Is hiring actual english voice actors illegal in Japan or something?

Is hiring actual english voice actors illegal in Japan or something?

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Is is a guess but its probably too much trouble communicating with them

There aren't many people in Japan who know proper english and are also VAs

More like it's probably too expensive and a nuisance to organise if you want someone from the western VA industry.
Although if you're going to dub it anyway it could potentially save money with only one recording. Probably doesn't quite work out that way though.

Why would you hire a bad voice actor that speak fluent english over a good voice actor that does not when nobody in the target audience cares about authentic pronunciation?

>it could potentially save money with only one recording
That's some next level jew thinking user

One less VA to pay, at least. But yeah, I doubt the numbers balance out that way if you're getting someone in from the US or Britain or wherever.

They could just find Japanese VAs that lived abroad for a while, for example in Australia.

>meanwhile this french dude animates a whole segment of the show by himself and manages to get some great french VAs to dub the whole shit

You don't have to be a VA for a few stupid lines in English, and there's no shortage of Anglos in most major Japanese cities. Hell, some would probably do it for free.

In one of detective Conan movies, they actually had an American VA voicing an American who's fluent in Japanese (with a gaijin accent) it was a decent performance

Started to watch anime last week, huh?

citizen kane of anime


Engrish is easier to understand for japsand vise versa, that's also why the VA for genji in Overwatch is different in the japanese version even though genji speaks japanese

Oh my god did you know that although takoyaki contains octopus taiyaki has no seabream in it?

He's more fluent than any native.

Why are the Japanese fish waffles shaped l like a seabream then?

off the top of my head i know in Free, upotte and squidgirl there were people who spoke actual English and didn't just make English-sounding grumbles.

Of course professional voice actors can speak English normally. They use Engrish because it's easier for nips to understand.