Sora Yori

You're chilling in Nankyoku when this dork shows up and asks you this question.
How do you react?

Other urls found in this thread:

What else would you be doing?
It's -66 F

I've been a good kid, please give me a present santa

El monstruo de las Antarcticas..



Wanna try the reindeer style?

Can Santa bring me a hinata?

Unfortunately she is santa's helper



baka rin

I want to watch A Penguin's Memories with Shirase


I want to watch Mawaru Penguindrum episode 09 with Shirase-chan!

I will use this for every birthday ;_;

>Megu-chan reading up on Polar region travel guides

What does it mean?

Shirase a best.


I could never be happy with that line on my monitor. What happened?

She is planning a murder.

I wish I had some cake right about now.

It's my birthday so I got a cake. We can share.

I have that same cup

I don't even notice it anymore; it's been like that since a repair four years ago.

You're a nice user.

Good enough for me.

Every Sup Forumsnon's worst nightmare, right here

Don't worry, you'll never even have a first time.

I want to watch this show but the premise seems so ungodly boring.

Traveling to Antarctica because her mom did or something? The whole idea Antarctica is dull in and of itself. Who the fuck cares about an empty icy hell hole.

My man, he single-handedly cheered up Yuzu by blasting her song. This is the type of guy all idolfags should strive to be.

which girl is next?
will he ever be stopped?

The power is in your hands user. Do what makes you happy

I was honestly surprised with how good the CG was this episode. I mean sure they could have probably blended the 3D objects with the 2D backgrounds better, but the models/textures themselves looked great for this kind of show.

The only cake i'm interested in is in the captains quarters.

> better not waste 24 minutes checking that everyone is right, just on the off chance that they're all wrong
Good thinking. Wouldn't want to risk enjoying yourself.

hollow, penguins eye are hollow

Name a single interesting thing about Antarctica.

Its mostly owned by Australia.

I want a penguin parfait!

I want comfy Antarctica booze.

Sometimes you wanna go
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came

You wanna be where you can see
Troubles are all the same
You wanna go where
Everybody knows your name

I want friends

I want a boozed up cake to chat up and share body warmth with.

I want a tiny woman.

Hinata has a face only a Tauntaun could love

Those portions look tiny.

I had my first time already.

I messed it up as well

You have no eyes

Just imagine the moment when they run out of alcohol

That are some child bearing hips. She could give birth to pengin without problems.

That's an orangutan, not a woman.

What does powerful chicken taste like?


The same as regular chicken, but with more estrogen and steroids that will lead you to an early cardiac arrest.


>Everything tastes like Chicken
>What does Chicken taste like

I want to cum on Shirase's cute pink round circles in her cheeks!

Yuzu is sad and confused and overwhelmed by what's happening.

Yes but when will she blow out this single motherfucking candle already?

So, who is Shirase's dad and where is he?

Was her mom just a THOT getting knocked up from a one-night stand or did she get lewd with one of the expedition members during a cold antarctican night?

Don't say it's Gin, because it's not.

Don't rush her!

It's Gin.


Why doesn't Japan start colonizing their part of Antarctica? If they could establish a large city of at least a million people they would be able to claim most of Antarctica simply by their economic clout. People talk about colonizing Mars while ignoring the fact that Antarctica is much easier to inhabit.


Becuase it's ab inhospitable frozen wasteland that offers no value beyond scientific research

Why won't they show Megu's face? Has she already begun her transformation into the Thing?



Plot twist, it's human meat and the station staff are cannibals who plan on fattening up and eating the girls.

This candle won't blow itself, sweetheart

"When a female Sacculina is implanted in a male crab it will interfere with the crab's hormonal balance. This sterilizes it and changes the bodily layout of the crab to resemble that of a female crab by widening and flattening its abdomen, among other things. The female Sacculina then forces the crab's body to release hormones, causing it to act like a female crab, even to the point of performing female mating dances."

723円 for a tiny portion of bean sprouts and salad leaves. I should open a weeb café.

That's the reason you don't go to weeb cafes!


Ganbatte, our friend Yuzu


That looks pretty creepy actually
he really is /ourguy/


Me on the left

not creepy if he follows the 5m rule




Her first sexual experience is going to be a DISASTER!


You mean her first with someone other than her manager?

She has sex with her mother?

Her mom?

Would explain her autism

Help! She's been starring at me with this expression for the last couple of hours. How should I resolve this situation?

Slowly pull out of your halloween pengin costume.

Walk towards the mountains

>Quack quack quack

Im sorry I didn't get a word of that, lil pengin. But you sure are funny little bird. Who wants a fish.

Penguins don't quack.



You aren't allowed to settle in Antarctica.


Doujins can't come soon enough.

penguin noises are weird

It does sound a bit like Hinata.