
Who's your favorite?

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KIRA. Who I love.
Was the other thread archived already

nani did the last thread get deleted also didnt we have a thread like this 2 days ago


Pucci has my favorite outfit of the group, I like Diavolo’s face and hair the most, and Dio has my favorite personality. I like all of them equally for different reasons.

For me, it's the Pucci.

DIO is the funniest, but all of the villains had great moments I guess.

They're all great, OP.

Which is best for lewds though?

The hot one.

They're all hot though.

The hottest one.

Gappy I want him to struggle but be strong with me as I tease him. Just as his gap teeth proto out and he makes a face ill tell him about what I did to his mother when he was gone. I want him to empty 4 balls of nut into me with that murderous look on his eye then fall into despair knowing he fucked a rock. I want to make sure Yasuho watching with PP as her man fills a Rock up.

My favorite DIO is Kars.
A lot of bullshit happened because of him, like the masks.


Kira of course, he had the best goal.

They all serve a few niche fetishes, so it depends on your interests.
Slutty vampire, enough said
Would show absolutely no interest in you as you fuck him, also vore
Extremely repressed sexually, salaryman and serial killer appeal
Can do literally whatever you want to him because infinite deaths, also a slut
Catholic guilt, literally worships cock
Taking advantage of the autistic
Phone sex
Monster boy, whore for pay


You mean worst.

You gotta consider stand powers too.
could stop time and jerk you off or ram you so that you feel it all at once.
can literally shapeshift into whatever you want and has basically infinite stamina and adaptablity.
if you like people licking your hands, he's your man. Also can't help but imagine him fucking you while choking someone to death.
Ruined orgasms by skipping over the exact second you cum.
Can insert the knowledge/ability of the best sex experts he knows into his head. Also can speed himself up to an insane degree while you move at roughly the same speed.
Sending you on an alternate universe crusade of getting fucked by different versions of himself.

No gappy makes me happy today.

A-user... He's no longer with us. Faggot mods got him imprisoned

Valentine makes me feel funny inside


Kira is definitely the best written one but I fucking live diavalo doppio king crimson and epitaph

who ever is the most fabulous with a manly pose

Pucci is definitely the best written one but I fucking live diavalo doppio king crimson and epitaph

Black Jojo when

hopefully never

Valentine is definitely the best written one but I fucking live diavalo doppio king crimson and epitaph

>best written anything

I don't think so, but his whole final speech was one of Jojo's best moments yet.

C'mon user


Despite what One may assume about me, diavolo is not even a Player on my list even if he shares the same body as doppy. he is a Parasite that is an Injustice to my beautiful doppio. he was a coward and Got my doppio injured by switching out bodies and Even then he only cared about himself. This Scumbag deserved what he had coming to him. Maybe after his 400th death he’ll End up regretting his actions. Unloyal People like diavolo should be Put to what he had to experience, especially In his case since he Offed my doppio and prevented him from living a wholesome life. if anything, doppio is my #1 even if he is not a “bossu”.

a decent size for you m80

Doppio isn't even a person faggot.

got diarrhea from reading this

Is it acceptable to drop one Jojo for another JoJo?

Where's voreposter

The Betrayal

Tsurugi festers weakly
sleeplessly, howling, romping
bashfully, sobbing


Only if the new jojo is better than the old jojo.

>stressing over fanga page all day
>as soon as I finish I close the sketchbook and see that the book was turned upside down all this time, so there's just this one page that's upside down for seemingly no reason
Rohan-sensei would be fucking ashamed. Take me now.

Ricepirate is doing a Mexican Jojo.
He's not really a Jojo, but his name is Jose something.

I hope the writeanons and drawfags weren't scared off because of a couple of ungrateful homos in the last thread.

your mom isn't even a person faggot

Dio Brando. His charisma turns me on.
No homo

After part 8 is finished, would you like Araki to make part 9 or a completely new story unrelated to jojo?

But my favorite isn't there.

The part 9 we deserve, part 8 is just following the continuity of part 7 and it fucking sucks as a result.

I blame part 8 for the decline in popularity of the jojo franchise as a whole, Gappy is a shitty protagonist both design and personality wise.

Based hairposter.

6 and 7 were the least popular parts. 8 revitalized its popularity.

I get 6 was unpopular because of the female protagonist, but why was 7 unpopular? Do nips hate the wild west setting?

Because it was shit probably

Fuck you don't start another part war.

Why is josuke so fucking thick?

I want to snuggle my dick between those thighs lads


cos Joseph is thicc too

>No spoiler
You're a disgrace to the uniform

His dad is Hol Horse so it continues the jojo naming trend since j's in spanish are pronounced as h.

That and probably the alternate universe

Slow start where it clearly didn't know what it wanted to be, really American, didn't start out called Jojo, switched magazines partway through.

fags need to be gassed

>Slow start where it clearly didn't know what it wanted to be
You must be retarded to believe this.

>it will be 5+ years until we get a steel ball run jojonium
>5+ years from a SBR anime as well

hold me anons

get him boys


Sandman was the first character introduced with a big buildup, but went on to be nothing but a minor villain. It began with the typical short, weekly chapters and was all about racing, there were no fights. Stands were only even talked about 16 chapters in. Sandman initially had some sort of sand-based power, which looked and acted nothing like In A Silent Way.

SBR is a very good part and a very good story. That doesn't mean that it, particularly its beginning, were perfect.


It's very noble of you to offer yourself up, user


Should I read JoJolion or wait until it's finished and read the other arcs in the mean time.
I'm kinda interested in the idea of a guy with 4 balls that's the fusion between AU Josuke and Kira.

I love~~~

So Kars?

Did you drink paint thinner as a child?

Good one.

your mom drank paint thinner as a child


no u

This is the longest most well thought out bait I've seen in a long time.
How many more years will you make us wait user? 2? 4?

Who's that?

How much do the italians like part 5? I want an Italian dub to happen after the thing finally gets animated but as i understand it they haven’t localized any David JoJo at all.

Araki is an italiaboo.

Italian dub for part 5 would make my dick wet

Based 'Based hairposter'poster

Hey I'm glad my thinner insult in response to retards who don't understand Doppioposter caught on

It's funny, witty, and clever. Just like Kakyoin.

What series are as good as Jojo for a total begginer? I've already read BLAME! and Berserk, but I need something more like Jojo's

I was thinking of naming my son Jobin, but then I noticed it's JO-BIN, not YO-BIN.
What do I do now?

t. Kakfag

Hero Academia

It's more like JO-BEEN

Name him something that matches your last name for JoJo/GioGio/BB/MiuMiu effect. Doesn’t have to be Jo.

you're mom

My Hero Academia, HunterxHunter

>your son


Name him Daniel and when you have another son in 10 years name him Terence

hell no

Unironically this. Do it user

do you guys think Araki is self conscious about not having blue eyes?