. There's also a limited release fourth series that targeted at an Audience. Resets the genre into interplanetary sci-fi.

>impregnation scene
>not golden shower
Zeus is a fucking madman

Okay you snekfags and godfags, let's settle this once and for all. So in the Garden of Eden arc, who was in the wrong here?

Goliathfags will never recover.

Did you guys like the Sengoku Spinoff where they put in a Self-Insert MC as Jesus' little Brother?

I mean, Jesus coming back to life is one thing, but did Isukiri also have to come back to life? A bit too Gary Stu-ish if you ask me.

>targeted at an American audience.*

Vishnu wasn't even a trap.

>not liking that comfy SoL with a dark twist at the end
You are worse than the snake, pleb.

I felt NTR'd by The Creation, despite being the "alpha" of the human race Adam is a beta faggot with a small dick. But, he wasn't nearly as much of a shitstain of a person as David.

How I'd rank the bible waifus:

Mary > Sarah > Eve > Rebecca

I don't think there's enough hentai of Eve, she literally has a perfect figure.

That Job arc is still funny to me. The villain reveals he's really just a Tsundere.

>make retards
>get mad when they act like retards
Snek did literally nothing wrong.

>implying snek and god aren't buddies
>implying snek isn't god's top dog
>implying snek didn't take on the role of the negative role model
>implying snek doesn't tempt people to test the characters, all according to god's orders
It's like snekfags and godfags can't see past the obvious

>start reading the NT because Sup Forums recommended it
>MC's father literally NTR'd by a ghost
>has to raise his wife's son anyway
Dropped instantly you degenerate cucks

>I am become death, destroyer of worlds
You must've read some shitty Hadena tier subs. That was actually a common mistranslation and only became widespread thanks to Oppenheimer

>Mary number one.

Lol. You're so beta you'd get cucked by a Virgin.

>not even mentioning Noah's Arc or the fall of Bablyon

Just from his character intro you can tell he was made to job.