Which is better? Ichigo with long hair or 002 with short hair?

Which is better? Ichigo with long hair or 002 with short hair?

#2 with No hair


long hair always

darling, hold on to me, do not leave me"


This could have worked.

So Ichigo would be better if her hair was longer?

002 looks not unlike a young Bridget Fonda there (with some hair dye of course)

Ichigo with long hair

it does soften her look there.

Ichigo with long hair is almost as good 02 with long hair. Neither of them are good with short hair but 02 would still be better.

And huge breasts

>Short hair 02


Both short

#02 - She is the best girl.

No. Then she just becomes generic.

Short hair 02. That way I can suckle on her ears easier.

Holy shit he fixed 02
Had no idea her hair was the problem.

That 02.

Diamonds, I tell you, diamonds

I love Ichigo's haircut, but I can't really see 02 with short hair. So, I'd say Ichigo with long hair.

02 looks dumb as shit with short hair.

02's best trait is her eccentric and complex personality. No matter what you do to their looks Ichigo will never be anything more than a generic childhood friend who only appeals to anti-bully rangers.

Long hair > short hair 99.9% of the time

Short hair is shit, so both of them naturally look better with long hair.

I'd make babies with left and one night stand right

02 is perfect no matter her hair style.

That's not 02 though. Face and the eyes aren't right and what is that shit on the ear?

What normalfags think updated.

>no takagi-san

garbage list

>Momonga #1
So this is what modern women want?

>short hair 02
wtf i love her now

>Goro ranking higher than Ichigo.

This is why Ichigo is the true Sup Forumsnon's choice.

>skeletor #1
I guess it's true that what's inside matters.

Fuck off.

Dang, long hair ichigo actually looks 10 times more visually appealing.

>2 weeks at #8
>Gilbert dropped by -1

>002 with short hair
Dino Damage

This man understands


>Darling and honey dropped
Fucking Normans

I want to protect and make love to her now.


Is this pic short hair?


>Tachibana, 02 and Yuzu on the top three

Normies are alright

Miku with Mikuhair

Long hair turns any girl into a cutie.


Short hair looks good on Ichigo

Short hair looks better every time, no exceptions

Short-haired 002 kinda looks like Benten.

We need more edits of Ichigo with long hair.


>002 with short hair

#2 a #2

>Ichigo dropped 4 places
How will strawberryfags ever recover?


they're probably already dead anyways


No, still alive and kicking.

how does it feel knowing that your ship is never going to arrive at it's destination, user?


02 will always be better than ichigo

Is she gonna get btfo by a gentleman?

Superiority of long hair is indisputable

Their daughter is superior

By this point i'm sure that all ichigo fags are hardcore cucks.
I mean imagine having your fetish made into a character.

She's a lot cuter here.
Long hair really is the best for a girl.

long hair

i expected worse

ichigo still a shit

>smug hitman with horns

>short hair
Imagine having taste this shit

Ichigo in this scenario.

>Two hitmen in the top 10
It's probably thanks to the fujo vote, but it's cool that one of the less popular shows has people on the list.


She's basically Rem LOL

OP this is the picture which made me realize that objectively speaking short hair is superior. Thank you.

Cucked by Yurucamp AGAIN how does it keep happening

Who would win in a fight between these two?

>complex personality
>a character from this season's hit anime television series, Darling in the FranXX
Pick one.

this, only dykes and girls with head problems have short hair

Everyone else.

My dick.



haha nerd i was first


short hair 002 i cant hold back...


She doesn't know

women want big hard bones




>pink-hair Ranka Lee
delete this

doesn’t matter, 02 still has a better personality regardless.

impressive, may I see it?