Can we all agree Shannon was best girl?

Can we all agree Shannon was best girl?

Burn the witch!

I prefer my women female.

Also Jessica exists so you're wrong.

Cheap Kohaku knock-off.



This, Jessica is the clear best girl

Any non-witch is a worst.

You really think Ryukishi would do that?
Just steal a character from a Type-Moon work?

Surely not. And he definitely wouldn't shamelessly borrow from Touhou.
In all seriousness, given how much of an established TMfag he is, I find it very hard to believe that Yasu wasn't his own attempt at Kohaku in many respects. The similarities are far too many.



These posts genuinely make me mad.

Where does the Shannon=Man meme come from?
I played the game and there was nothing indicating that

inb4 speedreader

Ryukishi confirmed it himself.

just read a wiki or whatever about it
it's a guy with a cut off penis which caused him several mental issues resulting in him becoming the main killer
something like that

Manga and subtle hints like the MAN from 18 years ago.

Reminder that Rosa is the real culprit.

Couldnt they just include those details in the actual VN? Like a proper mystery story?
Umineko really felt like it had no idea where it was going and I hated Ange

Everything is in the VN, the manga is just there to spell it out for idiots who can't pick up on hints. Play the game again and everything is out there in the open and you don't even realize it.

>I played the game and there was nothing indicating that

How about you ACTUALLY play the game you dumb speedreader?

that's why i don't play VN's, it's just a mountain of text and more text with talking around the issues just for the sake of extending the time it takes to finish it. And such a mystery novel is even worse, hiding crucial information in a single sentence that you are suppose to pick up after playing for 20 hours and playing another 20 hours after that. Only autistic people could find any enjoyment out of that.

What the fuck did you think Episode 7 was?

2/10 bait
good effort

Is this bait? Are you actually complaining about reading something being long and well written enough to not have random asspulls from nowhere? Do you just hate books in general?

Sorry i'm not autistic enough to be a full concentration playing a 300 hours VN
Mystery stories don't work when the game drags on so long

Umineko is many orders of magnitude longer than any of the classic mystery novels it takes inspirations from

That's your opinion man, I think Umineko is perfect with it's length. Do you just hate that the meta pads the length?

Childhood is when you prefer Lambdadelta, Adulthood is when you realize that the Erika makes more sense.

>some dumb speedreader baiting as hard as he humanly can
>people actually fall for it

What an epic start of an epic day.

Jesus christ, how can you miss that?
It's a central part of the story and one of the reasons why he/she is so fucked in the head.

If anything baits me more, it's people stupidly shitposting about Seacats.

Are you retarded? It was said over and over again that Kanon and Shanon is actually a one person named "YASU". She was a daughter of Kinzo and his daughter from Beatrice.

That's where you're wrong.

Extrapolate your onion.


Now I've only read the first chapter since my toaster went kaput, but how isn't Kyrie best girl?
>level headed

I don't think I've ever seen anyone even mention her, which is fucked because besides Eva and her ridiculously hot cheongsam she's the sexiest one of the lot.

It's a deep-web mene. You can all variations of "extrapolate" and "opinion" as long as it's understandable in the context.

>You can all


>I've only read the first chapter
>how isn't Kyrie best girl?
Because you've only been introduced to about a quarter of the entire cast at this point.
Not that Kyrie is bad, mind you, just that competition for best girl in Umineko is stiff as hell.

Are you trying to take every fun thing away from every person?

Cold-blooded psychopath.

>how isn't Kyrie best girl?
>only read the first chapter
Oh boy are you in for a ride

Fun is disgusting. I hate it.



>It was said over and over again that Kanon and Shanon is actually a one person named "YASU"
No it doesnt, it shows Yasu and Shanon as two different characters and you're supposed to link the dots

Ah yeah. Umineko posting!

to be quite honest, I don't get the game. Got to chapter two and dropped because I was disgusted on how wicked Beatrice was.



I hated having to go through meaningless Ushiromiya interactions over and over again for hours every chapter.
Its really hard to take it as a mystery novels when 80% of the content is irrelevant to the mystery. I simply can't keep up that level attention to pick on the eventual clues

>tfw don't want to read the vn
>was keeping up with the manga a few years ago but translations were too slow
>been spoiled of too many details to care about the rest
What was wrong with Battler's dad and his girlfriend?