"tropes are unavoidable"

>"tropes are unavoidable"
>"nothing is original anyway"

Anyone know that one "friend" that has seen 700+ mediocre-to-horrible shows, mostly ecchi/battle fantasy shit, and thinks he's a knowledgeable guy with good taste ?

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>Anyone know that one "friend" that has seen 700+ mediocre-to-horrible shows, mostly ecchi/battle fantasy shit, and thinks he's a knowledgeable guy with good taste ?
Please, I know an entire board of people like that.


That's another thing to have it in front of you

There aren't many shows that doesn't have a single worthwhile moment. If you've watched 700+ titles there's no way you haven't watched something good.

What makes you a knowledgeable guy with good taste, then?

>It's a "great first episode then absolutely nothing afterward" show

Don't be silly, the board is really diverse.
>That one guy who's watched a few dozen "highly acclaimed" anime who complains about literally anything "low-brow", usually using classical literature as points of reference or analogies
>That one guy who refuses to read manga
>That one guy who refuses to watch anime
>That one guy who hates "moeshit"
>That one guy who hates "shounenshit"
>That one guy who hates "haremshit"
>That one guy who hates on all dubs
>That one guy who hates on nip VAs
>That one guy who's JLPT N2 at best yet mocks EOPs
>That one guy who doesn't watch anime, read manga or even VNs or LNs
>That one guy who just generalises everything with greentext
I love you Sup Forums!

I would be more inclined to trust the 700+ shows guy that genuinely enjoys anime over the pretentious fag that only watched the 20 shows he deemed worthwhile

"Nothing is original" is not a wrong statement. Is it bad to not be original? Execution and personal spin trumps concept. That's why genres exist.
Besides, in this day and age to be TRULY "original" you have to be incredibly outlandish and special snowflake to stand out against decades of other works. This is a double edge that goes wrong almost all the time.

>That one guy who's JLPT N2 at best yet mocks EOPs
That was like half of the DJT threads

>That one guy who posts "I love you Sup Forums!"

>>That one guy who's JLPT N2 at best yet mocks EOPs
JLPT N2 ain't easy, you know? It's one tier away from full fluency.

More like the 700 shows guy dedicates a massive portion of his life to watching something that a) isn't that good and that b) he doesn't enjoy that much

It makes more sense to watch 20 shows you enjoy than to force yourself to watch anime for the sake of watching anime.

>that guy who sees a post asking for anime recs on /wsr/ and thinks he's hot shit when he answers "GitS, Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann, Black Lagoon" or "Anything by Satoshi Kon :)"

This guy aint so bad.
Especially when he posts Mikan.

Anyone know that one faggot that got butthurt over his friend's MAL and made a shit thread on Sup Forums about it?

>>"tropes are unavoidable"
>>"nothing is original anyway"
This is 100% true though. Only brainlets value novelty over good storytelling.

This may come as a shock but some people actually enjoy anime.

Most people do. As long as it's good.
Compulsively watching every anime you can find is pointless, since most of it will be either generic or outright shit. People who do this usually only want to increase their MAL e-penis and show off.

Or the uninitiated. Even though it was shit, at the time when I was completely green, reading dime a dozen shoujo romance one-shots made my kokoro go doki doki more than anything has in the last five years.

But he does enjoy it. That's why he keeps watching them. Are you so jaded you don't even believe that other people enjoy things?

I'm guessing that if you spent sio much time watching anime then you must truly eenjoy the medium (or have really low standards). No one watches 700 series of someone they hate just because of completition.

Projecting much? And "generic" is one of the weakest insults you could make, it certainly doesn't preclude a show from being enjoyable.

You're either projecting or you can't handle differing opinions and tastes.

>No one watches 700 series of someone they hate just because of completition

No. Don't go around throwing buzzwords if they clearly don't apply.
For me, being generic ruins a show, since it quickly becomes predictable and thus boring.

You'd think after watching so much shit he'd learn to better choose his shows. But now, his standards are so low that it's irredeemable.

I agree, but the dude uses it as an excuse to defend every generic thing he happens to like.
The kind of guy who watches one youtube analysis video and then rambles about armchair philosophy for days.

Ore Monogatari was "generic" as generic gets but it still made me feel warm and fluffy even though I could see every development coming from light years away

Sounds like you got BTFO for being a shonenbabby and came here to have a sad.

Then you're only interested in novelty.

Generic is also a buzzword.

>"generic" is one of the weakest insults you could make
Not at all. Describing something as generic implies that it's predictable and/or nothing about it stands out compared to similar shows, which makes it much more likely that you're just not getting invested in it. Shows like that are forgettable at best (beyond maybe having one good scene or character that sticks out) and get dropped at worst.

>that one guy who hates common anime tropes but still watches anime, and then complains about it all the time
oh wait maybe that's just me

But if he enjoyed those 700 shows then his choices are good ones. If he picked 20 shows to watch that you liked but he didn't, those would be bad choices.

When you watch too much anime you reach a point where you either stop watching, or lower your standards and decide to focus on low quality shows you still ejoy. Someone who watched 700 anime has probably watched all the classic and entry level stuff (Cowboy Bebop, Lain, Eva etc) and then maybe he found he liked mecha, so he started to watch every mecha he could simply because he enjoyed the genre that much and that may include old kids show with formulaic monster of the week episodes. That could happen with everye genre, like if you enjoy shoujo so you star watching every shoujo both old and new you can find simply because you enjoy it, even if they aren't masterpieces or even average.

Perhaps you have a learning difficulty? I remember a lot of shows which I've enjoyed without them doing anything novel or exceptional.

>complains about tropes
>links to tvtropes
You're just retarded, aren't you?

Taste declines with number of shows after a certain point.
You run out of genuinely good shows after ~300, maybe even less, past that point you'll just become an autistic timesink collector with no standards.

>tv tropes
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?

>Using "tropes" as an argument
>Using originality as a metric of quality

If there are only 300 anime you enjoy you are not an anime fan and should fuck off.

>>"tropes are unavoidable"
>>"nothing is original anyway"
These are right though you retard

You're assuming you start with the best and work your way down. If you do like normal people do and just pick up what you're interested in, by 300 anime you'll probably have watched maybe ~25 legitimately good ones. After that, at least in my experience, you'll be numb to the bog standard garbage and be able to drop it in a heartbeat when it's clear it won't be any good, and you'll ONLY watch the good ones.

>if there are only 10 dishes you like, you don't like food and should fuck off
>if there are only 10 women you find attractive, you're actually gay and shoule fuck off
>if you only enjoy being outside while the sun is shining, you don't actually enjoy being outside and should fuck off

If originality wasn't a metric of quality, why wouldn't creators just copy the top-rated shit 1:1 instead of trying something at least marginally different?

That's true. Most guys I know who've watched 700+ are like that. I'm far from it myself.
But this one guy, he watched hundreds when he was 13-15, whatever came his way based on synopsis alone. He hasn't seen most classic shows as we saw dozens of them together. If you've taken a liking to mediocrity early, then any recent thing above average might seem like genius work - and that's exactly wht's happening to him.


I don't know how can people watch 100%, 50%, 20% or heck fucking 10% of anime shows aired every season. If I watch a show for season it would be a lot for my standards.
99% are boring ecchi, harem, slice of life shit, and other pathetic tropes used again and again. How can someone watch this shit on a regular basis?
I've been watching anime for 10+ years and I watched my 100th show a year ago, and I regret watching some fucking shit too.
No, most of anime is shit, it's not subjective.
>I-I enjoy doing that
You literally enjoy watching shit.

>if there are only 10 dishes you like, you don't like food and should fuck off
I agree with your overarching point but this is the sign of a severe autist

>Being a picky eater
>Being beta and caring about 3DPD
>Not stargazing
You should fuck off.

I'm on the spectrum, otherwise I wouldn't be on this website in the first place

Yes, if you have that limited appreciate of those things you probably shouldn't be spending your time on /ck/, /s/, or /out/. If you chose to go there and complain about all the things you don't like I would hope they would tell you to fuck off too, you whiny cunt.

If you hate Anime so much stop watching it.

1. Copyright law exists
2. Something "marginally different" isn't original anymore than a new character derived from an old archetype is

>watch shows that are supposed to entertain you
>be entertained and have fun
You sound buttblasted

I stargaze
But only when the sun is out

>That one guy who's JLPT N2 at best yet mocks EOPs
Just so you know, N2 is the second highest level of fluency. Someone at N2 can very well make fun of EOPs.

Right? I'm a no-life NEET loser and I still watch maybe three airing anime a season (although partially that's cause I like to wait for BDs)

But the thing is 99% of every medium is shit, it's not exclusive to anime. It's just that anime attracts the no-taste dregs that can't differentiate that and talk up every piece of garbage so anime as a whole gets a bad rap.

I agree with the overall sentiment of your post, but whether you like SOL, shonen, or whatever or not simply boils down to preference. People like different things.
I love SOL but hate mecha shows for example.

If you watch so little anime why the fuck would you bother coming to Sup Forums?

People who value some warped sense of originality over execution are dumb. I've seen this happen a lot among mecha fans.

So in order to post on either of those boards you're essentially not allowed to have standards?

I think OP is just buttblasted that someone he knows enjoys anime that he doesn't like. If this someone isn't forcing his taste onto others I don't see the issue.

I don't exactly want to hear this crap from someone who has barely watched a hundred shows.

>eating bland tasting food and enjoying it
well okay good for you but accept the fact that you have bad taste

And what's wrong with watching shit if you enjoy it? Most people have guilty pleasures and that isn't exclusive to anime

To read up on news, to discuss shows he actually enjoyed, to look at nice images of anime girls, to discuss merch.
There's a myriad of reasons to come here, and even if you don't like it, people who don't blindly love every anime like some mindless drone will keep coming here. And there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm saying that anyone below JLPT N1 hasn't worked hard enough to justify mocking EOPs.
t. Has been N2 for years but too lazy to work for the N1 exam.

You shouldn't bother discussing a hobby with hobbyists if you don't actually enjoy the hobby in question, no.
Otherwise you're just the same as the newfags starting rec threads.

You can't enjoy a few aspects/pieces of a media and say "DUDE I LOVE THIS MEDIA"
Just like you can't just like a single music genre and call yourself a music lover. And if you don't like something, what holds you to the respective boards where passionate people speak about the media as a whole? Just because I think rap, hip-hop and r&b are absolutely shit music genres that don't deserve being called music doesn't mean I lurk on Sup Forums and shitpost every thread I can find.

Well let's make it clear? Is Sup Forums's hobby watching and discussing anime or watching and discussing good anime?

>if you don't actually enjoy the hobby
You keep pretending that if you don't like everything about a certain thing, you don't like it. Which is a very strange view of the world.

I don't see a single rule anywhere that states that you're only allowed to come here if you indiscriminately love everything about the medium.


There are far less than 300 anime worth watching.

Except this thread is about butthurt over 700 shows, which is significantly less than all anime and an easy number to reach if you watch seasonal anime for several years.
This all sums up to "stop liking what I don't like".

All anime. One look at the catalogue should make that clear.
Liking only 10 dishes does not make you a food lover, it makes you an incredibly picky eater.
Liking only 10 women does not make you a perv, it makes you a borderline homosexual.
If you only like a tiny fucking fraction of a hobby, then you aren't a hobbyist.

Sup Forums's hobby is shitposting and masturbating, that's why porn threads are the most civilized ones

I'd rather listen to someone who watched under 100 shows than listen to someone who watched more than 500, at least the first guy has standards.

Half of the discussion in this thread isn't even about the OP post, but rather about why people choose to watch a huge amount of anime and why some people might choose not to do so. It then devolved into a flaming shitshow, where autists told that anyone who doesn't enjoy every single anime should gtfo.

According to your criteria.

But /ck/ isn't a board for "food lovers". It's a board about food and cooking, meaning that even someone who only likes 10 dishes will fit in there, find advice and a couple of threads he can discuss with people in.
The same applies to every other board. These boards aren't secret clubs accessible only to "hobbyists", as you call them.

That still doesn't give you the right to criticize the whole thing when you've only seen 100 shows. Every season, there are at least 2 shows that grab my attention and I'm satisfied with it.

>under 100 shows
You fucking retarded faggots. There are a lot more than a hundred shows worth watching. Stop trying to be an elitist faggot, Sup Forums has never been about being picky and you and your newfag friends won't change a damn thing about the fact that this board has been creaming itself over Code Geass for a decade, and dropped Guilty Crown every week.

More like retards saying "only x number of shows are good".

I hate haremshit because I just lost 10 years of my life into To LoveRu so I think I'm justified

Franxx thread?

>the first guy has standards
How do you figure that the first guy has experienced enough of the medium to even establish standards
If you only watch popular shit and get a list of "essential anime" from reddit or some other shithole you'll easily have watched 50 or so shows and still be a complete fucking plebeian

>You can't enjoy a few aspects/pieces of a media and say "DUDE I LOVE THIS MEDIA"
I guarantee you will never find a person on this planet who loves every aspect of a media. It's flat out not possible. Taste doesn't work like that.

>where passionate people speak about the media as a whole
They don't. You don't have threads that talk about EVERYTHING in existence (outside of meta threads like this), no matter what board it is. If I wanted to talk about [good music genre]s, I would go circlejerk in those specific threads. There's no reason for me to shitpost in [bad music genre] threads.

Fuck off, tryhard niggers with nothing to back them up are the worst. I'd rather deal with a literal newfag who's willing to open up and try different things.

This is the hobbyist equivalent of "x race isn't white!" I know Sup Forums is renowned for elitism but get a grip.

>at least the first guy has standards

With you live long enough, you will watch a lot of anime too.

t. 33yo, watched over 400 anime.

And /ck/ is fucking garbage full of youtube videos and Facebook posts. Or whatever Americans may or may not eat.
They still take the piss out of fussy eaters though.

I know a guy like that and haven't interacted with him in a long time because all he does is bitch about normalfags and post Saber.

Then make those fucking threads, user-sama. I'm sure you can show us the way towards watching good anime and can bring about the height of this board in terms of anime knowledge, right? Show us the way, be our Jesus.

I wouldn't use Touhou otaku as a particularly high standard for literacy, to be honest. Are you saying they couldn't read something like half of newspaper articles?
Either way, people should try harder before lording it over others.

No, if your purpose for watching anime was to "watch the all 300 good shows there are", then you were the ausitic collector from get go. The other guy on other hand just loves anime and enjoys watching it.

Nigga, I think you're confusing me for one of the snobs in this thread. I'm just saying there are extremely specific threads on extremely specific subjects on every board. Even if you don't like every aspect of a medium, it's not difficult to find a thread to settle down in. Unless you have some kind of brain problem that drives you to shitpost in threads about things you don't like.

It's all subjective, bros.

Not liking everything about a medium is very different from sticking in your own corner and disregarding everything else. I find people like that are the real snobs.

Maybe I should rephrase it.
If you only like going out when it's sunny, and go and post on an /out/ thread about walking in the sun, that's fine.
If you go to tell everyone that walking in the sun is the only worthwhile outdoor activity and anyone that does anything else is a clueless moron, then you need to fuck off.