Lads, I came across this image and finally realized the truth, sex means nothing, nothing at all

Lads, I came across this image and finally realized the truth, sex means nothing, nothing at all

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sieg and this faggot ruined the entire show. one bland faggot and another overzealous faggot.

>ha ha guys isn't it hilarious that I'm sexually attracted to this male character who looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, and acts like a girl ha ha I'm so gay
Nobody cares.

Traps are like Schrodinger cat, you really don't know unless you peek "Inside"

2d != 3d, end of story.

I dunno, Sieg isn’t as bad as Shirou. If I put up with that retarded dude, I can’t really hate Sieg who while has asspull powers like Shirou, is at least 2 weeks old and is allowed to act stupidly. Yet more often than not, he doesn’t really act as dumb as I expect an anime protagonist with his age should.


W-what is this under her skirt?

He's cute and all, but do we really need several Astolfo or whatever other nu-trap threads every day?

Give them and inch and they'll try to take a mile. There was a thread that hit the bump limit a few days ago followed by thread spam. Repeated behavior.


It really does mean something.
In this case it means you´re a faggot and you´re ok with it.

>Sucks your dick and calls you gay

>a literal facebook meme
Fuck off.

Smug Panty paired with cussing is the best.

Will we get Charlemagne x Asstolfo in the new Fate/Extella game?

Anime, WHEN?!

I want to protect and make love to her now

Homo in denial.

feisbook. com/story. php?story_fbid=346232012544839&id =100014741298718&ref=bookmarks

That just means you're gay man.

Am I the only one who likes Bestolfo as a character without feeling any attraction? I guess it's because I don't care for kawaiikos in general that I'm immune to his trap powers. That and the LatAm dub giving him a more masculine voice.

Yeah I liked him a lot by the end. I'd still fuck him though.

Boys don’t have hips that wide or thighs that delicious


>Boys don’t have hips that wide or thighs that delicious

Filthy secondary. Shirou isn't dumb. The anime just can't portray his internal monolog. And his power makes sense, it is all derived from being fused with one of the most powerful objects in existence. Meanwhile, Sieg gets Siegfried and Frankenstein powers because.....? Sieg gains self awareness and independence because....? Sieg wants to fight because.....?

Still less annoying than Shirou. I guess it's because he has the excuse to be still learning how to be a living being that I can tolerate his lack of common sense a bit better than Emiya's.

Sometimes I hate all of you niggers

Why don't left behind the fan art and taking the official art. ooops...

Shirou isn't even slightly annoying in the VN. He's a thought experiment of the consequences of heroism and following ideals to extremes.

Semiramis does things to my dick.

How many times are you faggots going to spam this character?

Probably until a cuter one comes along.

here we go again