Is there an age at which you should stop watching anime, lest you want to become a manchild?
Is there an age at which you should stop watching anime, lest you want to become a manchild?
nani sore
Last two digits will be your answer
Sore nani?
No. You are a man child if you continue to act like a child in situations you are expected to handle like a functional adult. Watching anime because you prefer to consume entertainment that is drawn as opposed to captured on film has nothing to do with it.
Fuck yeah Im gonna be shitposting with my dakimakura on my fucking deathbed
But many anime (not every single one, but many) specifically target the highschool audience. These anime deal with topics that are important to a highschool demographic, use the highschool setting extensively and refrain from using mature themes.
Is it acceptable to watch such a show past a certain age? You're essentially consuming something that was made for people much younger than you, who don't have the amount of experiene and maturity you have.
I'll stop watching when they'll finally get to One Piece
You can apply the same reasoning to western animated media.
Why is it ok for adults to watch and meme about the latest pixar/disney movie but not anime? Feels like a contradiction, as both were created with a young audience in mind - in fact I'd say disney movies target a much younger audience than most anime.
Besides, you talk as if everyone watches shounenshit. I suppose a majority does, but there's always a bunch of titles each season aimed at an older audience.
Don't wander outside of your designated thread.
If there's nothing going on but schoolkids doing schoolkid things and that doesn't interest you; don't watch it. Where's the problem?
being a manchild has nothing to do with what you watch its more about how you carry yourself and your lack of communication skills.
Considering you're asking that I'm afraid it's too late for you.
good i fucking hate minions
anime will probably become more mainstream/normal just through general online exposure. even the most normie youtube videos have accounts with anime avatars making postings in the comments.
>You're essentially consuming something that was made for people much younger than you, who don't have the amount of experiene and maturity you have
By that logic once you reach a certain age you should stop consuming media alltoghether because there's next to none of it aimed at old people. There's nothing wrong about watching media not intended for you as long as you're aware of it, and it's not the only type of media you consume.
Highschool is barely tolerable. College is not.
Are you saying that you're underage or that you're a self-loathing faggot crying for attention?
The age you lost your virginity at.
You tell me OP. I'm a 26 year old single NEET. At least I have a nice computer and I'm not a virgin. Kek
but watching anime starts to get good around 25ish
Sup Forums has become such a fucking trash board
Congrats you'll fit right in faggot
I'm saying that you should get a fucking life, loser.
People should unironically kill themselves at birth, if they don't want to become a child.
Don't think I'll have to ever worry about it then
The fuck are even you doing then? Going on an imageboard about things you don't care about so you can complain about people you know almost nothing about? And you tell me to get a life?
Many people don't know this, but moe manga like K-On, Yuru Yuri and Gochiusa are actually made for fully grown adult men despite being about schoolgirls. It may be a hard concept for westerners to graps, but most moe anime is meant to be consumed by grown men. Most haremshit is meant for teenagers though, but you shouldn't be watching that as a 30 year old man.
The most popular movies right now are all comic book movies/Disney movies.
The most popular songs are all targeted toward younger audiences, and have been for a long time.
Go on social media and you'll see many grown ass people unironically using emojis and memes and language generally expected of a 12 year old.
The infantilization of society is already here so I just go with the flow. I don't care one bit if someone wants to give me shit for liking anime because I know they're also into shit that's just as dumb and juvenile.
is there an age where people should stop watch shitty shows on netflix? Because that is just as much a waste of time (and therefore immature) as
watching anime.
>replying to bait
>pretending to be retarded
>Yuru Yuri
fuck off newfag, it's yuruyuri
fucking lucky.
Im almost 30 married with a kid. I stil watch anime sometimes.
I entered college at 17 and didnt finish my bs til like 4 years ago. Never worked before I graduated.