Is loli the answer to the normalfag crisis looming on our horizon?
Is loli the answer to the normalfag crisis looming on our horizon?
It's a no-win situation if you support loli's in public. Normies won't do the research to see the difference between loli and people that molest children
That's just silly. Of course they won't "research it," you silly fucking goose, and that's good.
>the difference
>tfw if you post lolis in Sup Forums these days there's always some normalfags screeching about muh pedos
I remember a time when the word "lolicon" was used. Just another sign that this board is dying.
/r9k/ crossboarding newfags are hardly our biggest problem right now. They're our best friends compared to what might be coming down the pipes for us
> Normies won't do the research to see the difference between loli and people that molest children
Why do weebs say this? Are you sure you aren't the normie?
That was me only 4 years ago. But I have seen the light and am now here to help you preserve your culture against the flood of normalfag immigrant parasites
>the normalfags that shit up this board are of much lower consequence than the normalfags that don't care about any of this and never come here
Fuck off.
Newfags who have only half-assimilated lol
They can be assimilated. They WANT to be assimilated, you fools. They are on our side, even if they are naive amateurs. The next wave will just flood us out, destroy everything we have made, and laugh about it.
Fuck off.
Kill yourself, retarded crossboarder.
I forgot
I do more for this board than either of you. I'm not going anywhere, and neither are the newfags who are newer than I. That's the way it is. You can complain about it all you want, but it will accomplish nothing. I'm giving you a strategy with some life.
Fuck off retard.
>I do more for this board than either of you
>defending crossboarders
>defending normie
Yeah, you do a lot of work shitting up this place.
What you're doing won't work anymore. It just won't. You need to actually lead the newfags so they can help us in the coming struggle
You can go back anytime retard.