Goblin Slayer

Stupid sexy nopan elfo

Made for goblin cock

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Would goblin slayer slay elf like he slays goblins?

They are not goblins, so no.

Dark Elf, if they were with some goblins.

I dunno, she has big floppy ears and is small. I think she's a Half-Goblin.

This is a retarded thread, please never post about elf again.

Goblins or nothing


Now that i think about it, in D&D setting Elves is even more malefic than Goblins.

Are you all ready for the anime attracting edgelords from all around the globe and fucking idiots calling this an iseka series? I

That already happens.

I’m just going to hope that retards don’t spam the catalog when it premiers with the martial arts girl getting gobb’d because if that happens then the threads will truly be unsalvageable

I think you are a complete retard and know nothing about "D&D setting".

Cant wait till she gets raped.

Why do people still pretend that there will be any rape of the main characters? I don't understand it, it makes you look mentally ill.

Sadly this. Poor user.

>complaining about mental illness
>on Sup Forums
You have to go back

If none of them gets raped, there is absolutely no point in reading it.

>Flashback to Sword Maiden getting Gobbed

Why don’t they have more rape?

At least I'm not stupid and pretend that this is "the rape manga" when there is barely any rape happening.

Then you better leave the thread, here you will not find what you are looking for,



So whats the next chapter gonna be about?

Not rape.

Not that user but there’s not much here to enjoy. Especially given the low quality of these generals. At least they try to enjoy something.

Molestation and vore


>when there is barely any rape happening.
Wait for the end of the arc so you can see how wrong you are secondary

>he doesn’t read it for the rape

>Then you better leave the thread, here you will not find what you are looking for,
What did the redditor mean by this? How could I find rape in the thread? I thought it should be in manga/light novel? DUMB!

>Not that user but there’s not much here to enjoy
And yet this thread got bumped from page 10. Why?
> At least they try to enjoy something
They try to enjoy somethign that isn't there. Must get boring masturbating to the same pages from the first chapters of the original manga and year one, because that's actually all the rape we got.

This is the thread about the manga. People are posting about the manga. Until we get there, people will still act like this is the rape manga. And this won't change the fact that this was never the rape manga. It barely contains any non-consensual sex and you guys even got blue balled from the lack swordmaiden flashbacks.

>And yet this thread got bumped from page 10. Why?
Annoying as hell goblin bumps by people who can’t let a thread die when there’s nothing to discuss.

Drow aside, there's whole Dracorage Mythal shenanigan.

>constantly bumped from page 10
>good thing
>implying people talking about earlier chapters is bad

Yeah, this was to fight the dragons. And?


Listen here, kiddo. The rape is the only thing that made this manga and therefore light novel popular in first place. Without it. its just a much inferior Berserk.

This. I was here in the first threads. Everyone was gushing over “Hot monk rape with BOOTS ON” and making memes about rape. It was everything at the start.


Gob champion jobbing

Why not just allied to Bahamut and fight normally?

There is almost no chance this doesn't happen imo.

What if the goblins rape Goblin Slayer revealing he's a twink ?

Because killing is good and we need more people to die.

Because you then would bitch about that too.


>tfw just discovered this yesterday
>tfw no new chapter

Read the Light Novel

But I want to read rape.

What happens if you rape a goblin?

Sure, but i'll bitch less compare to make strongest race in mortal world that already 50% evil and 50% good that already fight each other, and the good side already start to gain victory, then they create a device that turn 100% of them into mindless rage beast that create enmity from the good side, then +25000 years later when their leader and heroes party that saved your homeland nicely asked for a piece of paper with "sorry, it's just a bantz" written on it their king thrown into misfit rage because it hurt his pride.

That was later in the time of dragons, and the last dragon rage was caused by a lich, formerly a human.

Priestess losing a shoulder, elf getting her tube top ripped off, and GS trying to agent 47 a big goblin

i don't like how CG befriends Priestness, i know is because the latter massive charisma stat but i wish she deep inside hates her.

sick page 10 bump, my dude

>posting the non green hands version

as one of those rape-meme-makers I will second this

Seriously though the elf-hater spammers are either hipster who think that going against Tolkien would make them unique or Skyrim babies.

Bahamut & Tiamat being tsundere to each other is already happen before Dracorage Mithal created, in RoT, Protanther specifically want Elves to apologize for creating it in the first place. The one activated by lich is also permanently stopped by heroes lead by human, well kinda.

He'd slay that poosay

>God of Evil spawns cunning female gob to rape Goblin Slayer
>all the girls have to protect their husbando

>the goblin rapes the harem too


If you read it just for the rape it will become a boring read after the first few chapters because the rape scenes are less and less prominent as the story fleshes out more.

And yet dragons were still the rulers over Faerun, with some pockets of giants and small upstarts of lesser races. The spell was a way to end their rule. Honestly, I don't know what you expect them to do, not using their magic to get rid of the dragons to form their own kingdoms? If the time of dragons was so great, why don't they just all join them? Not only elves, dwarves and humans too.

That false for many other threads on Sup Forums have their own form of shitposting, rape shitposting never contributes anything.

GS got popular because of the MC antics and they memed him to beign doom guy later, overall GS can stand on its own now.

user said there is another drama CD coming where priestness goes solo, is true?

Because they don't expect GS to do anything to them, and so goblins are the next best choice?

Let's be real lads, the rape is only upsetting because it happens to cute girls with sexy bodies.
If it happened to tumblr whales we'd all be saying they and the gobs were made for each other.

It's fucking hot, especially because it happens to cute girls with sexy bodies.

if it happened to tumblr whales, we would still wish to stop it because the sheer level of horror and vomit it would cause.

It isn't a meme, the difference is Doomguy has been alone in hell for thousands of years, while Goblin Slayer was alone for 5 years and his party is now slowly trying to rehabilitate him.
Goblin Slayer had a chance to be doomguy and he passed it up by not entering the mirror to the goblin moon and destroying it from the other side

>Implying the manga would have lasted past ten chapters if that were the case.

GS is still human, he has the potential (like he went full madman with the champion) but he still mortal and his party trying to fix his brain doesn't help.

That wasnt a portal to the moon unfortunetly but a gate to one of the DK generals hq that notharui alredy destroyed.

I say beign memed to beign doom guy as in pic

>goes solo
>in a setting where rape is common.

This reminds me of my d&d wizard going solo or getting """lost"""" in a dungeon when I want to be that damsel in distress. It also helps that our DM is a lewd person.

i think it not a gob mission and GG is monitoring her...somehow.

Side with the good ones and fight the bad ones, using Dracorage is like someone spreading Elf rabies because Drow is trying to summon Demogorgon, which they did. Also reducing Dragon population from both side is like begging Io to tear falled the world.

So, why don't they join them all now? Humans and dwarves too? It would be so simply. But it's almost like these species can hardly coexist. The dragons already killed the former inhabitants of Faerun, these birdpeople. The good ones as well. The dragons threated the elves ever since. You are making this far too easy just to blame some elves.

He should monitor her. A female priestess/wizard archtype going solo is a rape magnet or just asking for it.


black screen, closeup to terrified Priestess, cut to Goblin Slayer who only hears a scream deeper in the cave, etc.

No visible rape.

I'm a mangaonly fag, does the cowgirl get gobbed? please no

not main girls gets gobbed as far the LN goes.

16th March (YO)
24th March (main series with the gobbing of Elf, also the new Brand new day series?)

>world has goblins known to have explorers venturing around
>lives in farm village
>sleeps with windows open
>and completely naked

She wants it to happen

except SM, but on the other hand...

>that pic
My sides.

backstory doesn't count.

>"with the gobbing of Elf"
>telling lies on the internet
Netero saves her and only her clothes ge damaged.

They did, against Tiamat. Elves, Humans and Dwarves too, but the Elves don't want their soldier putt at risk, so they stay at the back row.
Metallic Dragons only support the war at the start, now i admit this last more than thousand years and several species is already extinct, but when the first Elf arrive from Fey, Bahamut already rebelled and killed his own general. So personally, Metallic Dragons never cause direct harm to Elves.
The only one that specialize for hunting Elves is Green Dragon, which is green and none of Metallic Dragon species have green color.

Why's Elf so uninterested in panties?

The rape is the best part. It’s not upsetting, it’s pleasing.

Looks like we have a newfag.

No, it got popular for being false realism. The readers sperg on how realistic it is when it’s just another form of stupidity. It’s like how so many think pointless edge is mature.

Awww, look how hard he's trying

> overall GS can stand on its own now.
>stand on its own when virtually everything is lifted from something else

>t.brainlet that can't use cheap equipment and doesn't basic economic, war theory