One Piece

How will Sanji save Luffy?

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About 12 hours for spoilers.
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Save from what? Luffy can asspull his way out of every situation now because muh stamina.

Sanji had his moment in ennnis lobby, right at the end. He is the guy who steps up on the 11th hour.
This is his chance.
Unless WCI is only just getting started.

Probably by making a distraction.
Most likely Luffy use Brulee's mirror power again to make Luffy clones like he did in the Tea Party.

I'm not a robot!!!!
voting isn't worth it

why would oda set up such a beautiful scene, and not have luffy step up


He'll do some powered-up version of Geppo where a massive explosion is caused by his legs and he moves uncomparably faster than before. Once he sees Luffy he'll use it once to get to him then once more to get to Sunny, too fast for anyone to react.

So Luffy will
>defeat bigmom
>befriend bigmom

>reproduce with Big Mom

They have nothing to make clones with. More likely to make him take appearance of someone else. The voice should give him out tho?

zou + wci volumes, who's gonna end up on #89's spine?

He will definitely defeat Big Mom. Not this arc, but he "promised" Katakuri he would.


When Brulee makes reflection of Luffy,pretty sure they sounded the same, but the animals were saying weird things.
So most likely Luffy use Brulee power to be Katakuri clone?


>no option for both

She is going to kiss him and then fuck around with his memories of her.

I know there's no way in hell Luffy will befriend Big Mom, but i cant really imagine how the rematch arc will go desu

LITERALLY the dumbest idea ever.

Pudding or Luffy/Katakuri

I was thinking, how can Kaido be considered the strongest living creature if he has lost in the past? and why cant he be injured but at the same time has a huge scar? could he be something like Doomsday from Dc comics, a being that every time hw is defeated, he comes back stronger and sometimes immune from what hyrt him before? thay would not only explain why he became virtually immortal but why he is considered the strongest living creature, just like Doomsday is the considered the greatest weapon of massdestruction

she will pass out because of her anger and either die because of it or fall into the ocean

Would Superman be able to find One Piece?

Superman IS One Piece

>Someone its so mad that made a comic page about it.
Oda wrote the kanji for kiss sound.

Because being super strong doesn't mean you're immune to the quirky paramecia fruits.

>Oda wrote the kanji for kiss sound.
Why are you lying? Hahaha wtf?
Are you really trying to lie or did someone lie to you?
That kanji was for the people at the plaza.
Viz even translated it for you, retard

Not sure if she changes the size too, considering kata is basically a giant. Maybe make Luffy take Brulee's look, chain her somewhere in mirror world and then have them come out and play it cool.

Did Pudding delete all his memories of her or just the kiss?

I love that the mochi boobs belong among the selection of things worthy of figuring on those spine.

Sanji and Pudding or Luffy and Katakuri

So much waiting for Kata x Luffy... for THIS.

My life has no meaning anymore.


I think his character shtick was that he fails his dreams all the time.
>Didn't beat WB or Roger and got to be Pirate King
>Haven't got a full Zoan pirate crew
>Joker was taken by Luffy
He wants to die because of depression.
But somewhere along the line, he got too stronk from chasing his dreams so he can't die.

your logic is backward

Best explanation is that he wasn't always the strongest, it took time and a lot of battles to cement his name and infamy

i can totally see brulee disgusing luffy as kuri and viceversa. what comes after that... i don't know

He's only undefeatable 1 on 1. He'd lose against several high level opponents.

>Fucks up your reverie
Zehahahaha nothin personel World Government

He will just run to the mirror grab Luffy and stride to the air.


Oda's choice will determine which ship is the best and the most important of the arc.
it's luka of course

>disguising your bro who's bleeding and in need of medical attention as a target for elimination
What could go wrong?

She didn't delete anything. Seriously why would she even do that? Why are all Sapufags so retarded?

>not BruLu

If Brulee can copy someone's appearance, size, strength, and abilities, why doesn't she just make all her cremated into Big Mom?

Just the kiss because she is too shy
sanji will somehow either remember or connect the dots of why he cant remember anything for the last 20 mins and his lips smell like puddings lipstick

Lubru is great too but Oda doesn't support it as much as those two, sadly.

is gangster gastino the only decent thing post timeskip?

Which character you would like to see the most in wano?

Why doesn't he just grab the mirror and fly away?

>copy strength and abilities
Who told you to read at the speed of light?

Ahem... "Crewmates," not "cremated." Sorry, typing on my phone is awkward.

bonney getting boned

What about the part where she stretches just like Luffy and hits just as hard as Luffy, or when she flies like Caesar?

as soon as they both come out of the mirror, fake kuri can just say to not touch his prey

Moriah with the corpses of Whitebeard and Ace

That mirror is 20 meters tall and attached to like 3 metric tons of wooden furbiture.

The shogun is not an option? I wanna see how this relationship between him and Kaido is. Is he more like a Spandam type character, or a tough fighter?

That's basically an active skill. How they could convince her to do so?
There'll be another mirror, unexpected at that.
>They have nothing to make clones with.
But it's choke-full of people rounded up, almost like they called for it.

Shatter it and take a piece large enough for luffy to come through

2 kinds of sapufags
Those who see Sanji as the ultimate lecher but want to see him get hitched up
closet Lunafags who see Sanji as a thorn on their ship

The same way they convinced her to use her power to make a distraction for the cake: threaten to break every single bone in her body if she doesn't.

The shogun is 100% gonna be there. This poll is for speculation on people who could appear only.
Though Marco and the rest are 100% gonna be there even if that wasn't confirmed.

They would need to come outside to do that, can't do it ambush style like for the cake. And the moment they get out, they get attacked. Not feasible.

>How will Sanji save Luffy?
Pudding will just do a mass mind wipe to get people to lose a split second of their memory to coincide with Pekoms emerging. That or Pekoms just takes Luffy to a new mirror since he should in some way be privy to the plan if he's been slinking around the background these past chapters.

I imagine that Pudding is going to get Sanji to leave the area by manipulating him since she obviously cares for him and might try to keep him safe by making him forget why he's there. Meanwhile the Strawhats might not even make it to the island because of any number of reasons and with the bulk of Big Mom's forces concentrated on that island, and her fleet partially damaged due to circumstances. It's a clean break for the Strawhats to just leave the area.

Where are the Germa in all this as well.

Don't worry, their tears will be delicious for all the stupid shit they talked

She can punch and fly. And she can make it look like her arm streches with her ability. Nothing indicates she's actually copying their abilities.

>why are all sapufags so retarded?
Just letting you know, you people were theorizing Nami was leaning in for a kiss when she hugged Sanji.

I imagine that Pudding is going to get Sanji to leave the area by manipulating him since she obviously cares for him and might try to keep him safe by making him forget why he's there.
He is there to save Luffy why would she erase that? I also doubt pudding is strong enough to use her powers on Sanji

>shatter it
How retarded.

>B-But they will kiss I swear
So you don't think they kissed OR Sanji's memory was erased? What do you think happened?

Oh, ok. I guess flying is just one of those properties often associated with...mirrors? Are you shutting me right now?

Buttseks in the alley

This, why do you think he had a moment earlier where he moved faster than Oven could even perceive?

He's just going to scoop him and run.

right, forgetting about that was stupid. Maybe I expected too much opposition form her after all that happened.

>you people
I only ship Luka, so could you not? Thank you very much.

Makes sense. But I don't see why anyone would root for that shit and think or hope Pudding will delete Sanji's memories of her. What the fuck. I makes no sense. Whether you ship them or not.

>hiding behind LuKa
Seriously user?


Suspiciously too obvious to trust Oda with Pudding like that.
>erase his memories
I don't think she can. Too weak but even if she could there is literally no reason for her to do it

adult only stuff

>He is there to save Luffy why would she erase that?
Because her entire family is there and we know she has a complex regarding them. Plus she might view this situation as too much for Sanji and want to stop him from going to his noble death.

If she's mustering enough will to go for a kiss, then why wouldn't she muster enough will to "save him from himself"

Not him but it's possible to be a lukafag while asking why sapufags are retarded

Welp, my mistake. Turns out I'm the speedreader. I thought Brulée's ass was coming out of a mirror in that scene. It wasn't, it's gas.
Shit, her power is actually OP as fuck.

Not him but only because that one LuNafag got exposed last night for hiding behind LuKa does not mean SaNa does it too

Neither. He promised to defeat Big Mom, and he will have her blessing.

He promised to defeat Shanks, and he has his blessing.

But he will not defeat either of them in the traditional way because that’s Blackbeard’s role.

Her crew will help Luffy in the final fight but Big Mom will already be downed by Teach, is my fan theory. He will prove he’s better by beating Blackbeard after they got owned by him.

>Pekoms just takes Luffy to a new mirror
and sanji will just stand here like a bozo?
>he should in some way be privy to the plan if he's been slinking around the background
last time we saw him with mont-d'or and tamago was around 3-4 and was definitely gone from the chateau's collapse site before 9, if i'm not mistaken. we don't really know if he's even aware of the ambush on cacao, pekoms acts of istinct when it's a matter of his mink brothers

>hat one LuNafag got exposed last night for hiding behind LuKa
What the fuck?

His legs are covered in the fat of his victims. He then uses friction to set his legs on fire.

What's the problem?


>and sanji will just stand here like a bozo?
I mean I did say what would happen to Sanji in this situation as well.

>we don't really know if he's even aware of the ambush on cacao
It would be hard to justfy him not knowing seeing as he was with at some point, and he's still seen as a member of BM's crew in addition to him somehow acquiring Brulee off-screen means he could have monitored the situation both beforehand to know that he needed to get to Luffy first, or he found out from Brulee herself.

I don't have any proof, just speculation though.

Why won't Luffy cut his belly open?

Reminder that LuKa is the ONLY canon ship in One Piece

Do you guys actually think the song is about Kata and Luffy?

Nah of course not, I know it's about Kim Kardashian and Kenny West. Do you take me for a fool?

>kanji for kiss sound
What did he mean by this?

Luffy doesn't know about his sacrifice.

I think someone lied to him and believed it.
Or a retard