High school setting

>high school setting
is there anything more revolting?

Whenever a show includes a loli character and lewds them. Honestly makes me sick to my stomach and I drop the show on the spot.

Setting doesn't matter.

>is there anything more revolting?

Came to say this.

But danshi koukousei is a solid 10/10.

Proof high school setting can be good


Isekai + beta self-insert mc that magically produces girl attracting pheromones just by existing

Isekai where the MC enrolls in high school, but it turns out to be a school that teaches the art of tsunjutsu, and soon MC has a harem where everyone is tsundere.


Fuck off

Correct. I could be told that a series is literally the greatest story ever told, but the moment I hear it's Isekai, I'm immediately done with it. It's crazy because I've only actually watched 3 Isekai series over the course of 2 years, and somehow I'm completely fed up and tired with it.


I mean it's decent, but my lord there's so much high school anime that choosing something above average is the best you can do?

Yeas. A high school setting with magic and battles.

You got memed on, my nappa.

Except MHA is better than the vast majority of shounen.

I tried watching a fourth a few weeks ago. I really did try to watch Re:Zero, but my eyes just glazed over halfway through the pilot and I couldn't finish it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I felt like I could predict where every character and plotline was going to go before it happened. Maybe I'm wrong, and it's "subversive" but so claims nearly all Isekai, and none of that I saw was.

People being fed up with Isekai without even reading a single isekai webnovel...

Your point? The only shounen worth watching is better than the vast majority of its genre, fuck the only shit worth watching of any genre - unless you're a huge fan of that genre - is the stuff that is better than the vast majority of everything else. Nigga, that's the baseline.

That should show you how quickly it wears out its welcome.

Isekai generic fantasy

Isekai generic fantasy where the MC enters the world by falling through a portal and landing on a girl, grabbing her boob.

Yeah but I still don’t see high school setting being used and explored in the ways anime does in any other medium.

"nude" fanservice scenes with lightrays or hair strands glued on the nipples.
If I see that I just conclude it's not aimed at adults.

I find the generic beta male, megane, emotional, kind protagonist physically repulsive, to the point of anger even

>every setting must be unique

It’s in your hands user. You can just turn off light by buying BD

>Plebbitor comments on Sup Forums about being sick to stomach.
Go back to /r/anime, you piece of shit. Nobody needs your ironic normalfagging here.

>there will never be an anime that pretends to star a beta male self insert only to kill him off half way through the first episode and replace him with a alpha mother fucker who gets shit done.

Im thankful as they make dropping a show early really easy and convenient

Its not like Sup Forums's opinions matters

Fantasy in general and not just isekai.
I'm just tired of orcs, goblins, knights, wizards, elfs, dragons and all the shit that comes with it. Its always the same D&D party and old tired tropes. I rather watch generic sci-fi over it.

>Hot springs episode
There, that was easy.

>anime is set in the hood

I think you're just an incredible normalfag and also pretentious on Sup Forums of all places but it's fine.

Beta males who cant bring themselves to kiss a girl.

boondocks depending in if you consider it anime

Literally me

Middle school/junior high setting.

>protagonist is a pre-teen child
only shit that pulled this off was DB and FMA, the latter because they actually fucking grew up

>genre: Psychological
More like
>genre: Pretentious

Give nippon a break, user. They're just trying to write a wish fulfillment mangos about their idea of a school life that they never got to enjoy, just like most of us in this site.

What's wrong with high school setting?

Elementary school setting.

Hm. I just wonder why they're so insistently repetitive about it. It's strange


tfw>most of what I enjoy is Fantasy stuff

could you go a bit more into detail why you aren't a fan of the genre?

>highschool drop out
>I like watching what it would be like if I wasn't a tool and had people who cared about me

>BnHAfags actually believe this.

People on Sup Forums are sick of hearing about it on Sup Forums and mistake this for being sick of reading those stories despite never doing so.

Its impossible to have 2 tsunderes

The amount of high school settings eclipse isekai

Magical. Highschool. Isekai. Harem. And the winner is obviously the shittiest girl, the first one that is introduced. No harem end.

MC forgives the slut that ntrd him

>being this delusional
Holy fucking shit I knew it was bad but not this bad fucking hell

Are you the one who shitted on the Black Clover Thread?

Nothing is impossible! Make your dreams come true!

Generic mmo-based isekai

Minus and Minus equals Plus. Tsunderes just neutralize each other

I will fight all of you.

Hello LHT


>he fucks her again and gets her pregnant before dumping her

LH Translations, they mostly translate (their quality is ok)Isekai.

LHTranslation. Scan group that does a lot of isekai

Isekai where the MC must fight his alternate self over who has the worst taste in anime.

>mfw the father in myself;yourself beat his slut wife and burned her
He shouldnt have killed himself


i dont watch porn with the tag -gay sex- how about you don watch anime with tag you dont like

>expecting Sup Forums not to sperg
In a better world, maybe.

Nah, even Naruto's better than BnHA.

I bet you watched ergo proxy, started quoting kierkegaard and meme DEEP.

>watching/reading NTR
>bull uses aphrodisiac
Instant boner killer

>it was a placebo to get the girl to awake to her true slutty nature
>her mind implodes and she starts swinging her hips like she wants tmiget pregnant NOW

*to get

>MC doesn't fuck the girls because neither do you

Name one that's well written.

is it wrong to say i enjoyed SAO

for some reason i just enjoy how OP the MC was for once idk why maybe its b/c i was drunk when i watch most of it but for some reason i cant hate it tho i know its not the best in the *lsekai* anime world

Of course not, but every execution should be

>and normalfag

Well I'll be, never seen those two together before.

No it isn't, the setting of that show is a rich white neighborhood.

i love highschool settings, i really like background character interactions

>failing at the easiest part of life that will ever be

Unless your family was poor as shit and you had to drop out to work, or you got ill and missed a year + of school, you have absolutely zero excuse.

The greatest television anime ever takes place in an all-girls high school though

Mecha raises a red flag for me.

Sword and sorcery is great, It just needs to have more original races and shit.

my dad was in jail and my mom bailed on me when I was 15 and never came back

I still blame myself tho.

I think part of it is because I spent my teenager years playing D&D and reading generic fantasy novels, so I got burnt out. I just feel like its all the same and doesn't appeal to me anymore.

High school isn't bad if the characters are likeable enough and the series is more oriented to comedy/romantic comedy. Stuff like Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun or Azumanga Daioh are enjoyable for me.
Now high school drama that's something I can't stand.

that's fair, They all do kinda fallow the same story in a sense but I still enjoy the thrilling moments even if I know the outcome.