Koi wa Amaagari no You ni 56

Now that he has realised it, will Kondo try to get what he desires like a real man?

Or will he continue to be a self-sabotaging KEK?

If you know the latest chapters, you should know what will happen

He acts like a true man, user. Probably not in the sense you are implying.

Bokuben is better

He'll do the right thing.

Are you comparing this precious manga to harem shit? Go away.

Was that Haruka's nipple?

But it is better

Thanks for reminding me that new chapters came out. Nearly a volume in 2 weeks, nice.

>manga ending
>kondo only now realizing how good he had it
>bittersweet ending about how you shouldn't waste chances


Please, go away, kid.

They won't get together. They both helped each other to get over their insecurities and continue to be good friends.

Are you even serious? Did you read the latest translated chapters? Are you able to see how much Akira is suffering (and not for love)? He fell for her, sure. But he is mature enough to understand his love isn't the answer to her problems.

You are right, except about the "good friends" thing. Their feelings (especially Kondo's ones) are romantic. This is why probably he chose to sever completely his bond with her, after he was able to force her to admit her biggest wish is to run again. The painful fact is that they can't be even friends, at this point.

Romantically speaking, Akira's crush over him looks pretty shallow. She is a teenager, and during the first part of the manga, she acts exactly like your typical teenager in love, who thinks she found her eternal love. But her infatuation is way more shallow than it seems, especially because it was born in the context of some deep depression. She tried to replace her obsession for running, with an "impossible love". Kondo didn't want to fall for her, he already knew he was the one who could get hurt the most. He is very conscious about the age gap, the social stigma, but also about the ephemeral nature of teenagers crush. Plus, of course, he always thought he wasn't the proper person to her. Also this way, he couldn't avoid to enjoy her company, because he was depressed as well, because of his failures in life. Thanks to her, he reconquered forgotten feelings and bittersweet memories, that helped him to write again, and writing is his biggest love, exactly like running is the biggest love for Akira. He saw himself in her, someway. In the latest chapters, he was tempted to confess to her, but he knew it was the wrong choice, especially for her. Because she needs to come back to her teenage life, and to running. And maybe, inside him, he thinks he isn't able to love someone more than writing, so she deserves someone better than him. Plus, he believes her crush for him will disappear fast.

In the chapters 80/81, he acted in such a mature way. He was able to reject her a bit harshly with that "there's nothing I can offer you, all I need is an old pen and a manuscript", but it was necessary for her admitting what she really wants: running. He treated her really with a fatherly attitude, despite he is actually in love with her. And he openly and humbly belittled her feelings to him, telling her she will forget everything about him, and it's okay this way. We don't know Akira's letter content yet, and I wonder if he was completely right, and if Akira's feelings for him were only escapism, and pretty shallow. Many people are able to fall seriously in love also when they are just teenagers. I mean, most of my friends are married with the person they met and liked when they were only 15/16 years old. But Akira's case could be one of those actual cases of shallow crush, and in her particular situation, induced from depression. We will see. If she really loves him, she should pursue him even if she is able to run again. But I doubt it.

Plus, about Kondo and literature: it's not like he had lost the courage to write...It's more the opposite. He was depressed because he hadn't been able to lose completely that passion, that had hurt his family. But now it looks he admitted to himself he can't stop writing, and he needed the courage to admit this to himself. He can't change that side of himself, even if it ruined his family. I wish he can realize fully his dream. He made some ugly mistakes in his life, but he deserves a bit of happiness, now.

They should at least have sex before they depart.

If he had wanted, he could. I mean, she wanted to spend the night to his home, you know. But he rejected that, and he forced her to admit she only wants to run again, and he took her back to her home. He is a true gentleman, and a nice person.

The main girl is boring.


Most of the time she's quiet, mopping about her dreams and staring off into or at people like a weirdo. Plus, her only other noticeable trait is that she loves Kondo and he has way more personality than her despite being a bit boring himself at times.

She loves running too. I guess you are not into this kind of storytelling (few dialogues, and you must understand the characters by their attitudes and expressions). I find both of them complex and refreshing.

Just wondering, are you anime-only viewer? Because if so, I guess I can understand where you're coming from.

I noticed here on Sup Forums many people lost interest in this series since there's was the announcement it was ending, with basically no chances for the main characters to be together. It's such a pity some people are so obsessed over romance, disregarding all the rest. Maybe this shows the average age here is rather low.

Not really, just she's still boring to me regardless of her hobby. She's cute and all, but that's mostly it. Change up the gender and no one would care about her. She's reminds me of Haruhiro from Grimgar whose also rather dull. In the end I hope they both go back to doing the things they love and she loses that lame crush.

Yes, I'm an Anime-only viewer why should it matter? Let guess "there better in the manga"?

Shut up, freaking romance fag. Go out experience real romance boy.

>self-sabotaging KEK
Kill yourself
She is not main girl but the MC. Also shitaste. Go watch some shounenshit with explosions

>why should it matter?
The build up is just very slow. A lot of chapters were nothing really important happens but which slowly reveal you more things about Akira and Kondou. In the beginning Akira is very passive, she appears almost depressed and it looks like her crush is the only thing making her happy but as things progress she begins to open up more and you learn more about her personality.

I'm not saying you should read the manga because if you didn't like the anime it's not going to be any better. I just personally really like the meandering storytelling and to me the manga has been a really rewarding read.

Eat a dick you boring loving faggot. She sucks as MC and Kondo feels more like MC than she is which is pretty sad. I only read/watch hentai, seinen and shoujo's with an INTERESTING MC example My love story!

Fair enough, but I hate boring leads is all and the anime should've done a better job showing more if. Because if I have to go read the manga to see for myself she doesn't suck then that's a poor adaptation.

whats the most LEWD the manga get?

I said what I noticed here on Sup Forums. I am able to appreciate a good story like this even if the romance isn't the main point.

Well, she is boring to YOU.

There's nothing lewd in this manga.

Opinions. I tried both the anime and the manga of My love story and I dropped both of them. Boring as hell, and flawless stereotyped characters (yeah, despite his looks the MC is basically perfect, he is some kind of hero. Complete shoujo shit).

I loved this manga so much. I reread the same chapters so many times. It's probably because I am depressed but I was able to relate to both the main characters, who are really very human. It's not the kind of manga that you should read if you want some kind of escapism and entertainment, overall the mood is bittersweet, and you always feel this pain in your chest. I also cried a bit, reading some parts. Without being overdramatic, it's so sad. But I like this kind of feeling, because I usually repress my tears so much, so sometimes I need this kind of stories to be able to cry.

He will make her very happy and sire her many a child?

Selfinsertfag pls

The same tender hug as in the anime

Still better than " my only traits are I love Kondo and I mope a lot "

My opinion is law faggot.

They are not her only traits.

YES, they are. She's fine but a boring MC. Heck the girl from Fruits Baskets is more entertaining than her.

He's shitposting with it in every threads. Basic falseflag

He is probably impotent and didn't want her to know.

Ore Monogatari sucks and is made for self-inserting uglyfags.

Akira is way more complex and realistic than Takeo. Basically, Takeo is some kind of superhero with low self-esteem about his looks. But he is perfect: gentle with everyone, altruistic, he can save people, he is strong, etc. And like a harem protagonist, he gets at least three girls in love with him.
Akira is generally cold (but she was a bit more open before her injury, way more open with her close friends at least), she gets easily mad at people, she gives a shit even tho she is impolite with people whose she doesn't care (see Yoshizawa), she isn't prone to forgiving (even if at some point she will understand Kase's circumstances that bring him to be so cynical, at the end she will punch him, literally), she can be also capricious like a child. Her personality is everything except for "perfect". She also lacks of self-confidence and she can be very egocentric.

Like yourself?

Takeo may be generic but he still entertained me. Akira is just boring and her crush on Kondo plus the staring is kind of creepy at times.

I respect your taste, good for you if you find generic characters interesting, but you can't deny Akira's complexity and realism. Her personality is full of flaws.

You gay? Is the only reason you don’t understand Takeo’s manliness.

I'm not denying anything. Just she's not my cup of tea regardless of her flaws and insecurities. I just think they're trying to hard with the complexity and realism that turns me off from het character.

She isn't your cup of tea, but they are not "trying too hard". I find her very similar to me, for example. I can be a selfish piece of shit like her, sometimes, just because my depression destroys me.

I forgot to say how stubborn she is (like me).

Lol I don't care about your personality. Not trying to be a dick though.

>not trying to be a dick but let me be a dick and say
Look man it's fine, let the guy relate to a flawed character it's not a crime.

I'm not telling them they can't just why the heck did they feel the need to tell me that?

I told you that to give you my reasons for liking this kind of complex character. You gave your reasons for disliking her, so I think I have the right to express my reasons for appreciating her characterization.

Okay, but why'd you bring yourself into? Just simply state you like her for her complexity and flaws and what not and be done with it.

But he was done with it. You just kept dragging the point.

I get the feeling Kondo is the kind of man who is able to love someone, but not more than his personal passion. He is like Chihiro. He already hurt a woman in past, so I believe he repressed his feelings for Akira also because he doesn't want to repeat the same mistake, especially with a girl so young. Letting her go is the most mature thing he could do.

No, they kept trying to make me see she isn't boring.

No, I spoke about how I can relate to her because you said they are trying too hard to make her realistic and complex. Just because you can't relate to her and find her boring (and I accept your point of view) this doesn't mean she isn't a relatable character for other people different from you.

About the latest translated chapters, I found way interesting Chihiro's point of view about literature. He thinks his novel is garbage because it's only what people want to read (basically escapism). I guess this could reflect Jun Mayuzuki's point of view too. This is why this story is so realistic and bittersweet.

No shit Sherlock.

Nah. I'm easily a 7/10, unlike the people who self-insert as Takeo (like you).
Manliness is not the same as ugliness.

Even tho, probably she could see literature also like a way to help people (like Kondo implied). So, a mix between the two things.
Anyway, she is a fan of Akutagawa, and this story plays around Rashomon topics a lot.


Hahaha, so pathetic

Listen bro. I have been patient with you, so far. Now fuck off, please. Thanks.

I'm just being modest, not all beautiful people are show-offs. We wouldn't want unknown uglies from the internet wanting to fuck us when we already have to deal with these kinds in real life.

I don't know if "play around" is the correct expression. I guess to say "revolve around" is better.

Oh wow, thanks, buddy~

Both of you need to shut the fuck up.

Shut up. Thanks.

The character done well. Anons would end up with melee fight if they could